Swallowing truth makes you sick.
We each create exactly what we’re inevitably here to dissolve.
When you’ve deviated from the truth and natural movements of your being (a complete betrayal to your system), the only way to live with that internal split is to distract yourself with self-created 'issues’ that would not exist (and ultimately don't) had you remained in your power (your natural state) in the first place.
The saner you are, the more insane you (and they) appear.
You are the only remedy for your suffering.
It’s no one’s job to keep you stable. It’s your job to contend with your own instability.
A ‘disorder’ is just the dirty version of a clean and rejected desire.
A 'disorder' is a defence against reality.
The ‘disorder’ dissolves when you do for yourself what you’re trying to do through the other.
Personality Disorder: Seeing self / life / others through a temporarily distorted lens.
Personality Disorder < Personal Reality Disorder < Personal Reality Distortion
Co-morbidity doesn’t exist. The second is just a compensation. But hey, so is the first.
Why would you put the mentally ill (human) in charge of your life?
You can’t reason with insanity.
The 'narcissist' and his so-called 'prey' are equally sick and addicted.
(Peep The Narcissist Collection)
The ‘narcissist’ is only the symptom. The actual problem is you.
The more you focus on symptoms, the further you stray from truth.
The more you self-abandon, the more symptomatic you become.
Every 'symptom' has the same origin.
Every 'symptom' has the same 'solution'.
What's a little more poison when you're already sick?
Regardless of the ‘issue’, it’s about your relationship to power.
You don’t ‘heal’. You see straight. That’s it.
You can’t ‘heal’ your way out of the illusion that ‘healing’ is required.
That never-ending ‘healing’ journey creates more problems than it solves. Kidding. It solves nothing.
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