Mandy Bites On Jesus Christ

  1. The world doesn’t need saving. Nor do you or anyone else. #sorrynotsorryjesus

  2. “I’m just following orders. Take it up with the Lord.” How to respond when people question your moves.

  3. It’s funny to me that people attribute / thank Jesus / God for them getting the things they want… but rarely (if ever) for the things they don’t.

  4. You’re not special. Your story’s not special. You’re a living god like everyone else.

  5. Hail nothing.

  6. Heaven is being exactly who and where you are.

  7. Since when does a god have to try?

  8. I use the Devil to get closer to God.

  9. The whole ‘God is outside of you / bigger and more powerful than you’ thing is completely absurd.

  10. You are God. You are truth. Stop seeking what you are.

  11. i shall tie you to a pillar / as an offering to the gods / and then i shall consume you / make a drink of your sweet blood

  12. Purity is the currency.

  13. Follow yourself to get to heaven.

  14. Stop making people your God.

  15. Waiting on God is waiting on you.

  16. When you deny yourself, you deny God itself. #samething

  17. Everyone’s a genius. Very few express it. Everyone’s a god. Very few recall.

  18. You are God in the flesh. And the answer to yourself.

  19. from the depths / from the silence / from the world beyond this one

  20. i have no interest in mortal love / i’m seeking the divine / a dancing of souls in the mystical realm / untouched by space and time

  21. Your willingness and capacity to suffer with and for another, is not love (for yourself or the other).

  22. You must touch God before you dare to touch me.

  23. All things exist to be made pure.

  24. when you refuse to deviate from yourself / for anything / for anyone / at any time / then… / you live / your life / as a god

  25. Nothing is sacred unless everything is.

  26. Church is always in session.

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