If there’s an exchange, it isn’t pure.
There is no workaround.
It’s not love or fear. It’s love and fear. Love includes the acceptance of fear. And anything else that arises.
If your goal is to please her, you’re doing two things wrong.
All couples have problems. All people who look outside of themselves for something / anything have problems.
“Hey, I ignored myself. Can you do me a solid and correct it on your end?” What you’re actually saying to someone when you ask or expect them to change.
It’s not about how long it lasts. How long does it remain true?
It’s not real love unless and until you have zero need / expectation / desire for the other to be different in any way.
Speak the truth or walk away. It’s the loving thing to do.
Most would rather have another cater / adapt to their dysfunction(s) / delusion(s) than to do the work necessary to correct it themselves.
I don’t work to keep us together. I work to break things apart.
Love and attachment cannot coexist.
Love is when nothing remains.
The less I care, the more I love.
Loyal to truth; not the other.
Full self-ownership is my kink.
Almost no one wants to go all the way.
Hearts don’t break. Attachments do.
If your shit can be fucked with by another making moves, your shit clearly needs a good fucking.
If it’s a NO for your being, it’s a NO for theirs, too. No exceptions.
If with or without doesn't feel the same, your work is to bridge that divide.
Even when I'm single, I move like I'm taken.
Others aren’t distracting you. You’re using others to distract yourself.
I love myself. I love being free of myself.
What I want cannot be bought. Nor found within another.
If you made your dating choices from your lower self, you may be entitled to compensation.
No need to show them the door. They’ll escort themselves out naturally, the closer you stay to you.
The real ‘no contact’ is with the abuser in your head.
Don’t aim for another. Master yourself.
Their moves are not your business.
Exposure is love (mis)perceived as a threat.
You want to be chosen without choosing yourself.
Even when you choose poorly, you still choose perfectly.
I blow shit up endlessly. Because I love you and I love me.
Your willingness and capacity to suffer with and for another, is not love (for yourself or for the other).
Giving to receive isn't giving. It's manipulation.
If there’s nothing left, I’m out. If there’s no thing at all, I’m in.
What’s best for you is what’s best for them.
You can’t be mine if you are not yours.
I cannot be kept. I just stay where it’s true.
Breakups don't break what needs breaking.
Intimacy only exists when you stay.
Do the work within the current dynamic.
Matterless love is the purest love there is.
The human wants a particular thing. The being loves (and uses) what is.
It's not true love until there's nothing in the way.
People ‘love’ you more when you suffer. Let that shit sink in.
They ‘love’ you on your way. But not once you arrive.
If you have to dilute yourself for love, it's not love at all.
If you aren’t fascinated by and obsessed with your lover, then what’s the fucking point?
I’m not here to spread love and light. I’m here to disrupt the grid. I’m here to dig and dismantle. I’m here to make the unknown, known.
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