What you actually want and are, is beyond the mind and the need to manage it or anything else.
Mind over matter? The mind IS matter.
You can’t honour truth through logic.
Mindset work takes you even deeper into the programming (illusion) you’re attempting to free yourself from by doing mindset work.
The only ‘tool’ you actually need is custom-built into each moment.
You use and teach tools and processes because you don’t trust yourself enough to go rogue.
Why would you put the mentally ill (human) in charge of your life?
The real ‘no contact’ is with the abuser in your head.
Thoughts don't create distortions. They're sourced from them.
Thoughts don’t create reality. You do. And you are not your thoughts.
The human thinks one thing. The being knows another.
Don’t mind me. I’m just freebasing life.
Do it in your head = head game. Do it for real = game over.
“WhY iS tHiS pErSoN wHo sHoWeD mE riGhT fRoM tHe sTaRt tHaT tHeY aiN’t riGhT iN tHe hEaD… nOt aCtiNg riGhT?”
If you care more about what they think than you do about what’s true, you’re in a prison of your own design.
i lose friends / and gain followers / for saying what’s on my mind (2012)
off to bed / with a bleeding heart / you must be on my mind (2015)
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