The Best Date Ever (2024), Taken at Moqueur, Montreal, Quebec
he feels the way / a good meal tastes
i am an artist before his lover / i am mine before i am his
it was the most natural dance with another / through the other who is me / a dance so fluid i didn’t notice the moves / i only felt the dance
i have no interest in mortal love / i’m seeking the divine / a dancing of souls in the mystical realm / untouched by space and time
caressing your sacred beauty / holding it firm in my hand / feeling your bliss move in and out / keeping it safe and warm
and when you make love / i’ll be loved, too / touch her and you’ll touch me / for the more you are loved / the more you will share / jealous, i’ll never be
beloved, you needn’t trade it / your freedom for this belle / they both are yours / no strings attached / i’ll give you her as well
the sight of you aroused me so / your nakedness, your mouth / your perfect natural beauty / my adonis from the south
i touch heaven / with and through him / and through me / endlessly
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My Second Home (2024), Taken at Sans Soleil, Montreal, Quebec
What You Won’t Do For Love | Michael Boothman
She Can’t Love You | Chemise
Only You | Steve Monite
Could Heaven Ever Be Like This | Idris Muhammad
Welcome Aboard | The Love Unlimited Orchestra
Today’s Your Lucky Day (Dub Mix) | Harold Melvin & The Blue Notes
Never Too Much | Luther Vandross
Things Fall Apart | Steve Monite
Why | Carly Simon
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The Anniversary Dinner (2024), Taken at Restaurant O’Thym, Montreal, Quebec
“My life has been a magnificent indulgence.” Dick Van Dyke
“Anything that feels good couldn't possibly be bad.” Angelina Jolie
“All good things are wild and free.” Henry David Thoreau
“I have the simplest tastes. I am always satisfied with the best.” Oscar Wilde
“The best things in life are free. The second best things are very expensive.” Coco Chanel
“I would never deny myself anything.” Mahesh Bhatt
"The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it." Oscar Wilde
“The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom.” William Blake
“I can imagine myself on my deathbed, spent utterly with lust to touch the next world.” Aleister Crowley
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Bedroom Love, Cambridge, Ontario
it’s the darker things / that lure me in / forbidden pleasures / and beautiful sins
i want you / i want you / i want you / was all he said to me
i like a man / who grunts and groans / while feasting on his kill
it's hard to do the right thing / when the wrong thing feels like this
to be adored / and to be your object / the tender and the raw / the poetic and the vulgar / my freedom and your reign
all i want is to destroy you / strip you bare and leave you for dead
i shall tie you to a pillar / as an offering to the gods / and then i shall consume you / make a drink of your sweet blood
first you leave me dripping / then you curse me with a drought
i live comfortably in excess / when it comes to things i love
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Fantasy Portrait by Agnieszka Lorek
as empty / as empty / can be
from the depths / from the silence / from the world beyond this one
my being writes / ahead of my life / love letters from me to me
that was yesterday / so far away / i’ve travelled many skies since then
meet me in / the in-between
too pure and true / for the world / and you
today i danced / and touched myself / the gift still satisfies
juices flowing / rarely stirred
i’m dancing beautifully / endlessly / i’m living a waking dream
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Ferias Wristbands (2025), Space Garage, Montreal, Quebec
Down The Line | Romare
Your Love | Romare
Miura | Metro Area
Mapoch War | Caiiro
Amore Profondo (Cairo Remix) | REMIX) Sparrow & Barbossa, Nomvula SA, Caiiro
Final Credits | Midland
Heppy | Panthera Krause
Kool FM (Champion Remix) | Four Tet, Champion
Gosh | Jamie xx, MC Moose
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Birthday Liger (2024), Montreal, Quebec
The real ‘no contact’ is with the abuser in your head.
To blame the ‘narcissist’ for ‘manipulating’ you into ignoring that initial gut feeling and your brilliant inner knowing is completely absurd.
When someone is free, they appear narcissistic to those still bound by themselves.
The 'narcissist' and his so-called 'prey' are equally sick and addicted.
Everything that surfaced through your dance with the ‘narc’ was there long before you two met.
You lied to yourself before (and more than) they ever lied to you.
The war, the hell, was (already) within. Perfectly out-pictured through ‘abuse’.
The next one won’t be better. The same work will meet you there, too.
Being with someone ugly steals your pretty. I’m not talking about looks. But those go, too.
Peep The Mandy Bites Collections
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Pink Panther (2024), Blvd Saint Laurent, Montreal, Quebec
“No matter how high you get, you can always get much higher.” Michael Singer
“The solution to every problem you have is to do the necessary work to make it beautiful inside.” Michael Singer
“You can either work on not getting disturbed, or you work on you (the self) not being distracted by the disturbed mind.” Michael Singer
“What it means to work on yourself is to do whatever is necessary to prolong the period of time before you get sucked in and shorten the period of time until you come back out.” Michael Singer
“At some point, it’s more important to understand what takes you out of it than how to get back into it.” Michael Singer
“Yes, it will kill you. And you have to die lovingly and willingly until that’s what you enjoy; that feeling of freeing yourself by letting go of your ignorance and the illusions you hold inside yourself.” Michael Singer
“Liberation at any cost.” Michael Singer
“The world will show you where you’re not done yet.” Michael Singer
“When you let go of you, there’s nothing but God and consciousness.” Michael Singer
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Fancy Ride (2024), Maisonneuve Bike Path, Montreal, Quebec
Organizing clutter doesn’t get rid of clutter.
You know exactly how to clean up your shit.
It’s you putting things in your own way.
They bring their mess to clean you up.
Freshen it up or burn it down.
The cleaner it gets inside and out, the more one notices - and the less one tolerates - debris of any kind.
The only thing that's 'earned' is the state you experience from the work you do to keep that inner non-space pristine.
It takes so little to play with me. But most are filled with so much.
What feels like magic is just you unobstructed.
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Cat Alley Kitty (2024), Montreal, Quebec
“Either the cat wants to do it or it doesn’t.” Lacie Evans
“Women and cats will do as they please.” Robert A. Heinlein
“One day I was counting the cats and I absent-mindedly counted myself.” Bobbie Ann Mason
“Her function is to sit and be admired.” Georgina Strickland
“I have lived with several Zen masters. All of them cats.” Eckhart Tolle
“I am the cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me.” Rudyard Kipling
“Never trust a man who hates cats.” Jane Pauley
“The cat does not offer services. The cat offers itself.” William S. Burroughs
“Purr more, hiss less.” Linda C. Marchman
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Humanity Against Evil / L'umanità Contro Il Male (1906) by Gaetano Cellini (1873-1937)
“They have to go through fire and hell to get to you.” Sanna Tirronen
“It goes from a hurricane to a surgical knife.” Sanna Tirronen
“The thrill seeking isn’t a physical one. It’s energetic.” Sanna Tirronen
“It is impossible to submit, to descend all the way, and not receive the unimaginable.” Sanna Tirronen
“Surrender is settling for what you can’t submit to.” Sanna Tirronen
“Nothing that is truly in integrity can be contained, managed or maintained.” Sanna Tirronen
“A leader’s only duty is to create at the edge of their own consciousness.” Sanna Tirronen
“If something is true, there is no risk of it falling apart.” Sanna Tirronen
“First you activate their knowing. Then they blow your mind.” Sanna Tirronen
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