A New Lens Every Day (An Essay)

The lens through which I see


the past,

and everything and everyone around me,

is always changing.

Every moment more refined than the last.




So fresh.

Seeing things I could not have seen a week ago,

even yesterday,

let alone a year or a decade before.

Seeing things tomorrow and every day thereafter,

that I don’t even notice right now.

Because the system constantly purifies itself.

Bringing up whatever is ready to go.

And once you’ve done the ‘heavy’ work of disrupting (facing and seeing through) the majority of your own shit (density/matter),

what remains is so much easier to navigate.

So much quicker to clean up.

Just like if you lived in an extremely cluttered home.

You can’t even get into the nooks and crannies because of all the shit in the way.

But once you’ve dealt with the overwhelming mass of clutter, you have the space and freedom to start beautifying the rest.

It’s the same with your energy.

When you finally face and deal with the mess you’ve created,

shit stops accumulating and then shit starts disappearing.

And soon enough you’re deep cleaning spots you’re just seeing for the very first time because your view’s now unobstructed.

And man, it feels so damn good.

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