Wakey-wakey, bitch.
The answer is more butter.
Even when I'm single, I move like I'm taken.
I’m high on my own supply of gorgeous fucking energy.
You are the aesthetic.
Kill them with consciousness.
The saner you are, the more insane you (and they) appear.
Permission to be cunty.
They can be however they want to be. I’ll make my moves accordingly.
Being with someone ugly steals your pretty. I’m not talking about looks. But those go, too.
The greatest cosmic joke is that we take any of this shit seriously.
“I’m just following orders. Take it up with the Lord.” How to respond when people question your moves.
I don't plan. I'm pulled.
I have zero chill. And all of it.
God damn, I turn myself on.
It’s so silly not to be in love with me.
If you want or need something from a call with me, it’s not time for a call with me.
Your existence is confronting to those who’ve yet to face themselves.
Hail nothing.
Batshit sane.
Everything's coming up Mandy.
I joined a cult and I’m on drugs now.
The less you do, the hotter it is.
Names are not called. They are made known.
I joined a cult and I’m on drugs now.
Others aren’t distracting you. You’re using others to distract yourself.
If you made your dating choices from your lower self, you may be entitled to compensation.
The cosmos shift when I’m on my shit.
Drop a bomb. Disrupt the grid. Leave the scene. Repeat.
I don’t care how it appears. I know what’s going on.
If you’re not getting hotter by the day, you’re doing it wrong.
She’s only a bitch if you are.
“Hey, I ignored myself. Can you do me a solid and correct it on your end?” What you’re actually saying to someone when you ask or expect them to change.
That never-ending ‘healing’ journey creates more problems than it solves. Kidding. It solves nothing.
Why would I be less me for anybody? The more me, the better. For everybody.
If your shit can be fucked with by another making moves, your shit clearly needs a good fucking.
Since when does a god have to try?
You’re an absolute genius. Fucking act like it.
The glow up is infinite when you keep current with yourself.
Full self-ownership is my kink.
Stop buying into your own bullshit and you’ll be just fine.
Anything you rely on will be stripped from you. You may as well strip yourself.
If you’re not being transported, then what’s the fucking point?
It’s either me or your shit. Never both. It’s always up to you.
Why would you put the mentally ill (human) in charge of your life?
“It’s their loss.” No, it’s not.
If you hold space for your shit, you're gonna have a handful of shit. And that shit multiplies.
Your insistence on sticking to what you said you would do, instead of making the new, true move, is why your experience fucking blows.
Is my genius taking over your timeline? Boofuckinghoo. And you’re welcome.
The world doesn’t need saving. Nor do you or anyone else. #sorrynotsorryjesus
You’re not at the mercy of the planets.
I’m here to fuck shit up.
If there’s a box, I’m gonna smash it. Sounds sexual but I don’t swing that way.
You do what you’re told by them. I do what I’m told by me.
Why block? Let them see you be great.
Until they say, “Who IS this bitch?”, my mission is not complete.
You gotta ride your own dick.
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