What you’ve yet to own, owns you.
You created X when you disowned the truth. When you own the truth, X disappears.
What's a little more poison when you're already sick?
It’s the inability to withstand the intense aliveness of being that drives the impulse to dilute or run from it, just as the inability to withstand it drives the impulse to seek that same jolt of aliveness through superficial means.
You are the only remedy for your suffering.
Stop leaving here to go ‘there’ and the ‘problem’ dissolves.
The addiction itself is not the issue. What’s sourcing the pattern of addiction IS. And even that is not an issue.
If the pain runs deep, the power does, too. Most fear the latter, so they settle on the former.
Addiction is what you choose in lieu of owning and applying your power.
It hurts so you can learn how to not do that shit that hurts you.
Every descent reaps more gold.
The only ‘tool’ you actually need is custom-built into each moment.
You don’t actually want to be saved. You want to be the Master of yourself and the domain that’s housed by you.
You ‘struggle’ where you’ve yet to own and apply your power.
Doing or not doing won’t correct what needs correcting.
Stop buying into your own bullshit and you’ll be just fine.
One must abandon themselves in the attempt to fill through external means what can only be satisfied internally through learning how to not self-abandon in the first place.
Your willingness and capacity to suffer with and for another, is not love (for yourself or the other).
You only need to ‘cope’ when you choose to leave home.
Regardless of the ‘issue’, it’s about your relationship to power.
We only feel the need to ‘escape’ when we’re existing unnaturally.
Addiction is the perfect way to ineffectively manage the discomfort of one’s inner deviation.
There is a purity, an innocence, and a very clean desire at the heart of every addiction / compulsion.
It’s no one’s job to keep you stable. It’s your job to contend with your own instability.
Your ‘issues’ are adaptations you created yourself, in lieu of being you.
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