Organizing clutter doesn’t get rid of clutter.
what a mess / you make / of me
It’s you putting things in your own way.
You know exactly how to clean up your shit.
Freshen it up or burn it down.
Even in darkness, one can still be clean.
Anything you rely on will be stripped from you. You may as well strip yourself.
The cleaner it gets inside and out, the more one notices - and the less one tolerates - debris of any kind.
The only thing that's 'earned' is the state you experience from the work you do to keep that inner non-space pristine.
They bring their mess to clean you up.
The mess is part of the art.
The things that jam your circuits are the portals to yourself.
You don’t ‘come down’ from clean energy. You just get cleaner.
The more that’s removed, the more there is.
Oh, how I love when there's nothing in the way.
It takes so little to play with me. But most are filled with so much.
Getting unjammed where it’s been the most jammed, unjams you everywhere else.
Equally empty and full.
The human needs the clutter. The being is the space.
Stillness. Silence. Space. Beneath the chaos, that’s all there is.
I go where it’s the loudest, just to make it quiet.
Anything that isn’t true, that isn’t you, is clutter.
Nothing needs to be added. What’s removed is what changes the game.
You’re here to clear the atmosphere.
Your system is naturally self-cleaning.
Stay until nothing is left.
Your job isn’t done until the matter is gone.
From cluttered to clean. From restless to still. That’s the electric tone.
If there’s nothing left, I’m out. If there’s no thing at all, I’m in.
Either clean it up so that it hits your spot or let that fucking thing go.
The real magic doesn’t happen once you get the shit. It happens once you clear it.
Accumulation doesn’t impress or interest me. I prefer things light; not heavy.
What feels like magic is just you unobstructed.
You can clean it all up in an instant.
Bypassing does exist. But only if there’s clutter.
The best ‘results’ come from dissolving inner resistance (seeing through matter which turns it right back to nothing); not from applying force externally in an attempt to compensate for the accumulation of matter that’s creating said resistance.
It’s not because you can’t clean it up. You just don’t want to - yet.
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