Mandy Bites On Wealth

  1. What I want cannot be bought. Nor found within another.

  2. Denying yourself depletes your account since everything is sourced from you.

  3. If there’s an exchange, it isn’t pure.

  4. The work is done now or not at all.

  5. Money can’t buy a beautiful life.

  6. Everything makes you more. Regardless of what you’ve ‘lost’.

  7. Accumulation doesn’t impress or interest me. I prefer things light; not heavy.

  8. You have access to all of it. No more and no less than anyone else.

  9. ‘A’ does not equal ‘B’ when you play in the unseen.

  10. You think it’s the money you want but it’s not. You want the experience of completely trusting your innate power and ability to create anything from nothing (including money). Regardless of circumstance. Regardless of another.

  11. My goal isn't the money. It's just the overflow of ME.

  12. Money doesn’t come from other people. It comes from you, through other people.

  13. As long as you're settling for a less than true existence, you have yet to earn the 'riches' that you misperceive are missing.

  14. You can't use external metrics to measure what's actually true.

  15. The experience shows you where you’re deficient. Not as a person. But in power and self-ownership.

  16. You can only work with what’s in front of you.

  17. Purity is the currency.

  18. You don’t have it? You don’t need it. When you need it, it will come.

  19. If it isn’t freely given, it isn’t yours to take.

  20. It’s you putting things in your own way.

  21. Fuck the idea that you have to do something to ‘add value’ to the world. There is nothing more ‘valuable’ than being who you are.

  22. No pleasure in the process? No pleasure in the outcome. Pleasure in the process? The outcome becomes irrelevant.

  23. My work is not for everyone. It’s barely for anyone. But for those who it was made for, nothing else will do.

  24. Those who come to you, just know. Because you know. And they want to dance with that knowing.

  25. The glow up is infinite when you keep current with yourself.

  26. I want what’s for me. And what’s for me is whatever does or doesn’t happen.

  27. Every descent reaps more gold.

  28. You can't access the MORE while saying yes to less.

  29. The most powerful decisions are made without backup, without proof.

  30. The real magic doesn’t happen once you get the shit. It happens once you clear it.

  31. nothing = everything

  32. You already have what you actually want. You’re just taking the long way around.

  33. You crave external markers when internal spots aren’t hit.

  34. Ignoring yourself is expensive as hell.

  35. Let there be nothing. It's the breeding ground for more.

  36. I haven’t lost my magic. And that’s how I know I’ve won.

  37. They love you on your way. But not once you arrive.

  38. You must account for the trickle down.

  39. Do you want what your human wants or do you want the fucking truth?

  40. If with or without doesn't feel the same, your work is to bridge that divide.

  41. Them: “What do you do for a living?” Me: “Float through space.”

  42. you must earn your spot / at the head of the table / that sits no one else / but you

  43. The only thing that's 'earned' is the state you experience from the work you do to keep that inner non-space pristine.

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