Mandy Bites On The NO

  1. If it’s a NO for your being, it’s a NO for theirs, too. No exceptions.

  2. Your NO is telling you that a higher quality experience is available through and beyond said NO.

  3. Your system inevitably screams NO when you've ignored its multiple whispers.

  4. Living inside a NO is one of the helliest hells there is.

  5. It stops when you do.

  6. no story = no problem

  7. There are times when a NO within an experience is enough to keep it fresh and intact energetically. And times when a NO must be applied to it directly, to maintain that same level of integrity.

  8. You demonize another to justify your perpetually ignored NO.

  9. My NO with him only adds to the turn on. Without that being my incentive to honour it.

  10. A true NO is telling me to stop. A true edge is telling me to go.

  11. If you’re resentful and angry, you said YES to a NO.

  12. You can't access the MORE while saying yes to less.

  13. You already know. You’re not confused. You either honour what’s true or you don’t.

  14. Ignoring yourself is expensive as hell.

  15. No one loses from your NO. What they get is what’s most true.

  16. it doesn’t matter why a NO is a NO / or who or what it involves / the NO is to the energy / and energy never lies

  17. You need to be willing to say NO without having something to say YES to.

  18. Avoidance is passive. Non-engagement is active.

  19. The human makes excuses. The being just says NO.

  20. Saying nothing says everything that needs to be said.

  21. You wouldn’t need to draw a line in the sand with words if the line was energetically there to begin with.

  22. “Things were never the same after that.” After you stayed when you should have left.

  23. You really can’t override living in a NO. You either stop doing that or you suffer.

  24. There is no making it right from within the cage of self-betrayal. The ‘issue’ IS the self-betrayal; not the actual NO itself.

  25. You get what you say yes to. And all the shit that brings.

  26. At the end, you come to what you knew at the start. And actively chose to ignore.

  27. By the time you say to yourself or another, “This is the last time (…)”, you have already bypassed your NO, relinquished your power, and ignored that moment of knowing.