You never get there.
There is no workaround.
The work is done now or not at all.
Here, right now, is the only place that's true.
Hail nothing.
Heaven is THIS; not that. Heaven is HERE; not there.
No one can take you where no one has gone before.
Life will force the expansion you’re not willing to take on your own.
You have access to all of it. No more and no less than anyone else.
Anything you rely on will be stripped from you. You may as well strip yourself.
Nothing can bridge the (illusory) consciousness gap. Only no thing can.
Purity is the currency.
THIS or nothing + THIS because there’s no thing.
The more you see through, the less interest you have in what you see.
We each create exactly what we’re inevitably here to dissolve.
You want the experience of IT. Not the 'it' itself.
You can't fix an illusion. And every 'problem' is an illusion.
Taking care of THIS automatically takes care of that.
What you actually want and are, is beyond the mind and the need to manage it or anything else.
You never need to ‘work out’ truth.
Wherever you are is where IT's at.
If with or without doesn’t feel the same, your work is to bridge that divide.
Stop leaving HERE to go there and the ‘problem’ dissolves.
You don’t ‘come down’ from clean energy. You just get cleaner.
When you move, nothing moves. Everything moves when you’re still.
no thing = everything
The cosmos shift when I’m on my shit.
The only ‘tool’ you actually need is custom-built into each moment.
I go where it’s the loudest, just to make it quiet.
I’m here to destroy and be destroyed.
Heaven is being exactly who and where you are.
The truth of now voids the story of then.
You haven’t lost anything. But if you’re ballsy enough, and you’re doing it right, you’ll lose EVERY. SINGLE. THING.
you must earn your spot / at the head of the table / that sits no one else / but YOU
The truth is always felt and known, beyond what is seen and done.
I’m here to keep flying in the face of what IS. To want nothing different from the moment I’m in.
There is no new consciousness.
I love myself. I love being free of myself.
Everything you make matter, becomes your Master. When nothing matters, you’re free.
New moment? Back at it.
You can't be off track in your own evolution.
All things are made equal.
‘Then’ doesn't exist in either direction.
The edge you seek is truth.
Follow yourself to get to heaven.
Knowing doesn’t require trust, belief or understanding.
You already have what you actually want. You’re just taking the long way around.
When you see through and exist beyond space and time, it’s a pretty fucking epic ride.
Each iteration fuels the next.
There is no code to crack.
The work is to do the work until nothing remains. Until nothing can move you from you.
How could it get better than this when this is all there is.
Existing wide awake and never moving IS the happening.
The human needs time. The being exists outside of it.
Truth exists, always was, is, and will be, regardless of the noise.
when there’s no one / when there’s no thing / when you’re empty / then you’ll see
You’re not special. Your story’s not special. You’re a living god like everyone else.
Organizing clutter doesn’t get rid of clutter.
What IS speaks for itself.
The true move does what needs to be done. Across the board. With everyone.
Nothing is sacred unless everything is.
Church is always in session.
You must account for the trickle down.
‘A’ does not equal ‘B’ when you play in the unseen.
Every question answers itself.
What feels like magic is just you unobstructed.
It’s about how still and spacious you are (and stay) as every piece drops in.
Why would you want anything other than what already is.
Nothing needs to be added. What’s removed is what changes the game.
When you know the game is to become more conscious, you use everything in front of you towards that end.
It takes consciousness. Not time.
I don’t care how it appears. I know what’s going on.
ALL of it is IT.
Stay where it's most alive, as everything dead falls away.
When nothing can stop you, that’s IT.
You can never close the door on truth.
The more that’s removed, the more there is.
Let there be nothing. It's the breeding ground for more.
There’s a still point deep inside you. Everything comes from that.
Saying nothing says everything that needs to be said.
She’s most aroused while in the void.
If there’s nothing left, I’m out. If there’s no thing at all, I’m in.
You’re here to clear the atmosphere.
In the void, you’re free.
Anything that isn’t truth, that isn’t you, is clutter.
Them: “What do you do for a living?” Me: “Float through space.”
It takes so little to play with me. But most are filled with so much.
The only thing that's 'earned' is the state you experience from the work you do to keep that inner non-space pristine.
Your system is naturally self-cleaning.
I was terrified there would be nothing left. But when nothing was left, I was free.
Your job isn’t done until the matter is gone.
as empty as empty can be
All things exist to be made pure.
Love is when nothing remains.
The deepest truths apply across the board. They’re simple, obvious, light.
from the depths / from the silence / from the world beyond this one
The energetic atmosphere tells you all you need to know.
Nothing is missing.
Death is nothing more than dropping form and remaining formless.
You created X when you disowned the truth. When you own the truth, X disappears.
I’m here to keep flying in the face of what IS. To want nothing different from the moment I’m in.
Everything is malleable.
Stillness. Silence. Space. Beneath the chaos, that’s all there is.
home is where i am / and where i’ve always been
Each moment is the main event.
Create a vacuum. Watch what comes.
Oh, how I love when there’s nothing in the way.
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