Mandy Bites On Time

  1. Pure consciousness. That’s what you are. Why would you need time?

  2. The truth of NOW voids the story of then.

  3. ‘Then’ doesn't exist in either direction.

  4. Being ahead of your time is still on time.

  5. What slows you down still speeds you up.

  6. The only reason why you haven’t ‘gotten over’ your ‘past’ is because you’re using it in the present to justify why you’re not free.

  7. ‘A’ does not equal ‘B’ when you play in the unseen.

  8. The human needs time. The being exists outside of it.

  9. Once upon a time, I fed myself to a wolf. I knew he was a wolf. And I wanted to be devoured.

  10. If you choose something or someone over yourself, you're gonna have a hard time.

  11. She has the time. Just not for you.

  12. You never get there.

  13. Every where is here. Every time is now.

  14. When you stop making it matter, it comes. Or it doesn’t. By then, it doesn't matter.

  15. You don’t need more time. You just need to listen to you.

  16. There are times when silence is the absolute truth. And times when it’s used to avoid it.

  17. When you see through and exist beyond space and time, it’s a pretty fucking epic ride.

  18. Every being chooses when it enters and leaves this world. As well as what it enters into.

  19. It takes consciousness. Not time.

  20. consciousness > time

  21. Someone 'coming into power' is not a defining line on the timeline any more than a falling leaf is.

  22. There are times when a NO within an experience is enough to keep it fresh and intact energetically. And times when a NO must be applied to it directly, in order to maintain that same level of integrity.

  23. You don’t have it? You don’t need it. When you need it, it will come.

  24. Is my genius taking over your timeline? Boofuckinghoo. And you’re welcome.

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