doing something
for or with a person
because you feel guilty or pressured
because you feel bad / sorry / pity for them
because you (mis)perceive they need saving
because you believe it’s your job to ‘help’ them
because you can’t withstand their pain
because ‘it’s just what you do when…’
is not pure
it’s not love
it’s an ulterior motive to ‘get’ something from the experience (validation / purpose / worthiness / love / security etc) and to alleviate the tension inside of you
for your own comfort; not theirs
but when you do something
for or with a person
because it is what you truly want to do
knowing that no one needs saving
knowing that you’re not here to ‘help’ through contrived, measured, self-serving, pat-on-the-back receiving, recordable / postable actions and mindless obedience to the status quo…
but through the raw truth of your being and your devotion to the pulse of YOU (and nothing is more ‘helpful’ than that)
knowing that another person’s pain is not bigger than you
or them
and that it’s not a problem to be fixed
at all
knowing that what you do or don’t do in any given moment is perfect
despite appearances
regardless of convention
no matter how another perceives it
simply because it’s what’s true right now…
then it is clean
then it is love
because it doesn’t require you or another to abandon / shrink / dilute / change / over-extend a thing for the ‘other’,
or to maintain the delusion that such a thing is required to show love or to be loved in the first place
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