The Energetic Flatline (An Essay)

The end point of any experience occurs when it feels flat / dead / empty / void of any charge.

Which has nothing to do with the person or the situation itself - it’s just the energetic cue that it’s time to play elsewhere (not necessarily physically) because a new scene is about to take place.

Yet most stay where it’s energetically dead with the hopes of bringing an expired experience back to life.

Imagining that something or someone matters more than honouring the current truth.

Hence, the flatline.

Because the end / the command / the brilliant move was missed.


To ignore the cue of right now,

for any reason,

for anyone,

is to immediately diminish the quality of your experience.

Which is why it’s better to seamlessly move from one activated moment to the next by not hopping off the ride, than to try to bring something dead back to life.

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