
Mandy Bites On Death

  1. Death is nothing more than dropping form and remaining formless.

  2. Every being chooses when it enters and leaves this world. As well as what it enters into.

  3. The longing for death, at the deepest level, is the desire to live unbound.

  4. If you didn't say it to me while I was alive, don't say it to others when I'm dead.

  5. Everything makes you more. Regardless of what you’ve ‘lost’.

  6. I’m here to destroy and be destroyed.

  7. You can only ‘destroy’ what wasn’t truth to begin with.

  8. If you’re not ready to off yourself, I’m of no use to you.

  9. I love myself. I love being free of myself.

  10. Kill them with consciousness.

  11. Kill or be killed? No. Kill and be killed. Repeatedly.

  12. Every descent reaps more gold.

  13. I don’t care how I’m remembered. I care how deeply I’m known.

  14. My pieces are not inclusive. I speak to the bold. The brave. The hungry (for death).

  15. All I want is to destroy you. Strip you bare and leave you for dead.

  16. He has to die to be with me. As does anyone else.

  17. Once upon a time, I fed myself to a wolf. I knew he was a wolf. And I wanted to be devoured.

  18. From the outside, it looked insane. To my human, it felt like hell. But obliteration was what I was after. Why else would I have danced right there?

  19. You haven’t lost anything. But if you’re ballsy enough, and you’re doing it right, you’ll lose EVERY. SINGLE. THING.

  20. Stay where it's most alive, as everything dead falls away.

  21. You’re not truly living if you’re not perpetually dying.

  22. You think it’s too risky to be wild. So you’d rather play dead to stay ‘safe’.

  23. You want to leave because you’ve yet to fully own you. And there’s no greater pain than that.

  24. He is where I go to die.

  25. We’re all on our way out.

  26. I like a man who grunts and groans while feasting on his kill.

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Thrown Off My Game (An Essay)

if it didn’t destroy me

if parts of me weren’t forced to die


and quite potently

through the is-ness of he and i

there’d be no pull for me to stay

- not with him -

but with all that arises

through the mutual destruction that our interactions bring

this alone is what interests me

because i’m interested in what disturbs me

and i’m interested in the art of becoming less disturbed

by what throws me off my game

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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Too Deep For Anyone To Reach (An Essay)

Last night I dreamed I was laying on the ground in the dark.

I felt peaceful and happy.

Then I realized I was actually underground.

Hundreds (maybe thousands?) of feet below the surface.

I couldn’t see it but I knew there was an opening where this hole the size of me had begun.

And I knew I was too deep for anyone to reach.

I knew that if they even tried, the earth would collapse above me and I would die.

And I knew that if I moved, I’d face the same fate.

Yet I still felt peaceful and happy.

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True vs Counterfeit (An Essay)

A true life and a counterfeit life can appear the same on the surface but are eons apart underneath.

The first is the A side.

The true side.

Rich. Juicy. Alive.

The second is the B side.

The false side.

Empty. Flat. Dead.

You can tell which reality you’ve chosen not by how it looks, but by how it feels.

It’s the energy that speaks what’s true.

You can make a ton of ‘empty’ money.

Have plenty of ‘empty’ sex.

Work countless ‘empty’ hours.

Recite plenty ‘empty’ I love yous.

But what’s the fucking point?

How about money, sex, time and love

that’s dripping with truth,

and overflowing with YOU.

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Overcompensating With Words (An Essay)

It’s never about the words themselves.

It’s about the energy sourcing them.

Which is why someone can speak or write the most beautiful piece, but you still can’t feel a thing.

It’s flat.

It’s dead.

It’s from the mind.

Not the being.

From a concept.

Not lived truth.

It’s overcompensating with words,

for what has yet to be touched.

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You Don't Need Closure (An Essay)

When you let a situation ‘bleed out’ (come to its natural and inevitable conclusion), you choose not to touch it because it doesn’t require an intervention.

It’s not avoidance.

It’s knowing through discernment.

It’s staying where it’s true.

Not remaining where it’s flat.


It’s not true that you need ‘closure’.

To wrap things up.

To contrive an end point, just so you can say it’s done.

It’s done the moment it flatlines.

Anything beyond that is just more of that.

No need to state the obvious.

Or bring it back to life.

Just stay where it’s most alive,

as everything dead falls away.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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The Energetic Flatline (An Essay)

The end point of any experience occurs when it feels flat / dead / empty / void of any charge.

Which has nothing to do with the person or the situation itself - it’s just the energetic cue that it’s time to play elsewhere (not necessarily physically) because a new scene is about to take place.

Yet most stay where it’s energetically dead with the hopes of bringing an expired experience back to life.

Imagining that something or someone matters more than honouring the current truth.

Hence, the flatline.

Because the end / the command / the brilliant move was missed.


To ignore the cue of right now,

for any reason,

for anyone,

is to immediately diminish the quality of your experience.

Which is why it’s better to seamlessly move from one activated moment to the next by not hopping off the ride, than to try to bring something dead back to life.

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