You don’t have a money issue.
A health issue.
A relationship issue.
Any issue at all.
You have whatever is brought to the surface through whatever meaning you’ve projected onto whatever is happening or not happening with your account, your health, your relationships, your whatever.
Not an issue.
An invitation.
It’s not about having or not having a certain amount of money.
It’s not about having or not having a certain measure of health.
It’s not about having or not having the relationship(s) of your supposed dreams.
It’s about facing and transmuting every bit of constriction / density / matter / illusion that shows up as you navigate every single facet of life - including your finances, your health, your relationships and all the rest.
It’s not about the category.
It’s about the congestion.
And the area in which you feel the most congested / restricted / powerless, is where you think there’s an issue (naturally), but ultimately it’s just the spot that’s the ripest to fuck with (look at, challenge, and ultimately see through).
It’s your own self-generated playground to unclog, free up, and own your damn power already.
So let go of the concept of there being an issue.
There’s no such thing.
There’s just energy moving freely or temporarily getting jammed up.
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