
The $1700 Edge (One Minute Clip)

Watch the captioned video above or listen to the downloadable link below.


Her: “I’m testing the boundaries at the moment. I’m working with another teacher who you know, and just before I made an offer on this MasterClass, I had a session with her, and she had tested me and said, “Okay. Well, what do you feel comfortable offering?” kind of thing, and I felt like I handled it quite well. But I really struggled when it came to yours because there was nobody holding my hand, but I pushed myself with it as well. You were like, “Offer what’s true.” and I sat there with it and then I felt for my edges and I got to this point and I was like, “Oh, my God. I’m gonna do this thing on top of this other thing. I just did that and then I’m gonna do this”. And I was like but this is the only thing that feels right. Like I can’t, I couldn’t offer you anything else. There was nothing else I could give you that would be true. And I was just like okay, this is where I gotta go.”

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Ready To Lose Everything (One Minute Clip)

Watch the captioned video above or listen to the downloadable link below.

Mandyland Radio is on Spotify, SoundCloud, iTunes, iHeartRadio, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube and most other streaming platforms.

Book a private call to be fully exposed and beautifully destroyed.

Explore the Mandyland Radio Archives (from 2010 to now).

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Sanna On Making Money Not Matter (A Transcript)

From one of Sanna’s lives:

There is the swampy feminine version of ‘money doesn’t matter’ and then there is the High Feminine version of ‘money doesn’t matter’. 

The swampy feminine version of it is that you spend it wherever.

You get sloppy because ‘it doesn’t matter’.

The High Feminine version is ‘money doesn’t matter’ AND you keep following the No, which actually means that you’re going to be spending less money than ever AND it’s going be easier and easier to both attract and keep money in your field AND make more and more of it because even though the money doesn’t matter, the quality of the experience does.

So if any physical thing is not a turn on for you, and if the quality of the turn on is not high enough, then it’s a No.

But a lot of people surrender.

They settle in their purchases and in everything that has to do with money.

And because they surrender, they spend money on things that are not actually a turn on, just like they spend energy on things that are not actually a turn on.

watch the clip (1:26)

Peep The Sanna Collection

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Not Enough Money In The World (An Essay)

If someone is stuck on their bullshit, I swerve.

I want nothing to do with it.

They can figure that out on their own time.

Not mine.

You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with someone who is not ready to let go of their shit.

Because there’s nothing there for me.

And I could care less if they’re ever ready.

I am absolutely not invested in someone else’s freedom.

At all.

They have to want that for themselves enough to do what needs to be done.

Which means letting go of their crutches and excuses and actually standing on their own.

At that point, we play.

Until then, I’m gone.

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Raw Dogging Life (An Essay)

No matter what anyone is selling you,

it ain’t IT.

Others can point to IT,

be a demonstration of IT (at best),

but the IT you seek comes from one thing only:

daring to be present enough in your own experience (no matter what it contains) to do the actual work of facing, feeling and seeing right through whatever shit is in the way of your heaven.

Raw-dogging life.

No buffer.

It’s as simple and as hard as that.

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The Language That Speaks (An Essay)

Numbers aren’t the indicator.

Followers aren’t the indicator.

Engagement isn’t the indicator.

Energy is the language that speaks.

There are plenty of people saying plenty of things while their energy outs them every time.

And there are plenty of people making and paying plenty of dollars for those words (and other energetically limp creations) because they cannot yet sense the truth (energy).

Your energy is felt and known whether you speak or remain silent.

It is felt and known regardless of what you say or what you avoid saying.

Energy can’t be hidden.

And words can’t hide what IS.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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“How Do I?” is Sourced From A Lie (An Essay)

“How do I?” is sourced from a lie.

It implies that something is wrong / lacking and clearly needs fixing.

You think you need to lose the weight / make the money / get the partner / overcome the condition (whatever the fuck) to feel / be / do / have A, B, C.

But you don’t.


Right NOW.

And do whatever you’re being called to do in each moment.

Illusory problem(s) solved.

But because you can’t handle the beauty and simplicity of being present in the moment,

or the responsibility of both listening to and honouring your innate brilliance,

or the potency of the fire that comes from being THAT close and devoted to YOU regardless of externals,

and you’re hell bent on fighting against what IS because of your idea of, and preference for, how it ‘should’ be,

you take the long and completely ineffective way around the truth and power of who you are.

Any attempt to ‘fix’ what’s inherently not a ‘problem’ in the first place, cannot be sustained because it’s both sourced from, and being overlayed with, a fallacy.

Creating an endless loop of shit that never does the trick.

You think it’s about the food / the money / the body / the babe.

But it’s only ever about you vs YOU, which shows up in all the things.


When you begin to see through it,

when you get to the place where you KNOW you’re good regardless of your size / your bank account / a relationship / your health (whatever the fuck),

and you know that YOU are bigger than (and the creator of) ALL those things,

(because THAT is the absolute fucking truth)

THEN you’re free from the energetic gridlock that’s been keeping all that shit stuck like a mutherfucker.

THEN you get to experience what’s always been on the other side of that illusory jail you’ve kept yourself in this whole time.

But until you figure that out and get to that place,

your perfectly orchestrated externals are gonna do their brilliant magic to show you that what you seek (and already are) cannot be found within any of them.

Every door ‘out there’ is gonna close until you finally open the only door that matters with the key you’ve always had.

Man, I just love how that works.

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Dollars Show You What's Up (An Essay)

You’re ‘bringing in’ the exact amount of money that’s ‘right’ for you every step of the way.

No matter how much or how little it is, it’s accurate.

Even if all you’re doing is creating more debt, it’s perfect.

Not permanent.

But still right / true / and 100% created by YOU.

You may want a different amount of money in your bank account.

Or more consistency.


But YOU know that whatever is coming in / not coming in / being invested / being borrowed, is the accurate amount at the accurate speed for wherever you are right now.

No exceptions.

It is YOU orchestrating this exact scenario at this exact moment in time precisely for what you must cultivate through it regardless of what you think about it and how different you think it should be.

And this is across the board until the day you die as the guru and student of your own life.

But you fight against truth.

You fight against YOU.

Instead of honouring the brilliance of what’s unfolding.

Instead of doing the work that’s required of you to see through what’s in front of you.

Judging or blaming yourself / others / the world for what’s happening or not happening with ‘your’ money.

It’s never about the money / others / the world.

It’s about you vs YOU.


The dollars (or lack thereof) just perfectly show you what’s up.

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When You Refuse To Go Blind (An Essay)

“But I don’t have the money.”

Who said money is even required?

If it’s for you, meaning that desire is sourced from the absolute truth of YOU, it’s not dependent on you having the money right now.

You’re never limited to your own bank account or bound by the laws in the physical.

You absolutely CAN birth that desire from the ethers regardless of your current circumstance.

You have access to ALL possibilities.

Beyond what you can even imagine.

But your devotion to the physical, to what can be seen and measured in this moment, kills the magic on contact and reduces your options to none.

You believe that what you see is all there is, and that’s where you go wrong.

So you don’t even make your true move.

The exact move you’re being told to do that will actually dissolve the exact thing you misperceive is real.

The move that will open the floodgates to the MORE your being is pulling you towards RIGHT NOW.

The more you claim you want but aren’t even willing to step into.

Because you listen to the mind.

Because you refuse to go blind.

Because you operate within the illusion of time.

“I don’t have enough.”

“I can’t see how.”

“It must not be for me right now.”

While your whole being is screaming GO.

But since you have no money and you have no proof, you’re like NAH, BRUH.

I’ll stay right here.

In the place I’ve always been.

And that’s why you don’t get the thing, my friend.

You’ve ignored yourself once again.

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The True Game Begins (An Invitation)

In both Masterclasses over the weekend, we got to the ‘Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ cuz I meant what I said.

There were no questions left.

All the spots had been hit.

Because when you get to the very bottom / top / core / depths / truth of it…

it’s so fucking simple, clear and obvious.

Nothing remains.

And the true game begins.

I’ve created more art out of the art that was created.

Recordings are now available.

DM to get your hands on the set.

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A Taste of the Ethereal (An Invitation)

More content and information isn’t what you need.

The thing itself isn’t even what you need.

You’re here to experience a perpetual free fall into the more you know you’re here for.

To dance in the depths that are far beyond words, paradigms, containers and all the things.

The ‘Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ Masterclass happens today at 2pm EST and it’s $300 for the ride.

If you want a thing from it, you don’t belong in it.

You won’t get a thing from me.

But if you want to touch and taste the ethereal,

where all the most beautiful things reside,

then come on this adventure.

DM to reserve your seat.

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Aim Directly And You'll Miss (An Essay)

it’s not about going after the money or the person or any thing directly

there’s no real power in an outsourced move

because when you focus on the moveable

the changeable

the malleable (illusory) thing

it prevents you from doing the only thing

that has the power to move ALL things

(keeping the focus on YOU, with each and every move)

but when you make your move

because it’s true

regardless of the money or the other

you ‘get’ who and what is made for you

you always get what’s true

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