
The Source of Energetic Instability (An Essay)

Energetic instability (which shows up in countless ways) is the result of an inner deviation.

And the more frequently you do it, the more unstable your system becomes.

The accumulation of your unwillingness to be the living truth of YOU (which often spans years, even decades), creates matter (in your system, in your relationships, in your life) that would otherwise not exist had you remained in energetic integrity.

The great news is, all of that matter dissolves back into the nothingness from whence it came - in an instant - once you stop doing that wonky thing you do, and just start being YOU - full out.

You’re already YOU anyway.

Whether you deny who that is or not.

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Distorted vs Clean Love (An Essay)

If neither of you are in your power, it’s not pure, clean love because it’s based on illusion / need / dependency / standards / etc (aka distortions), and not on the truth of each moment / movement which can only be discerned and honoured from said place of power.

It’s a poor facsimile that doesn’t even come close to the level of intimacy experienced by two people who are truly living in integrity and are thereby (distortion/clutter) free to choose truth in every moment, regardless of the other.

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Squeaky Clean (An Essay)

you know how a fuck ton of clutter and chaos in your home can just ruin your vibe

how all that excess weighs you down

how all that old shit you’ve been hanging onto and avoiding for days / weeks / months / even years

feels insurmountable

limits your ability to truly enjoy your space and the treasures within it

limits your ability to actually see its true beauty

limits your ability to move freely

limits your ability to BE HERE NOW

because everywhere you turn, shit’s a hot, overwhelming mess

and all that shit takes up a majority of your attention

clouds your vision

and makes it even harder to do what you actually want to do because ALL THAT SHIT IS IN THE WAY


it’s the same with inner clutter and chaos

except an inner mess can be cleaned up in an instant

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Bypassing Clutter (An Essay)

Bypassing does exist.

If there’s clutter.

But when there isn’t, it’s energetically impossible to carry the weight of the past or of a particular experience from one moment to the next.

There’s nothing for it to attach itself to.

No stories to make it mean something.

No addiction to pain and suffering.

No delusion of being a victim.

No need to run and hide.

Clutter simply cannot exist in the void.

There’s no accumulation.

The channel is clean.

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Existing Freely (An Essay)

I used to think self mastery meant to be void of feeling.

To exist as a robot in the flesh.

But it is to feel even more deeply, even more purely, than ever before.

It is to feel things that most wouldn’t feel under similar circumstances.

Which is why you appear so strange.

Instead of crumbling,

instead of anger,

instead of fear,

you feel calm.

Nothing can hurt you.

Lessen you.

Scare you.

At all.

Because you know that nothing is bigger than you, and therefore, nothing has the power to truly affect you.

Not just because you’re a god in the flesh, but because you can see clearly now, allowing you to pierce each illusion.

And the more self mastered you become, through the perpetual dismissal of, and the seeing through, all that’s false,

the clearer your vision becomes.

The cleaner your channel becomes.

And what remains is pure, potent energy.

Existing freely.

Just like YOU.

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No More Journals (An Essay)


a couple hundred journals of mine

spanning over 25 years

have now left the building

i just watched them get picked up

get compressed

and taken away

along with the stories

the past

the process

the pain

(and whatever else those treasures contained)

no ritual went along with this task

no tears have been shed (as of yet)

just a decision tonight

to lighten the load

and this post to say farewell

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