
The $1700 Edge (One Minute Clip)

Watch the captioned video above or listen to the downloadable link below.


Her: “I’m testing the boundaries at the moment. I’m working with another teacher who you know, and just before I made an offer on this MasterClass, I had a session with her, and she had tested me and said, “Okay. Well, what do you feel comfortable offering?” kind of thing, and I felt like I handled it quite well. But I really struggled when it came to yours because there was nobody holding my hand, but I pushed myself with it as well. You were like, “Offer what’s true.” and I sat there with it and then I felt for my edges and I got to this point and I was like, “Oh, my God. I’m gonna do this thing on top of this other thing. I just did that and then I’m gonna do this”. And I was like but this is the only thing that feels right. Like I can’t, I couldn’t offer you anything else. There was nothing else I could give you that would be true. And I was just like okay, this is where I gotta go.”

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Raw Dogging Life (An Essay)

No matter what anyone is selling you,

it ain’t IT.

Others can point to IT,

be a demonstration of IT (at best),

but the IT you seek comes from one thing only:

daring to be present enough in your own experience (no matter what it contains) to do the actual work of facing, feeling and seeing right through whatever shit is in the way of your heaven.

Raw-dogging life.

No buffer.

It’s as simple and as hard as that.

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The True Game Begins (An Invitation)

In both Masterclasses over the weekend, we got to the ‘Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ cuz I meant what I said.

There were no questions left.

All the spots had been hit.

Because when you get to the very bottom / top / core / depths / truth of it…

it’s so fucking simple, clear and obvious.

Nothing remains.

And the true game begins.

I’ve created more art out of the art that was created.

Recordings are now available.

DM to get your hands on the set.

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A Taste of the Ethereal (An Invitation)

More content and information isn’t what you need.

The thing itself isn’t even what you need.

You’re here to experience a perpetual free fall into the more you know you’re here for.

To dance in the depths that are far beyond words, paradigms, containers and all the things.

The ‘Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ Masterclass happens today at 2pm EST and it’s $300 for the ride.

If you want a thing from it, you don’t belong in it.

You won’t get a thing from me.

But if you want to touch and taste the ethereal,

where all the most beautiful things reside,

then come on this adventure.

DM to reserve your seat.

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If You Need Time, I'm Not The One (An Invitation)

If you need to be pushed / convinced / taught / supported / or ‘time’ to ride your own edge,

I’m not the bitch you play with.

But if you’re here for the absolute thrill and truth of it,

I’m that bitch you wanna fuck with.

‘The Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ Masterclass happens Thursday (tomorrow) at 7pm-8:30ish EST and Sunday at 2pm-3:30ish EST.

You don’t need this (or any) Masterclass.

But if your being wants to really fucking play,

and touch the depths where stillness lies,

hit the point where nothing’s left,

you’re gonna wanna be part of this.

$300 for one or $500 for both.

Click here to pay and message for the Zoom link.

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Pierce The Illusion Of Money (An Invitation)

Let’s pierce the illusion and remove the weight.

Let’s see money (and every other thing) for what it actually is (and isn’t).

‘The Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ Masterclass happens Thursday (tomorrow) at 7pm-8:30ish EST.

And again this Sunday at 2pm-3:30ish EST.

$300 for one or $500 for both.

Click here to pay and message for the Zoom link.

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Twice The Masterclass (An Invitation)

The masterclass is called ‘The Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ because all things are the same.

It happens this Thursday, June 30th at 7pm-8:30ish EST and this Sunday, July 3rd at 2pm-3:30ish EST.

We’ll have a conversation about no-thing, which is everything, and dance until nothing remains.

$300 per masterclass

$500 for the set

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