If You're Worried About Another (An Essay)

When you stop focusing on or worrying about others (your fellow innately powerful and sovereign beings), and instead start to focus on cleaning up your shit, there’s a high fucking chance that those others will also begin to clean up their shit as well, without you even saying a word.

Even if your redirection is disruptive or confusing for them at first, if there’s a part of them that’s ready to rock and roll, they will.

Which is why those closest to you (or anyone else in your field) can experience a reduction, if not the complete dissolution, of addiction, depression, disorders, ailments, anxiety, etc (the things you keep worrying about with regards to them), because you being fully in charge of yourself provides the opportunity (energetic framing) for them to land in that same powerful energy inside themselves.

It seems like magic.

But it’s not.

In one’s purest, most natural, energetic state, none of those unsavoury things actually exist.

It’s impossible.

They’re just how one copes with not being in, and applying, one’s power.

When someone has deviated from the truth and natural movements of their being (a complete betrayal to one’s system), the only way to live with that internal split is to distract one’s self with self-created ‘issues’ that would not exist (and ultimately don’t) had they remained in their power (their natural state) in the first place.

Thus, these ‘issues’ were created and held onto for a reason.

And when that reason dissolves, POOF goes the issue.

That’s how people can ‘cure’ themselves of ABC without years of XYZ.

It’s always and only about the energy.

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