Years ago I wrote,
“Why is the world so late to my party?”
Because I knew what I was.
And yet, I could barely touch HER.
And I thought (rather felt; not even consciously - only in retrospect) that if others caught on before I did, I’d somehow land in ME.
Except plenty did catch on.
Plenty saw ME long before I saw HER.
Long before I could live as HER without the split that kept me blind.
It was me not showing up for MY own party.
And I didn’t even know.
All I knew is that it hurt so bad,
to feel so damn far from ME.
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“I heard someone say that you should always be a half a step ahead because otherwise a full step is too far and people aren’t able to follow along. Sure, you stand alone but like… literally all alone. I’ve always felt so far ahead and also very much alone. This need to be understood and followed by others has what has kept me waiting and idling while I hope the world will catch up. Then… before I know it, someone else has created that thing that has been incubating and was now sitting dead and unhatched. To have a finger in the pulse of something that isn’t actually alive yet takes balls and yes... big ole dick energy to carry forth into the world. Always fucking waiting for the world to catch up is a trap. Plus… it’s not even fun doing shit everyone else is doing anyway. Man, what was I thinking.” Kristin Moyer