
You Can't Expand Energy (An Essay)

You don’t need to ‘create more space’ or ‘expand your energy’ to ‘hold’ more of anything.

Especially not clients or money.

Energy can’t be expanded anyways.

It already fucking IS all it could ever be.

It’s already at your fingertips.

It’s what you fucking ARE.

But if you’re in a container, that energy is sure as hell being contained.

So yes, in that energetically limp dynamic, you have to do the illusory work of creating space to hold shit that doesn’t even need holding.

You inevitably experience caps on things because you keep collapsing from things because you’re not already in your cleanest energy that requires zero upkeep or upgrades.

So you think (and are told by your fellow container mates) that you need to clear more things to make room for each illusory next level.

You know, ‘expand the container’ to ‘receive’ more type shit.

Emphasis on ‘shit’.

It’s not more space for / or more money that you want.

It’s YOU completely unobstructed that you crave.

I can help with that.

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They Don’t Speak Your Language (An Essay)

No matter how high-quality or high-end the container is or appears to be, its very structure prevents you from accessing your own knowing.

And guaranfuckingteed the container holder hasn’t fully accessed theirs either (or they’d be done with containers themselves), so how on earth can they take you to where they haven’t dared to go themselves?

It’s impossible.

They don’t even speak that language.

The language you speak but have yet to have spoken to you.

You’ll never access the full depths of yourself while being coddled away from who that is.

There’s another way.

An easier way.

And it’s a helluva lot more fun.

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Adept At Sourcing From Within (An Essay)

It’s amusing to me now to think of who and what I used to go to for answers.

Plenty of people.

Plenty of books.

Plenty of tools that left me out of my own equation.

People and things who couldn’t possibly take me to where I actually needed to go (to the edge and depths of myself), yet their inevitable inability to do so was perfect.

Because I eventually got tired of outsourcing.

And became adept at sourcing from within.

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Riding The Edge of Money (An Essay)

When a friend of mine found out what I charge for a call:

Him: “Now that’s charging what you’re worth.”

Me: “No. I charge what turns me on.”

Which can change at any time.





I don’t associate money to (perceived) worth or value (two illusory constructs).

I play with the tension of it.

I work my way up or down with the price and the details of a specific offer until I feel a tad nervous or even nauseous about it.

Like I’m about to jump off a cliff (because energetically I am), which is just how I like it.

If the number makes me feel like, “Holy fuck. I couldn’t possibly charge THAT for XYZ.”

…then THAT is the fucking number.

No question about it.

Because it requires me to cross the same energetic threshold that my client will need to cross in order to pay it.

A turn on for us both.

When I ride my own edge, a client will need to ride theirs as well if they want to play with me on said edge.

You see?

It’s never about the number.

And it’s not about charging the most (unless that’s the truth).

It’s about selecting the sharpest point of truth and turn on, which could change from one moment, one day, one offer or one client to the next.

So I’m not attached to the number.

The moment a number feels energetically limp, I’m playing with a new one.

The new true one.

Until the next true one.

So fun.

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Searching For 'IT' (An Essay)

It’s not that the paradigms, tools, processes and various healing modalities don’t work.

They absolutely do.

For many people.

Just not all people.

For one leg of the journey, but not the next.

Some have tried it all, dabbled in various mystical playgrounds on their ‘search’ for what and who they already are, and these things still never hit the right spot.

Or if they did, it wasn’t for long.

So naturally, being the seekers of truth and freedom that they are, they continued their search and began exploring what lies beyond the edge of what they once believed was IT.

Most don’t have a pull to do such a thing.

They’ve already found what works great for them.

So that’s exactly what they use and teach.

And some, with incredible results.

But for those who’ve yet to come across their version of IT, it’s a painful realization that the thing they thought was IT, wasn’t actually IT for them…

and that even though IT works amazing for many of the people around them who have already found and landed on that thing that could potentially serve them and their clients for the rest of their lives…

there is infinitely more to be tasted,

for the ones who have yet to hit IT.

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I Know You're Ready (An Essay)

Today in the inbox of a hottie who’s clearly been feeling my posts and is ready to fucking POP:

Me: “I know YOU are ready. So what are you waiting for?”

Her: “I’m so fucking ready. All of a sudden as if overnight, everything has shifted and I am here.”


I called it.

Because I felt it.

So I made the move.

She then goes on to tell me about all the magic that transpired for her yesterday and last night - including a delicious chunk of money from someone who wanted to express appreciation for work she had done for him years ago.

Me: “HOT. Perfect. Of course. Are you ready to book our call?”

Her: “Yes. Let’s do this.”


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The Perfectly-Timed Catalyst (An Essay)

being in your power

in full integrity

in the truth of who you are

naturally activates

and provides a portal for

those who are ready to do the same

you needn’t

(and mustn’t)

move an inch

not even a millimetre

from the depth

and core

of you

to be the perfectly-timed catalyst

the inevitable co-creator

for the ones who dare to free-fall

into the truth they’ve always known

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