Breaking Boundaries

The Anger is on You (An Essay)

The extent of your anger, frustration and resentment towards another, is in direct proportion to the extent you’ve compromised, denied, silenced or abandoned yourself ‘for the sake’ of said person / relationship, which was never required, but chosen, for your perceived benefit (and to your actual detriment); not theirs.

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False Protection (An Essay)

In a world of people pleasing, ‘courtesy’, and playing pretend, those who are unwilling to be fake are often seen as rude.

Lacking tact.

Heartless, even.

Truth isn’t the culprit here.

It’s the belief that it needs to be repressed to ‘protect’ others from who we really are, and to ‘protect’ ourselves from their response to who that is.

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Bypassing Clutter (An Essay)

Bypassing does exist.

If there’s clutter.

But when there isn’t, it’s energetically impossible to carry the weight of the past or of a particular experience from one moment to the next.

There’s nothing for it to attach itself to.

No stories to make it mean something.

No addiction to pain and suffering.

No delusion of being a victim.

No need to run and hide.

Clutter simply cannot exist in the void.

There’s no accumulation.

The channel is clean.

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No Requirements (An Essay)

It doesn’t matter who stays.

It doesn’t matter who goes.

But when you make something or someone matter,

when you turn it or them into a requirement for your well-being - for your anything,

you create a chain from you to that which you’ve made matter so much.

But as you already know,

attachment isn’t love.

Requirement isn’t love.

Need isn’t love.

In fact,

the stronger the attachment to,

requirement from,

or need for

anything or anyone,

the less that love is present.

Pure love just IS.

With or without it,

with or without them,

all there is,

is love.

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Fuck Trust (An Essay)

My work has nothing to do with trust.

There is no ‘building’ it, ‘maintaining’ it, or ‘breaking’ it.

It’s all (and only) about the energy.

When it’s pure, we play.

When it’s not, we don’t.

It’s not, and will never be, about trust.

That’s what people who deny their power need to believe is necessary for them to step fully into truth.

But you don’t need to trust another.

You need to trust yourself.

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