We were on the phone for three hours tonight.
Half of which was spent in silence.
All of which was spent in heaven.
“This is the purest thing I’ve ever felt.”
I told him I felt the same.
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We were on the phone for three hours tonight.
Half of which was spent in silence.
All of which was spent in heaven.
“This is the purest thing I’ve ever felt.”
I told him I felt the same.
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The foundation must be a stand alone work of art.
Made of the rawest materials to erect and fashion each piece.
What you add after that is irrelevant.
Every drop will be sourced from truth.
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we’ll enter the void
be stripped of all the things
dance with who and what remains
and blast through the stratosphere
DM for your portal to The Zero Point
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Let’s pierce the illusion and remove the weight.
Let’s see money (and every other thing) for what it actually is (and isn’t).
‘The Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ Masterclass happens Thursday (tomorrow) at 7pm-8:30ish EST.
And again this Sunday at 2pm-3:30ish EST.
$300 for one or $500 for both.
Click here to pay and message for the Zoom link.
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The masterclass is called ‘The Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ because all things are the same.
It happens this Thursday, June 30th at 7pm-8:30ish EST and this Sunday, July 3rd at 2pm-3:30ish EST.
We’ll have a conversation about no-thing, which is everything, and dance until nothing remains.
$300 per masterclass
$500 for the set
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unless and until a move is crisp and clean
stripped of a reaction
an agenda
or another person in mind
stripped of the need (and all the words)
to explain
to justify
to prove
to get
to build a bridge where none is required
to soften or avoid the razor’s edge of truth
until you reach that specific point
the zero point
where nothing matters at all
the power and impact of that move is diluted and effectively made limp
turning it into yet another messy bit amongst other messy bits
blending in
not standing out
so what’s the fucking point?
that trying-but-not-hitting-the-spot move
that tainted / muddy / laced-with-matter move
that spilling-over-because-you-have-collapsed move
won’t do a damn thing except keep that mess in place
because a weak and sloppy move is not sharp enough
it’s not potent enough
and it certainly can’t be felt deeply enough
to rattle
to collapse
to erect what needs erecting
it can’t pierce the veil
like a clean move can
a move that’s made
because it’s true
not for anyone
or anything
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there is a zero point
in every moment
in every situation
in every person
in every thing
and when you reach that still point
the cleanest point there is
it clears every board you’re playing
without you touching a thing
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internal and external cleaning
is a constant refinement
an endless clearing
a seamless dance with matter
and there’s always a sigh of pleasure as i take in what i’ve created
experiencing this ‘new’ space for the very first time
feeling so much lighter and lovelier than when i visited last
more pure
more ME
stripped even further of debris
it’s a forever job
tending to one’s inner and outer home
or rather a living work of art
each stage
a masterpiece
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the human needs
the clutter
the noise
the fear
the constraint
the being is
the space
the silence
the edge
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The only thing that's 'earned' is the state you experience from the work you do to keep that inner non-space pristine.
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When you’re able to go through the eye of your own needle,
that very narrow space where nothing but you exists,
because you’ve remained so. fucking. close to the absolute truth of your being,
thereby becoming so energetically ‘tight’ that you fit through that very narrow space where nothing but you can move through in the first place…
what’s there for you on the other side,
is the greatest ride of your life.
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I made thousands in one week letting others pick the price themselves for a 30 minute call with me.
That didn’t happen because of my ‘price point’.
There wasn’t one.
Still ‘worked’.
Because nothing was in the way.
I was just playing because it was fun.
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if someone has travelled three layers deep
and you have travelled three trillion on route to a bazillion
you’re swimming in a vastness they’ve yet to taste
but can sense
in you
and in themselves
this will terrify and / or intrigue them
or feel so far from where they are that they insist it doesn’t exist
(because they don’t yet have the eyes to see what’s invisible to the eye)
they’d rather stick to what is seen and known
(like most do)
and so…
at three layers deep
with three trillion more layers beneath
and a bazillion more layers to go
they’re content with those three layers
believing that what they see is all there is
so for them, nothing feels like it’s missing
even though much has yet to be explored
they simply aren’t yet pulled to touch
the underworld of themselves
and who can blame them, really?
those depths aren’t for the masses
they’re for those
who can’t survive
let alone thrive
unless / until they freefall
into the darkness
into the abyss
into the stillness
where nothing exists
and when one comes across another
three trillion layers deep
there’s a mutual
and oh so beautiful
recognition of what it took
to arrive at those depths
where most won’t dare to swim
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And soon you will find
That the so-called outside world
And the so-called inside world
Come together
They are a happening
And everything is simply a happening
And all you're doing is watching it
(Lyrics from ‘Come Together’ by Nox Vahn)
The real magic doesn’t happen once you get the shit.
It happens once you clear it.
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In complete stillness, what surrounds you is a vortex that spits out almost everything and everyone.
Matter is destroyed on contact.
Making it nearly impossible for anyone to make it through the tunnel unscathed, if at all.
The level of purity (lack of density) required for another to reach that still point of you, is immense.
And incredibly rare.
Making it that much more potent and extraordinary when an anomaly enters the scene.
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The lens through which I see
the past,
and everything and everyone around me,
is always changing.
Every moment more refined than the last.
So fresh.
Seeing things I could not have seen a week ago,
even yesterday,
let alone a year or a decade before.
Seeing things tomorrow and every day thereafter,
that I don’t even notice right now.
Because the system constantly purifies itself.
Bringing up whatever is ready to go.
And once you’ve done the ‘heavy’ work of disrupting (facing and seeing through) the majority of your own shit (density/matter),
what remains is so much easier to navigate.
So much quicker to clean up.
Just like if you lived in an extremely cluttered home.
You can’t even get into the nooks and crannies because of all the shit in the way.
But once you’ve dealt with the overwhelming mass of clutter, you have the space and freedom to start beautifying the rest.
It’s the same with your energy.
When you finally face and deal with the mess you’ve created,
shit stops accumulating and then shit starts disappearing.
And soon enough you’re deep cleaning spots you’re just seeing for the very first time because your view’s now unobstructed.
And man, it feels so damn good.
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