Zero Point

Good Morning (An Essay)

It’s about going to bed and waking up empty.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

Completely at peace.

Detached from all of it.

Having done whatever was required that day to untangle yourself from whatever web you got yourself into.

It’s about dealing with the inner mess / movement / turmoil until you’re still and empty once again.

Until you stop caring at all.

Not in a heartless way.

In the purest way.

The way you already are underneath all that you are not.

It’s the detachment from caring about what does or doesn’t happen.

What is or isn’t happening.

The sweetest and most natural place to be.

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Sanna On Divorce (A Transcript)

From one of Sanna’s lives:

In most cases, people end up divorcing their partner and saying No to the entire relationship, completely unnecessarily.

Instead of making the relationship and everything that matters - not matter, they end up just walking away from the entire thing.

And that does not collapse anything. It does not disrupt anything, because the matter is still there.

And then they will carry that matter to the next relationship.

So they end up saying No to something that IS actually a turn on - when it’s clean.

It’s not the physical thing that’s not a turn on.

It’s the matter that’s in it that prevents it from being a turn on.

watch the full video (57:43)

Peep The Sanna Collection

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If You're Looking For A Sign (An Essay)

You don’t need something outside of yourself to access truth.

No decks, no horoscopes, no numbers.

No ‘signs’ of any kind at all.

You already know what you need to know.

But you don’t trust that knowing.

So you seek confirmation,


a sense of direction,

from anywhere but HERE.

Acting as if something external wields more power and wisdom than the god that you are.

And even if you do manage to ‘get’ the answer from these placebos, it’s not because they contained something you didn’t.

The answer was never in those things to begin with.

It was inside of you all along.

You just decided to take the long way around because you weren’t willing to trust what you know.

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