Breaking Boundaries

Breakups Aren't Necessary (An Essay)

Breakups don’t break what needs breaking.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

Being the living truth breaks what needs breaking.

Moves what needs moving.

Recalibrates every piece.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

People break up in the physical because they don’t yet know how to cut cords in the non-physical.

They’re trying to do ‘out there’ what they’ve yet to accomplish ‘in here’.

Thinking that rearranging ‘those’ things will inevitably take care of ‘these’ things.

It won’t.

Those things will remain messy things until you’ve cleaned up all these things.

Which doesn’t mean ‘stay together’ (even that’s not ultimately real).

It means there’s no need to contrive an end.

The separation / split you seek happens of its own accord through energetic truth (integrity); not through an intellectual decision or an emotional reaction.

There is absolutely no way you can be in complete integrity (which almost no one is) AND be in a dynamic that requires severing something in the physical.

From that erect place you can and will still apply any true move, which may of course include a physical separation.

But the work and the break is done in the unseen.

The rest follows suit quite naturally.

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Relationships Don't Need Work (An Essay)

Relationships don’t need to be ‘worked on’.

Nor do they require any level of sacrifice.

It’s not necessary.

Or energetically sound.

The vibe of trying,



(even just a little)

for or because of another…

kills the potency (and purity) that makes every dynamic thrive.

‘Working on’ the relationship by focusing on and considering the other inevitably creates an energetically limp (attached / codependent / diluted) experience for both parties, despite how intense this dysfunctional bond might feel.

It’s a poor facsimile of the pure fire you actually crave that only comes from never leaving home.

From working on THIS; not that.

Because THIS is all there is and that will adjust accordingly.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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Diving In Unobstructed (An Essay)

The thing about being energetically erect and intact (one’s natural state), and not playing (making moves) unless and until it’s still, is that it perfectly fucks with whatever matter I’m currently holding on to.

The exact shit that’s here to be burned by the fire of ME.

It also perfectly fucks with the shit of whoever I’m playing with.

If there are any strings of attachment (hoping / waiting / needing / trying / expecting / victimizing / or whatever other bullshit that needs to go), I don’t touch it.

Because it’s an energetic turn off.

But if I feel turned on despite and because of the matter, it means that the shit is ready to get fucked up and I’m the bitch to do it.

Ultimately though, I play where it’s clear.

Where I sense no limits, no restrictions, no actual end in sight.

Just a wide open space to dive into unobstructed.

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Love Is When Nothing Remains (An Essay)

My experience of love is contingent upon what’s stripped away;

not on what’s added up.

The amount of time.

The layers of meaning.

The stories that are amassed.


Seeing through lies.

The stories that die.

The dissolution of matter and meaning.

Accumulation doesn’t impress or interest me.

I prefer things light; not heavy.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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His Moves Are Not My Business (An Essay)

Months ago while telling a friend about a moment with the fella that I was a HELL NAW to, she asked if I help a guy to shift the things that I’m not into, or if I just end things because of it.

My response:

I only do what the moment requires of me.

Whatever that may be.

Me making my true move does exactly what needs to be done.

Across the board.

With everyone.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

I dropped deal breakers / boundaries / standards long ago.

They aren’t necessary.

And no, I don’t ‘help’ the fella shift his shit because that, too, is unnecessary.

He’s grown.

And his moves are not my business.

He can be however he wants to be.

I’ll make my moves accordingly.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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“How Do I?” is Sourced From A Lie (An Essay)

“How do I?” is sourced from a lie.

It implies that something is wrong / lacking and clearly needs fixing.

You think you need to lose the weight / make the money / get the partner / overcome the condition (whatever the fuck) to feel / be / do / have A, B, C.

But you don’t.


Right NOW.

And do whatever you’re being called to do in each moment.

Illusory problem(s) solved.

But because you can’t handle the beauty and simplicity of being present in the moment,

or the responsibility of both listening to and honouring your innate brilliance,

or the potency of the fire that comes from being THAT close and devoted to YOU regardless of externals,

and you’re hell bent on fighting against what IS because of your idea of, and preference for, how it ‘should’ be,

you take the long and completely ineffective way around the truth and power of who you are.

Any attempt to ‘fix’ what’s inherently not a ‘problem’ in the first place, cannot be sustained because it’s both sourced from, and being overlayed with, a fallacy.

Creating an endless loop of shit that never does the trick.

You think it’s about the food / the money / the body / the babe.

But it’s only ever about you vs YOU, which shows up in all the things.


When you begin to see through it,

when you get to the place where you KNOW you’re good regardless of your size / your bank account / a relationship / your health (whatever the fuck),

and you know that YOU are bigger than (and the creator of) ALL those things,

(because THAT is the absolute fucking truth)

THEN you’re free from the energetic gridlock that’s been keeping all that shit stuck like a mutherfucker.

THEN you get to experience what’s always been on the other side of that illusory jail you’ve kept yourself in this whole time.

But until you figure that out and get to that place,

your perfectly orchestrated externals are gonna do their brilliant magic to show you that what you seek (and already are) cannot be found within any of them.

Every door ‘out there’ is gonna close until you finally open the only door that matters with the key you’ve always had.

Man, I just love how that works.

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Dollars Show You What's Up (An Essay)

You’re ‘bringing in’ the exact amount of money that’s ‘right’ for you every step of the way.

No matter how much or how little it is, it’s accurate.

Even if all you’re doing is creating more debt, it’s perfect.

Not permanent.

But still right / true / and 100% created by YOU.

You may want a different amount of money in your bank account.

Or more consistency.


But YOU know that whatever is coming in / not coming in / being invested / being borrowed, is the accurate amount at the accurate speed for wherever you are right now.

No exceptions.

It is YOU orchestrating this exact scenario at this exact moment in time precisely for what you must cultivate through it regardless of what you think about it and how different you think it should be.

And this is across the board until the day you die as the guru and student of your own life.

But you fight against truth.

You fight against YOU.

Instead of honouring the brilliance of what’s unfolding.

Instead of doing the work that’s required of you to see through what’s in front of you.

Judging or blaming yourself / others / the world for what’s happening or not happening with ‘your’ money.

It’s never about the money / others / the world.

It’s about you vs YOU.


The dollars (or lack thereof) just perfectly show you what’s up.

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