Human Dynamics

The Myth Of Detachment (An Essay)

Being detached doesn’t equal being unfeeling.

In fact, the less that’s in the way (the less matter aka attachment there is), the more deeply you feel precisely because the moment / experience / person / relationship isn’t being filtered through a dense / matter-filled lens, thereby providing the richest, deepest and most purified dance through each moment of life.

When you can see things and others for what they truly are (pure energy), without the overlay of human distortion / judgement / attachment / need,

and you know viscerally (not just intellectually) that when you truly don’t care about or buy into the illusions that almost everyone holds tight to (which can make you appear cold and heartless to those still mired in non-existent shit),

you’re primed for potency and possess the capacity to experience and feel it ALL.

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The Unwritten Tagline (An Essay)

The unwritten tagline of most coaches:

“I’ll take you to a place I haven’t even dared to go myself and I’ll use a bunch of words and embellishments and contrived positioning to convince you that I’ve got whatchu need and you’ll buy it because you can’t yet discern between what I’m saying and how I’m actually living / being which is precisely why you’re captivated by my bullshit in the first place. Thank you for your payment.”

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The Confusing + Captivating Type (An Essay)

Those who are living in integrity with themselves are confusing and / or captivating (at times, even terrifying) to those who are not.

But it’s not because they know something those others don’t.

They’re just doing what most are not yet willing to do.

And until you’re in integrity with yourself, it’s not possible for you to touch what you misperceive those others have access to but you don’t.

So do the fucking work.

The work of actually listening to and honouring yourself.

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Be More Like Hanna (An Essay)

Yesterday a guy asked me what I do for a living.

Because that’s what typical, boring and conditioned humans ask other typical, boring and conditioned humans.


So I offered my typical response:

“I float through space.”

Because who fucking cares.

Because let’s play elsewhere.

We just met and I’m already bored.

And it made me think of my friend, Hanna.

(A dreamy guest of mine on Mandyland Radio)

Whenever we have a call or check in through message, she asks, “What’s alive in your world?”

And my being just swoons.

Because THAT’s the vibe.


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We're All Fucked Up (An Essay)

We’re all fucked up.

Who cares?

The human condition(ing) makes it so.


We’re all perfectly intact despite the fuckedupness.

It’s both.

Human + being.

I don’t know one human who actually has all their shit together (whatever that means).

Not one.

But I know that every being exists perfectly and beautifully beyond the human shit.

And that every human touches and experiences even more of their brilliant being, both through and because of it.

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