
The Denser It Gets (An Essay)

when you perpetually self-abandon

the denser it gets

and when you do this over an extended period of time

that density

that was once only energetic

becomes matter

becomes ‘illness’ (both mental and physical)

because your system was not designed for such a deviation

it was designed to let you know all you need to know

to remain clean and intact


so when you choose to ignore that knowing

over and over and over again

your brilliant system will turn up the volume until it can’t be ignored

until you have no choice but to honour what you know and have always known

(you ALWAYS know)

so even your ‘sickness’ (both mental and physical)

is still your system being brilliant as fuck

it never fails you

even when you ‘fail’ (deny) yourself

it speaks to you

for as long as it takes

until you finally listen

and choose to obey

and once you do

the ‘sickness’ dissolves

because it only arose

to point the way home

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Rise Up (An Essay)

When you look to another to give you something you’re refusing to give yourself,

what they offer will never hit the spot.

It’s yours to cultivate.

Not theirs to give.

And in your frustration of not getting what you think you want and need from someone else,

you point to them for not rising up adequately.

But it was you who did not rise up.

Hence your search for someone who would.

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Not Enough Money In The World (An Essay)

If someone is stuck on their bullshit, I swerve.

I want nothing to do with it.

They can figure that out on their own time.

Not mine.

You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with someone who is not ready to let go of their shit.

Because there’s nothing there for me.

And I could care less if they’re ever ready.

I am absolutely not invested in someone else’s freedom.

At all.

They have to want that for themselves enough to do what needs to be done.

Which means letting go of their crutches and excuses and actually standing on their own.

At that point, we play.

Until then, I’m gone.

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