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Mandy Bites
Mandy Bites On In/Sanity
Batshit sane.
Almost no one wants to go all the way.
The saner you are, the more insane you (and they) appear.
How do you know you're insane? You want this moment, this situation, this person to be different.
Stop interacting with it as if it's real.
He’s caught in the delusion he’s at the mercy of his beast.
When you’re attached to form, you suffer. When you’re devoted to truth, you fly.
It’s the inability to withstand the intense aliveness of being that drives the impulse to dilute or run from it, just as the inability to withstand it drives the impulse to seek that same jolt of aliveness through superficial means.
When someone is free, they appear narcissistic to those still bound by themselves.
You can’t reason with insanity.
It’s all your own (un)doing.
Sanity is the new black.
The line between truth and delusion is imperceptible to most.
Human: runs from the present / dwells on the non-existent past / fears the illusory future / perpetually resists what IS (and suffers because of it) / consistently holds back truth / avoids making the true move / believes things, others, and life need(s) to be a certain way in order to feel okay / creates and then lives within endless, baseless, utterly insane stories / denies its sovereignty / blames the world and others and pretends to be a victim / takes zero responsibility for the creation and quality of its own experience / looks out instead of in… | Being: “And you wonder why you feel like shit?”
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Mandy Bites On Love
If there’s an exchange, it isn’t pure.
Breakups don't break what needs breaking.
There is no workaround.
I love myself. I love being free of myself.
What’s to love when you’re free of yourself? Except being free
of yourself.Self-love is better than self-hate but being self-less is where it’s at.
It’s not love or fear. It’s love and fear. Love includes the acceptance of fear. And anything else that arises.
It 'falls apart' because it isn't true.
If your goal is to please her, you’re doing two things wrong.
All couples have problems. All people who look outside of themselves for something / anything have problems.
Do the work within the current dynamic.
The next one won’t be better. The same work will meet you there, too.
“Hey, I ignored myself. Can you do me a solid and correct it on your end?” What you’re actually saying to someone when you ask or expect them to change.
It’s not about how long it lasts. How long does it remain true?
Why would you need to forgive? What happened wasn’t wrong (it just was). Nor was it about you.
The concept of forgiveness is just as absurd as one human granting it to another.
It’s not real love unless and until you have zero need / expectation / desire for the other to be different in any way.
Speak the truth or walk away. It’s the loving thing to do.
Most would rather have another cater / adapt to their dysfunction(s) / delusion(s) than to do the work necessary to correct it themselves.
I don’t work to keep us together. I work to break things apart.
Love and attachment cannot coexist.
Love is when nothing remains.
The less I care, the more I love.
Loyal to truth; not the other.
Full self-ownership is my kink.
Almost no one wants to go all the way.
Hearts don’t break. Attachments do.
If your shit can be fucked with by another making moves, your shit clearly needs a good fucking.
If it’s a NO for your being, it’s a NO for theirs, too. No exceptions.
If with or without doesn't feel the same, your work is to bridge that divide.
Even when I'm single, I move like I'm taken.
No shame. No blame. No fault at all. Just full responsibility for each and every piece.
Others aren’t distracting you. You’re using others to distract yourself.
What I want cannot be bought. Nor found within another.
If you made your dating choices from your lower self, you may be entitled to compensation.
No need to show them the door. They’ll escort themselves out naturally, the closer you stay to you.
The real ‘no contact’ is with the abuser in your head.
Don’t aim for another. Master yourself.
Their moves are not your business.
Exposure is love (mis)perceived as a threat.
You want to be chosen without choosing yourself.
Even when you choose poorly, you still choose perfectly.
I blow shit up endlessly. Because I love you and I love me.
Your willingness and capacity to suffer with and for another, is not love (for yourself or for the other).
Giving to receive isn't giving. It's manipulation.
If there’s nothing left, I’m out. If there’s no thing at all, I’m in.
What’s best for you is what’s best for them.
You cannot be mine if you are not yours.
I cannot be kept. I just stay where it’s true.
Intimacy only exists when you stay.
Matterless love is the purest love there is.
The human wants a particular thing. The being loves (and uses) what is.
It's not true love until there's nothing in the way.
People ‘love’ you more when you suffer. Let that shit sink in.
They ‘love’ you on your way. But not once you arrive.
If you have to dilute yourself for love, it's not love.
If you aren’t fascinated by and obsessed with your lover, then what’s the fucking point?
I’m not here to spread love and light. I’m here to disrupt the grid. I’m here to dig and dismantle. I’m here to make the unknown, known.
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Mandy Bites On Silence / Stillness / s p a c e
I go where it’s the loudest, just to make it quiet.
I don’t move until I’m moved.
Here, right now, is the only place that's true.
The higher you go, the quieter it gets.
No one can take you where no one has gone before.
The only thing that's 'earned' is the state you experience from the work you do to keep that inner non-space pristine.
Death is nothing more than dropping form and remaining formless.
Heaven is THIS; not that. Heaven is HERE; not there.
It’s about how still and spacious you are (and stay) as every piece drops in.
There’s a still point deep inside you. Everything comes from that.
Saying nothing says everything that needs to be said.
She’s most aroused while in the void.
If there’s nothing left, I’m out. If there’s no thing at all, I’m in.
Truth exists, always was, is, and will be, regardless of the noise.
Stillness. Silence. S p a c e. Beneath the chaos, that’s all there is.
When you move, nothing moves. Everything moves when you’re still.
Existing wide awake and never moving IS the happening.
no thing = everything
Purity is the currency.
THIS or nothing + THIS because there’s no thing.
When you see through and exist beyond space and time, it’s a pretty fucking epic ride.
Nothing can bridge the (illusory) consciousness gap. Only no thing can.
Why would you want anything other than what already is?
How could it get better than this when this is all there is?
when there’s no one / when there’s no thing / when you’re empty / then you’ll see
Nothing is sacred unless everything is.
Every question answers itself.
What feels like magic is just you unobstructed.
Nothing needs to be added. What’s removed is what changes the game.
The more that’s removed, the more there is.
Let there be nothing. It's the breeding ground for more.
You’re here to clear the atmosphere.
In the void, you’re free.
Anything that isn’t truth, that isn’t you, is clutter.
Them: “What do you do for a living?” Me: “Float through space.”
It takes so little to play with me. But most are filled with so much.
Your system is naturally self-cleaning.
I was terrified there would be nothing left. But when nothing was left, I was free.
Your job isn’t done until the matter is gone.
as empty as empty can be
All things exist to be made pure.
Love is when nothing remains.
The deepest truths apply across the board. They’re simple, obvious, light.
from the depths / from the silence / from the world beyond this one
Nothing is missing.
I’m here to keep flying in the face of what IS. To want nothing different from the moment I’m in.
home is where i am / and where i’ve always been
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Mandy Bites On Self-Abandonment
Exhaustion comes from self-abandonment (a lack of integrity) while dealing with other people; not from dealing with other people.
The more you self-abandon, the more symptomatic you become.
All you’re doing with all that doing is dancing around your own fire.
You only point at others when you’ve turned against yourself.
Your habitual state is not your natural state.
It’s all your own (un)doing.
If you weren't trying to outsource from another what you can only provide for yourself, you would not have ended up in something that hurts you.
To blame the ‘narcissist’ for ‘manipulating’ you into ignoring that initial gut feeling and your brilliant inner knowing is completely absurd.
Why are you mad at them for your choice to betray yourself?
Your system inevitably screams NO when you've ignored its multiple whispers.
“Things were never the same after that.” After you stayed when you should have left.
If you do it ‘for’ or ‘because’, it's not IT.
Others aren’t distracting you. You’re using others to distract yourself.
If you choose something or someone over yourself, you're gonna have a hard time.
It all goes out the window in the face of what is.
It’s the inability to withstand the intense aliveness of being that drives the impulse to dilute or run from it, just as the inability to withstand it drives the impulse to seek that same jolt of aliveness through superficial means.
We only feel the need to ‘escape’ when we’re existing unnaturally.
It hurts so you can learn how to not do that shit that hurts you.
Regardless of the ‘issue’, it’s about your relationship to power.
The other isn't the reason that you deviate from YOU. The other is the excuse you use to abandon what is true.
You only need to 'cope' when you choose to leave home.
You want to leave because you’ve yet to fully own YOU. And there’s no greater pain than that.
One must abandon themselves in the attempt to fill through external means what can only be satisfied internally through learning how to not self-abandon in the first place.
What's a little more poison when you're already sick?
You want to be chosen without choosing yourself.
Living inside a NO is one of the helliest hells there is.
It's you putting things in your own way.
Approval seeking aka self-rejecting.
I won't abandon myself for another. No one is worth that transgression.
You get what you say yes to. And all the shit that brings.
Your deepest, most excrutiating pain comes from one thing only.
You lied to yourself before (and more than) they ever lied to you.
Life will force the expansion you’re not willing to take on your own.
You do what you’re told by them. I do what I’m told by me.
You think it’s too risky to be wild. So you’d rather play dead to stay ‘safe’.
The powerless surrender to illusion. The powerful submit to truth.
Your level of pain is equal to your level of resistance. To your genius. To your power. To truth.
You are the only remedy for your suffering.
Waiting on God is waiting on you.
When you deny yourself, you deny God itself. #samething
Obligation is self-imposed.
Follow yourself. Unfollow the rest.
When you aim, you miss.
Stop leaving here to go 'there' and the ‘problem’ dissolves.
You created X when you disowned the truth. When you own the truth, X disappears.
Their maps can’t take you HOME.
Don’t look to me for how to be. You already know what to do.
You’re not at the mercy of the planets.
How to successfully human: 1. Honour external commitments. 2. Ignore internal commands.
Stop buying into your own bullshit and you’ll be just fine.
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Mandy Bites On The Mind
What you actually want and are, is beyond the mind and the need to manage it or anything else.
Mind over matter? The mind IS matter.
You can’t honour truth through logic.
Mindset work takes you even deeper into the programming (illusion) you’re attempting to free yourself from by doing mindset work.
The only ‘tool’ you actually need is custom-built into each moment.
You use and teach tools and processes because you don’t trust yourself enough to go rogue.
Why would you put the mentally ill (human) in charge of your life?
The real ‘no contact’ is with the abuser in your head.
Thoughts don't create distortions. They're sourced from them.
Thoughts don’t create reality. You do. And you are not your thoughts.
The human thinks one thing. The being knows another.
Don’t mind me. I’m just freebasing life.
Do it in your head = head game. Do it for real = game over.
“WhY iS tHiS pErSoN wHo sHoWeD mE riGhT fRoM tHe sTaRt tHaT tHeY aiN’t riGhT iN tHe hEaD… nOt aCtiNg riGhT?”
If you care more about what they think than you do about what’s true, you’re in a prison of your own design.
i lose friends / and gain followers / for saying what’s on my mind (2012)
off to bed / with a bleeding heart / you must be on my mind (2015)
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Mandy's Itty Bitty Poems (A Mix From 2007 to Now)
i want you / i want you / i want you / was all he said to me
from the depths / from the silence / from the world beyond this one
juices flowing / rarely stirred
i'd rather your lips speaking truth in my ear / than on another part being false
it’s the darker things / that lure me in / forbidden pleasures / and beautiful sins
to be adored / and to be your object / the tender and the raw / the poetic and the vulgar / my freedom and your reign
caressing your sacred beauty / holding it firm in my hand / feeling your bliss move in and out / keeping it safe and warm
and when you make love / i’ll be loved, too / touch her and you’ll touch me / for the more you are loved / the more you will share / jealous, i’ll never be
in the end / i reduce each man / to lines
beloved, you needn’t trade it / your freedom for this belle / they both are yours / no strings attached / i’ll give you her as well
i shall tie you to a pillar / as an offering to the gods / and then i shall consume you / make a drink of your sweet blood
first you leave me dripping / then you curse me with a drought
i want you stripped and naked / and hairy as can be
the sight of you aroused me so / your nakedness, your mouth / your perfect natural beauty / my adonis from the south
i put his face / right on my screen / my chosen art / my magazine
i have no interest in mortal love / i’m seeking the divine / a dancing of souls in the mystical realm / untouched by space and time
i touch heaven / with and through him / and through me / endlessly
living to the point of tears / beautiful / rich / deep
i don’t love him / barely like him / yet he affects me more than most
not everyone wants to know your heart / not everyone deserves to, either
it was the most natural dance with another / through the other who is me / a dance so fluid i didn’t notice the moves / i only felt the dance
my being writes / ahead of my life / love letters from me to me
i’m not afraid / to take up space / the world could use more me
i found my genius here / in the place where we reside
if it makes me feel something / then i want it in my life
too pure / and true / for the world / and you
you’re too damn small / to see me right
as empty / as empty / can be
meet me in the in between
i use my words / to carry me home
the person who was my person / isn’t my person anymore
for all that i share / there is a million times more
the devil keeps on knocking / but i won’t go out to play / i’ve been burned over a million times / right here is where i’ll stay
what first felt like freedom / turned into a cage / i slept with the enemy / my predator / his prey
what a mess / you make / of me
i like them weird / and rugged / and raw
i am an artist before his lover / i am mine before i am his
i’d rather the art he inspires / than his body next to mine
it’s my favourite year / of all my years
i live comfortably in excess / when it comes to things i love
today i danced and touched myself / the gift still satisfies
it's hard to do the right thing / when the wrong thing feels like this
i don't care who gets the rest of you / i want what’s just for me
my addiction to this tortured man / is so intense it hurts
my world stops when you are in it / and it stops when you are not
i want him the way that she wants me
there is infinite space within me / around me / and beyond / i’m the space between the space / i am no thing / i am all
i’m here / you’re there / that’s why we never meet
you must touch god / before you dare to touch me
he asked me where we stand / i stand where i’ve always stood
he has to die / to be with me / as does anyone else
i always do what i’m told to do / and that’s the art i make
i’m trouble but i’m worth the trouble
you mock me as i celebrate / while i wonder why you don't
i’ll never understand why i’m misunderstood
and then he said / in the voice i love / ‘i’m not done serving you’
actions speak louder / but i still need the words
whenever we’re getting closer / he thinks we’re falling apart
i saw god and she is me
names are not called / they are made known
i wanted their beauty hidden / because i was hiding my own
i’m abrasive and rude / but i’m other things, too
i’m feeling my way through / the grooves of my tender heart
i don’t want an earthly experience with you / nor a celestial one with another
from the very first scene / i was dripping like honey / from the energy of us
he is my creation / like every other thing / a treasure i gift myself / as i fall deeper into me
i cannot be kept / i just stay where it’s true
you cannot be mine / if you are not yours
i’m dancing beautifully / endlessly / i’m living a waking dream
home is where i am / and where i’ve always been
he feels the way / a good meal tastes
my body tells me more / than your expressions ever could
off to bed / with a bleeding heart / you must be on my mind
growing out loud / is what i do best
i used to crave the one / until i found her within me
he’s my exception to the rule / that i’m breaking just for him
no one’s ever had me / but he’s had more of me than most
but that was yesterday / so far away / i’ve travelled many skies since then
i cannot be moved and be silent about the waves
i like a man / who grunts and groans / while feasting on his kill
all i want is to destroy you / strip you bare and leave you for dead
the only time we’re together / is when he’s not actually there
i will stay when you do / i’ll leave when you do, too
and when he leaves his station / the portal to us is gone
of course i can accept him / i just can’t accept that for me
i’m bored / out of / my fucking / mind / at least / with him / i felt / alive
neither my pussy / nor my heart / can handle how / we stop and start
i was not made / for this twisted world / i belong in mandyland
you were the first / to hear my song / and sing it back to me
i’d been searching for her / whose words that you sought / and found her hiding, scared / then you came along / with a kiss and a poem / now love spreads everywhere
the day we met / i longed to touch / as you massaged your head / the ride was long / the sun had set / i wished to be your bed
i could never make love to a stranger / unless that stranger was you
onto something else / and someone new / spreading your love around / he was my muse / another is his / the soul cannot be bound
and in your presence / i was free / just like a butterfly / i’d waited all my life for this / to love as my soul desired
monogamy is beautiful / polygamy equally so / i foresee a string of lovers / together, in a row
you can’t just wait for a miracle / your gift is met halfway
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Mandy Bites On Mastery
Hail nothing.
New moment? Back at it.
It’s supposed to feel like this → ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
The higher you go, the quieter it gets.
Everything is an exercise in personal power.
Everything you make matter, becomes your Master. When nothing matters, you’re free.
You don’t actually want to be saved. You want to be the Master of yourself and the domain that’s housed by you.
Each iteration fuels the next.
Enter the belly of the imagined beast.
Almost no one wants to go all the way.
If with or without doesn't feel the same, your work is to bridge that divide.
Anything you rely on will will be stripped from you. You may as well strip yourself.
The work is to do the work until nothing remains. Until nothing can move you from you.
Masters exist beyond the tribe.
Most can’t ride. Let alone fly.
In the land of energetics, it's every hottie for themselves.
You know exactly how to clean up your shit.
Rise through the ranks within yourself.
Be the last one standing.
What you've yet to master in the non-physical, you over-compensate for in the physical.
The powerless surrender to illusion. The powerful submit to truth.
Masters don’t need to be pushed or kicked. They willingly jump off the cliff.
When you know the game is to become more conscious, you use everything in front of you towards that end.
I don’t care about bridging our divide. I care about bridging my own.
I don’t care how it appears. I know what’s going on.
Don't aim to help others. Master yourself. This 'helps' them most of all.
Those who come to you, just know. Because you know. And they want to dance with that knowing.
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Mandy Bites On Questions
You ask but you already know.
Every question answers itself.
How do you know you're insane? You want this moment, this situation, this person, to be different.
Kill or be killed? No. Kill and be killed. Repeatedly.
It’s not about how long it lasts. How long does it remain true?
Why would you even bother, if you know how it’s going to go?
Why would you put the mentally ill (human) in charge of your life?
My drug of choice? Consciousness.
Who cares if no one likes it? Who cares if no one gets it? Is it true? Is it you? That's enough.
Actions speak louder than words? Energy speaks louder than both.
Why would you want anything other than what already is?
How could it get better than this when this is all there is?
If you’re creating a system to counter the system… Need I say more?
Why are you mad at them for your choice to betray yourself?
Why manage something you shouldn’t be fucking with at all?
What’s to love when you’re free of yourself? Except being free
of yourself.“Hey, I ignored myself. Can you do me a solid and correct it on your end?” What you’re actually saying to someone when you ask or expect them to change.
When will you choose not to walk through that door that you know is not for you?
Why would you need to forgive? What happened wasn’t wrong. Nor was it about you.
From the outside, it looked insane. To my human, it felt like hell. But obliteration was what I was after. Why else would I have danced right there?
Mind over matter? The mind IS matter.
That thing? That person? Not more powerful than you.
Do you want what your human wants or do you want the fucking truth?
What's a little more poison when you're already sick?
If you aren’t fascinated by and obsessed with your lover, then what’s the fucking point?
It doesn’t matter what you learned back then. What do you know now?
No pleasure in the process? No pleasure in the outcome. Pleasure in the process? The outcome becomes irrelevant.
Since when does a god have to try?
Pure consciousness. That’s what you are. Why would you need time?
Is my genius taking over your timeline? Boofuckinghoo. And you’re welcome.
Them: “What do you do for a living?” Me: “Float through space.”
Why would I be less me for anybody? The more me, the better. For everybody.
Why do we resist the reshaping of our lives?
Are you naked yet?
New moment? Back at it.
If you’re not being transported, then what’s the fucking point?
It’s not: “Why are they like that?” It’s: “Why am I with that?”
“WhY iS tHiS pErSoN wHo sHoWeD mE riGhT fRoM tHe sTaRt tHaT tHeY aiN’t riGhT iN tHe hEaD… nOt aCtiNg riGhT?”
Why block? Let them see you be great.
You don’t have it? You don’t need it. When you need it, it will come.
Until they say, “Who IS this bitch?”, my mission is not complete.
I don't ask because I don't care.
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Mandy Bites On Time
You never get there.
What slows you down still speeds you up.
Every being chooses when it enters and leaves this world. As well as what it enters into.
There are times when a NO within an experience is enough to keep it fresh and intact energetically. And times when a NO must be applied to it directly, in order to maintain that same level of integrity.
If you’re loyal to the past, you can’t be loyal to the present.
The truth of now voids the story of then.
‘Then’ doesn't exist in either direction.
Being ahead of your time is still on time.
‘A’ doesn’t equal ‘B’ when you play in the unseen.
The only reason why you haven’t ‘gotten over’ your ‘past’ is because you’re using it in the present to justify why you’re not free.
Pure consciousness. That’s what you are. Why would you need time?
The human needs time. The being exists outside of it.
If you choose something or someone over yourself, you're gonna have a hard time.
She has the time. Just not for you.
Every where is here. Every time is now.
When you stop making it matter, it comes. Or it doesn’t. By then, it doesn't matter.
You don’t need more time. You just need to listen to you.
There are times when silence is the absolute truth. And times when it’s used to avoid it.
When you see through and exist beyond space and time, it’s a pretty fucking epic ride.
It takes consciousness. Not time.
consciousness > time
Someone 'coming into power' is not a defining line on the timeline any more than a falling leaf is.
You don’t have it? You don’t need it. When you need it, it will come.
Once upon a time, I fed myself to a wolf. I knew he was a wolf. And I wanted to be devoured.
Is my genius taking over your timeline? Boofuckinghoo. And you’re welcome.
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Mandy Bites On Wealth
What I want cannot be bought. Nor found within another.
Denying yourself depletes your account since everything is sourced from you.
If there’s an exchange, it isn’t pure.
The work is done now or not at all.
Money can’t buy a beautiful life.
Everything makes you more. Regardless of what you’ve ‘lost’.
Accumulation doesn’t impress or interest me. I prefer things light; not heavy.
You have access to all of it. No more and no less than anyone else.
‘A’ does not equal ‘B’ when you play in the unseen.
You think it’s the money you want but it’s not. You want the experience of completely trusting your innate power and ability to create anything from nothing (including money). Regardless of circumstance. Regardless of another.
My goal isn't the money. It's just the overflow of ME.
Money doesn’t come from other people. It comes from you, through other people.
As long as you're settling for a less than true existence, you have yet to earn the 'riches' that you misperceive are missing.
You can't use external metrics to measure what's actually true.
The experience shows you where you’re deficient. Not as a person. But in power and self-ownership.
You can only work with what’s in front of you.
Purity is the currency.
You don’t have it? You don’t need it. When you need it, it will come.
If it isn’t freely given, it isn’t yours to take.
It’s you putting things in your own way.
Fuck the idea that you have to do something to ‘add value’ to the world. There is nothing more ‘valuable’ than being who you are.
No pleasure in the process? No pleasure in the outcome. Pleasure in the process? The outcome becomes irrelevant.
My work is not for everyone. It’s barely for anyone. But for those who it was made for, nothing else will do.
Those who come to you, just know. Because you know. And they want to dance with that knowing.
The glow up is infinite when you keep current with yourself.
I want what’s for me. And what’s for me is whatever does or doesn’t happen.
Every descent reaps more gold.
You can't access the MORE while saying yes to less.
The most powerful decisions are made without backup, without proof.
The real magic doesn’t happen once you get the shit. It happens once you clear it.
nothing = everything
You already have what you actually want. You’re just taking the long way around.
You crave external markers when internal spots aren’t hit.
Ignoring yourself is expensive as hell.
Let there be nothing. It's the breeding ground for more.
I haven’t lost my magic. And that’s how I know I’ve won.
They love you on your way. But not once you arrive.
You must account for the trickle down.
Do you want what your human wants or do you want the fucking truth?
If with or without doesn't feel the same, your work is to bridge that divide.
Them: “What do you do for a living?” Me: “Float through space.”
you must earn your spot / at the head of the table / that sits no one else / but you
The only thing that's 'earned' is the state you experience from the work you do to keep that inner non-space pristine.
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Mandy Bites On Clutter
Organizing clutter doesn’t get rid of clutter.
what a mess / you make / of me
It’s you putting things in your own way.
You know exactly how to clean up your shit.
Freshen it up or burn it down.
Even in darkness, one can still be clean.
Anything you rely on will be stripped from you. You may as well strip yourself.
The cleaner it gets inside and out, the more one notices - and the less one tolerates - debris of any kind.
The only thing that's 'earned' is the state you experience from the work you do to keep that inner non-space pristine.
They bring their mess to clean you up.
The mess is part of the art.
The things that jam your circuits are the portals to yourself.
You don’t ‘come down’ from clean energy. You just get cleaner.
The more that’s removed, the more there is.
Oh, how I love when there's nothing in the way.
It takes so little to play with me. But most are filled with so much.
Getting unjammed where it’s been the most jammed, unjams you everywhere else.
Equally empty and full.
The human needs the clutter. The being is the space.
Stillness. Silence. Space. Beneath the chaos, that’s all there is.
I go where it’s the loudest, just to make it quiet.
Anything that isn’t true, that isn’t you, is clutter.
Nothing needs to be added. What’s removed is what changes the game.
You’re here to clear the atmosphere.
Your system is naturally self-cleaning.
Stay until nothing is left.
Your job isn’t done until the matter is gone.
From cluttered to clean. From restless to still. That’s the electric tone.
If there’s nothing left, I’m out. If there’s no thing at all, I’m in.
Either clean it up so that it hits your spot or let that fucking thing go.
The real magic doesn’t happen once you get the shit. It happens once you clear it.
Accumulation doesn’t impress or interest me. I prefer things light; not heavy.
What feels like magic is just you unobstructed.
You can clean it all up in an instant.
Bypassing does exist. But only if there’s clutter.
The best ‘results’ come from dissolving inner resistance (seeing through matter which turns it right back to nothing); not from applying force externally in an attempt to compensate for the accumulation of matter that’s creating said resistance.
It’s not because you can’t clean it up. You just don’t want to - yet.
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Mandy Bites On The System
The energy of ‘fighting against’ is more disruptive and detrimental to your system than the thing you’re fighting against.
They’re not against you just because they’re for themselves.
Worth and value are not intrinsic. Everything that exists, just IS. Devoid of contrived and arbitrary overlays.
Consistency in the physical isn’t required when you’re energetically intact.
I can’t be trained out of who I am.
Your nature is to self-generate.
When you’ve deviated from the truth and natural movements of your being (a complete betrayal to your system), the only way to live with that internal split is to distract yourself with self-created 'issues’ that would not exist (and ultimately don't) had you remained in your power (your natural state) in the first place.
When you’ve got nothing to prove and nothing to lose, you’re dangerous. And free.
A system knows nothing beyond itself.
If you’re creating a system to counter the system… Need I say more?
Anti is still pro.
Your habitual state is not your natural state.
Parameters keep you caged; not safe.
You can't use external metrics to measure what's actually true.
You crave external markers when internal spots aren’t hit.
You use and teach tools and processes because you don’t trust yourself enough to go rogue.
The only ‘tool’ you actually need is custom-built into each moment.
Your system is naturally self-cleaning.
Your system inevitably screams NO when you've ignored its multiple whispers.
No amount of movement (or lack of movement) in the physical can override or compensate for the instability in your system.
The inner resistance you’re trying to ‘overcome’ by doing X,Y,Z, is the only (illusory) thing you actually need to ‘work on’.
The devil will never announce his arrival. Your system always will.
I’m playing in a new arena because the old one’s much too small.
There is no code to crack.
You must account for the trickle down.
Ask any box and it will say it's the biggest and the best and the smartest box there is. That it’s the box of all boxes. The last box you’ll ever need. But it's still just a box. And a box can’t set you free.
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Mandy Bites On The M/Asses
You’re not for the (m)asses.
It’s absurd how little it actually takes to arouse and sway the (m)asses.
A ‘king of the people’ speaks directly to the codependent hearts of the (m)asses.
If the (m)asses don’t get it, it’s something worth getting.
Human: runs from the present / dwells on the non-existent past / fears the illusory future / perpetually resists what IS (and suffers because of it) / consistently holds back truth / avoids making the true move / believes things, others, and life need(s) to be a certain way in order to feel okay / creates and then lives within endless, baseless, utterly insane stories / denies its sovereignty / blames the world and others and pretends to be a victim / takes zero responsibility for the creation and quality of its own experience / looks out instead of in… | Being: “And you wonder why you feel like shit?”
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Mandy Bites On Pain
Resisting truth = pain.
You are the only remedy for your suffering.
If the pain runs deep, the power does, too. Most fear the latter, so they settle on the former.
The longing for death, at the deepest level, is the desire to live unbound.
Even in darkness, one can still be clean.
When you see clearly, nothing hurts.
Swallowing truth makes you sick.
Your willingness and capacity to suffer with and for another, is not love (for yourself or the other).
It’s always the most tender where you hold the most matter.
You really can’t override living in a NO. You either stop doing that or you suffer.
It hurts so you can learn how to not do that shit that hurts you.
Your level of pain is equal to your level of resistance. To your brilliance. To your power. To truth.
When you’re attached to form, you suffer. When you’re devoted to truth, you fly.
It stops when you do.
If you weren't trying to outsource from another what you can only provide for yourself, you would not have ended up in something that hurts you.
You want to leave because you’ve yet to fully own you. And there’s no greater pain than that.
The real ‘no contact’ is with the abuser in your head.
Your deepest, most excrutiating pain comes from one thing only.
You feed, consume and showcase the pain because you get off on it.
People ‘love’ you more when you suffer. Let that shit sink in.
Human: runs from the present / dwells on the non-existent past / fears the illusory future / perpetually resists what IS (and suffers because of it) / consistently holds back truth / avoids making the true move / believes things, others, and life need(s) to be a certain way in order to feel okay / creates and then lives within endless, baseless, utterly insane stories / denies its sovereignty / blames the world and others and pretends to be a victim / takes zero responsibility for the creation and quality of its own experience / looks out instead of in… | Being: “And you wonder why you feel like shit?”
off to bed / with a bleeding heart / you must be on my mind (2015)
i’m feeling my way through / the grooves of my tender heart (2015)
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Mandy Bites On The IT
You want the experience of IT. Not the ‘it’ itself.
If you do it ‘for’ or ‘because’, it's not IT.
When nothing can stop you, that’s IT.
You question it because it's not IT.
Taking care of THIS automatically takes care of that.
When you'd rather have nothing than whatever this is, so begins the free fall to IT.
You don’t have to talk about it when you are IT.
Wherever you are is where IT's at.
What’s not IT always leads to IT.
ALL of it is IT.
If it needs to be managed, it’s not IT.
IT will remain illusive until the only door left is you.
If you only have it because you’re holding on, you don’t have it. It has you.
you don’t discover, rediscover, lose or find IT / IT already IS / forever and always / while you search for what IT is
You don’t have it? You don’t need it. When you need it, it will come.
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Mandy's Banger Bites
Sometimes you’re their karma.
The answer is more butter.
Wakey-wakey, bitch.
It’s all your own (un)doing.
Permission to be cunty.
Kill them with consciousness.
Batshit sane.
Hail nothing.
She’s only a bitch if you are.
I’m just following orders. Take it up with the Lord.
Full self-ownership is my kink.
I joined a cult and I’m on drugs now.
The cosmos shift when I’m on my shit.
I’m here to destroy and be destroyed.
If there’s a box, I’m gonna smash it.
I use the Devil to get closer to God.
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Miscellaneous Mandy Bites
Truth isn't vulnerable. It just is.
The work is done now or not at all.
Wanting it different is why it stays the same.
You never need to ‘work out’ truth.
Nothing is innately ‘wrong’.
The perfect distraction leads to forced concentration on the thing you weren’t willing to face.
What’s best for you is what’s best for them.
You can’t be off track in your own evolution.
You are the book you were born to study.
It’s not one or the other. The other is part of The One.
Feelings are not the highest truth.
You don’t have to condone something to accept the is-ness of it.
I don't plan. I'm pulled.
My work is not for everyone. It’s barely for anyone. But for those who it was made for, nothing else will do.
Approval seeking aka self-rejecting.
Give the human what it wants and it will see it’s not what it wanted.
Everything is an exercise in personal power.
It's you getting in the way of you.
I only want what’s for me. And what’s for me is whatever does or doesn’t happen.
If you only have it because you’re holding on, you don’t have it. It has you.
It all goes out the window in the face of what is.
Growing out loud is what I do best.
The less you do, the hotter it is.
If the (m)asses don’t get it, it’s something worth getting.
You don't owe anyone a thing.
Holding space holds it in place.
Energy has no gender.
Worth and value are not intrinsic. Everything that exists, just IS. Devoid of contrived and arbitrary overlays.
Obligation is self-imposed.
When a deeper truth comes on the scene, I leave the rest behind.
I haven’t lost my magic. And that’s how I know I’ve won.
Making it matter repels the thing you’ve made matter.
That thing? That person? Not more powerful than you.
Thick with ick aka energetically dense.
Truth always feels fresh and clean. The lack of it feels muddy.
Money doesn’t come from other people. It comes from you, through other people.
My goal isn't the money. It's just the overflow of ME.
Don't aim to help others. Master yourself. This 'helps' them most of all.
If it isn’t freely given, it isn’t yours to take.
When you take away the artificial buffer(s), there's a high chance that someone's gonna split.
I blow shit up endlessly. Because I love you and I love me.
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Mandy Bites On Jesus Christ
The world doesn’t need saving. Nor do you or anyone else. #sorrynotsorryjesus
Hail nothing.
“I’m just following orders. Take it up with the Lord.” How to respond when people question your moves.
I use the Devil to get closer to God. And Hell to get closer to Heaven.
It’s funny to me that people attribute / thank Jesus / God for them getting the things they want… but rarely (if ever) for the things they don’t.
You’re not special. Your story’s not special. You’re a living god like everyone else.
Heaven is being exactly who and where you are.
Since when does a god have to try?
The whole ‘God is outside of you / bigger and more powerful than you’ thing is completely absurd.
You are God. You are truth. Stop seeking what you are.
i shall tie you to a pillar / as an offering to the gods / and then i shall consume you / make a drink of your sweet blood
Purity is the currency.
Follow yourself to get to heaven.
Stop making people your God.
Waiting on God is waiting on you.
When you deny yourself, you deny God itself. #samething
Everyone’s a genius. Very few express it. Everyone’s a god. Very few recall.
You are God in the flesh. And the answer to yourself.
from the depths / from the silence / from the world beyond this one
i have no interest in mortal love / i’m seeking the divine / a dancing of souls in the mystical realm / untouched by space and time
Your willingness and capacity to suffer with and for another, is not love (for yourself or the other).
You must touch God before you dare to touch me.
All things exist to be made pure.
when you refuse to deviate from yourself / for anything / for anyone / at any time / then… / you live / your life / as a god
Nothing is sacred unless everything is.
Church is always in session.
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Mandy Bites On Human vs Being
I love myself. I love being free of myself.
The saner you are, the more insane you (and they) appear.
When you’re attached to form, you suffer. When you’re devoted to truth, you fly.
Your being is orchestrating every single piece.
"Oh, look! Another way to avoid myself!" Humans
Why would you put the mentally ill (human) in charge of your life?
Do you want what your human wants or do you want the fucking truth?
If it’s a NO for your being, it’s a NO for theirs, too. No exceptions.
I don't want to get to know you / (the content of your life) / I'm here to experience and enjoy you / (the being that you are)
What terrifies the human is exhilarating for the being.
What’s in line with the being, feels out of line to the human.
The human needs time. The being exists outside of it.
The human thinks one thing. The being knows another.
The human makes excuses. The being just says NO.
The human wants a particular thing. The being loves (and uses) what is.
The human needs the clutter. The being is the space.
Give the human what it wants and it will see it’s not what it wanted.
Your being won't play in a box.
All things are #samesame to the being and #thisorthat to the human.
Humans are gonna human. An inevitable and terrible fate.
You can't use external metrics to measure what's actually true.
You crave external markers when internal spots aren’t hit.
The ones who don’t want you to be you, are the ones who aren’t being themselves.
How to successfully human: 1. Honour external commitments. 2. Ignore internal commands.
Heaven is being exactly who and where you are.
“We need to take care of our own.” But humanity is our own.
It’s the inability to withstand the intense aliveness of being that drives the impulse to dilute or run from it, just as the inability to withstand it drives the impulse to seek that same jolt of aliveness through superficial means.
When you’ve deviated from the truth and natural movements of your being (a complete betrayal to your system), the only way to live with that internal split is to distract yourself with self-created 'issues’ that would not exist (and ultimately don't) had you remained in your power (your natural state) in the first place.
Every being chooses when it enters and leaves this world. As well as what it enters into. It’s the human that can’t see beyond the illusion of form and time, thus believing something should or could have been different, and / or something actually went wrong.
Human: runs from the present / dwells on the non-existent past / fears the illusory future / perpetually resists what IS (and suffers because of it) / consistently holds back truth / avoids making the true move / believes things, others, and life need(s) to be a certain way in order to feel okay / creates and then lives within endless, baseless, utterly insane stories / denies its sovereignty / blames the world and others and pretends to be a victim / takes zero responsibility for the creation and quality of its own experience / looks out instead of in… / Being: “And you wonder why you feel like shit?”
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