They’re not against you just because they’re for themselves.
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Breaking Boundaries
They’re not against you just because they’re for themselves.
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You can’t have an expectation / demand / condition for how or when another person should behave for or in response to you…
and call that love.
You can’t point to what you’ve done for them (gross) in comparison to what you think they’ve yet to reciprocate (eww) as a way to justify why they should now perform / abandon / contort themselves for you like you clearly did for them (why else would you be keeping score)…
and call that love.
That’s manipulation.
Twisted, sticky, icky shit.
If it’s not given freely,
why would you even want it?
You’d rather a performance than the real deal?
You’d rather have it the way your ego scripted it than the way it actually is?
You’d rather another do for you what you’re not willing to do for yourself?
People can move and exist as they wish.
You’re free to do the same.
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When we join forces,
I won’t offer tools or processes.
We won’t work on mindset or strategy.
We won’t scour your past for a link to the present.
And you won’t learn how to manage a thing.
Truth requires absolutely no-thing.
It’s time to play a new kind of game.
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I’ll leave myself to meet you there.
You’ll do the same for me.
I’ll stay right here.
You’ll stay right there.
We’ll dance in the inbetween.
Or not.
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when you
want it
need it
expect it
demand it
even just ask for it
when you feel entitled to it
deserving of it
as if it was owed to you
when you’re keeping score
playing tit for tat
requiring life to meet your egoic conditions
you’ve forgotten who and what you truly are:
an immense power that generates
each perfectly curated piece
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Your system inevitably screams NO when you've ignored its multiple whispers.
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You can’t ‘heal’ your way out of the illusion that healing is required.
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Your existence teaches more than any words or teachings will.
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You only try to fill in the (perceived) gaps for another when you forget that they are sovereign, just like you.
And you can only forget another’s sovereignty when you have forgotten your own (cue a false sense of superiority) which is the only reason you’d ever feel the need to over-reach in the first place.
Your discomfort with where another is choosing to be at (yes, choosing - there are no victims and no one needs saving) generates your over-extension in an attempt to relieve yourself of said discomfort which actually has nothing to do with what the other is or isn’t doing / seeing / getting in that moment.
This is what feeds your desire to change / correct what’s being presented to whatever you deem better / more ‘evolved’ than what they’re currently choosing for themselves,
which inevitably breeds resistance and stagnation; not clarity and movement, because the energy of your so-called help is tainted aka sourced from a false premise to begin with.
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I bring people to the razor’s edge of themselves.
What they choose to do with that after the fact is entirely up to them.
If they can’t withstand their fire,
they’ll retreat to what is known.
But if they’re truly ready to be set ablaze,
they’ll burn until nothing remains.
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It’s not about me doing whatever I want, whenever I want (and it is).
Just blindly and haphazardly doing whatever I feel like, as if my existence is, and my moves are, at the whim of these ever-changing feelings and superficial desires.
It’s about doing what I know needs to be done, based on my own internal commands (the innate brilliance of my being) regardless of how I feel or how it appears, and even when I don’t understand why I’m doing or not doing it.
Which one might assume takes effort since listening and obeying is foreign to most.
But when your true devotion is to the inner whisper that reconfigures itself in each moment, it doesn’t feel like effort.
It’s a given.
There is no other way.
It would take effort (and be impossible) for me to deviate from what’s actually required of me in a moment just to settle for what’s preferred.
I don’t prefer less than what’s required.
So in that sense, yes, I do whatever I want, whenever I want.
Because what I want is to live and move from the core of myself with an exacting level of integrity.
Which can appear inconsistent on the outside because the consistency (and the priority) is within.
It is a thread that never breaks.
And the reason I move as I do.
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If there’s nothing left, I’m out.
If there’s no thing at all, I’m in.
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You demonize another to justify your perpetually ignored NO.
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“Things were never the same after that.”
After you stayed when you should have left.
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Whether you like it or not, you’re getting exactly what you’ve earned energetically.
You can change what you’re ‘getting’ right now.
By doing the work where it counts.
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The idea that there’s a ‘right’ one implies there could ever be a ‘wrong’ one.
Every being you’re dancing with is the ‘right’ one.
The most accurate and divinely prescribed one.
For precisely where you are.
Just like every moment of life.
The current moment / relationship / circumstance / configuration and all that it’s comprised of, contains exactly what’s required of / for you to clear each board as the next board takes its place.
The players may change but this truth remains the same in the customized game created solely by you.
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Him: “I know you’ll never give me reassurance.”
And why would I ever need to?
What IS speaks for itself.
He spoke of wanting something more solid.
Saying he knows he can’t ask or expect that of me.
And yet…
I’m as solid as can be (energetically).
He can always count on ME.
But his human wanted something concrete.
In the physical world of make-believe.
Where nothing is solid.
Where security can’t be found.
Not in a thing.
Not in another.
Just in the space one cannot claim.
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