
Overcompensating With Words (An Essay)

It’s never about the words themselves.

It’s about the energy sourcing them.

Which is why someone can speak or write the most beautiful piece, but you still can’t feel a thing.

It’s flat.

It’s dead.

It’s from the mind.

Not the being.

From a concept.

Not lived truth.

It’s overcompensating with words,

for what has yet to be touched.

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Why You Chase BIG Dreams (An Essay)

Focusing on a BIG, seemingly ‘unachievable’ dream that happens somewhere ‘out there’ at another time that is definitely not now, is the perfect way to cockblock yourself from making any moves at all.

That’s why you made it so BIG.

To make sure that you wouldn’t move.

And you blame the BIGness of the thing for the moves you aren’t making…

but you’ve created and are using the BIG thing to keep you from going too far.

Of course you can have BIG dreams (which are often just visions of you unobstructed).

But there’s a difference between knowing what you’re here for and making your moves from that knowing…

and experiencing your pulsating desire and doing all that you can to put something, anything, between you and the very thing you’re most afraid to create and own.

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Elixir For Your Being (An Essay)

Regardless of the move, you can feel if it’s distorted or clean.

The matter is felt.

The lack of it as well.

If you’re not doing a particular thing, and that non-doing comes from avoidance, resistance, resentment, holding back truth, or any other energetically contracted state, it’s palpable.



Gross in your system.

If you’re not doing a particular thing just because it’s true not to do it, with nothing attached to that non-doing, it’s clean.


An elixir for your being.

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You Don't Need Closure (An Essay)

When you let a situation ‘bleed out’ (come to its natural and inevitable conclusion), you choose not to touch it because it doesn’t require an intervention.

It’s not avoidance.

It’s knowing through discernment.

It’s staying where it’s true.

Not remaining where it’s flat.


It’s not true that you need ‘closure’.

To wrap things up.

To contrive an end point, just so you can say it’s done.

It’s done the moment it flatlines.

Anything beyond that is just more of that.

No need to state the obvious.

Or bring it back to life.

Just stay where it’s most alive,

as everything dead falls away.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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The NO And WHOA Are Equal (An Essay)

Every NO and WHOA is made equal.

Both are sourced from the absolute truth.

Both are hot in the system of anyone in contact with them.

Both are exactly what’s required in that moment (as is a yes/no).

Both add to your knowing (as does a yes/no).

Both source even more art (as does a yes/no).

So you’re always on track with your NO and your WHOA,

birthed right from the death of your yes and your no.

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Stop Blaming A Lack of Money (An Essay)

Lack of money isn’t the reason you aren’t living your fullest and truest life.

You are the reason you aren’t living your fullest and truest life.

And lack of money is a by-product of that self-denial.


It’s not about the money.

You can have nothing in your account and still make your truest move right now.

But you use lack of money as your excuse not to do that.

It’s an easy ‘out’ from riding the edge of life and of yourself.

The perfect excuse to keep saying NO to you.

And how freaking handy to blame your self-created, restricted inner experience on that clearly-more-powerful-than-you money.

That completely-outside-of-you money.

But here’s what’s true:

That ‘restriction’ you experience financially is simply the energetic restriction you’re living in constantly, projected onto, and out-pictured through, money.

Your system is jammed.

And so are your finances.

Because money doesn’t move before you do.

It’s already there.

Where are you?

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Layers on Layers of YUM (An Essay)

You don’t actively create your magic.

You get out of the way and the magic happens through you.

Like clockwork.

And as you clear more shit / purify your lens, you experience more magic than ever before.

Layers on layers on layers of YUM.

But you’re not creating something new.

You’re unveiling what always was.

Just like a sculptor chipping away to reveal the piece they already know is there.

You’re dissolving whatever imagined blocks you thought existed between you and all that YOU are.

Of course each unveiling feels newer.




Since you’ve unearthed even more through your perpetual excavations.

But it also feels like home.

Like it’s nothing new at all.

Because you’ve never not been home.

Home is what YOU are.

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Three Trillion Layers Deep (An Essay)

if someone has travelled three layers deep

and you have travelled three trillion on route to a bazillion

you’re swimming in a vastness they’ve yet to taste

but can sense

in you

and in themselves

this will terrify and / or intrigue them

or feel so far from where they are that they insist it doesn’t exist

(because they don’t yet have the eyes to see what’s invisible to the eye)

they’d rather stick to what is seen and known

(like most do)

and so…

at three layers deep

with three trillion more layers beneath

and a bazillion more layers to go

they’re content with those three layers

believing that what they see is all there is

so for them, nothing feels like it’s missing

even though much has yet to be explored

they simply aren’t yet pulled to touch

the underworld of themselves

and who can blame them, really?

those depths aren’t for the masses

they’re for those

who can’t survive

let alone thrive

unless / until they freefall

into the darkness

into the abyss

into the stillness

where nothing exists

and when one comes across another

three trillion layers deep

there’s a mutual

and oh so beautiful

recognition of what it took

to arrive at those depths

where most won’t dare to swim

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Why You Can't Have What You Want (An Essay)

“I can’t have the things I want.”


You’re the one saying no to them every time you say YES to a NO.


Every time you say no to what would make your toes curl,

your heart race,

your edges burn with the fire of you.

Every time you do something,


for any reason other than it being the absolute truth,

you deny yourself,

you deny god itself (same thing).

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

And then wonder why your life isn’t dripping with YUM.

Everything you want is already at your feet.

If it can’t pass through,

that’s on you.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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The Truth About Money (An Essay)


when experienced from a pure channel

has no meaning

no value

no substance

no weight

you don’t ‘earn it’ (and you do)

you don’t work for it (and you do)

it’s not an A = B equation

“If I do this, I’ll get that” (nope)

you don’t ‘deserve’ it

you’re not ‘worthy’ of it

and if you try to make it, you can’t

but most don’t play through a pure channel

they overwork in a heavily distorted one

where money really matters

it really means something

about them

about their work

about their / its supposed value or worth

so they’ll do whatever they can to make it

and for many, of course it works

because you can make all sorts of money

in all sorts of ways

from a distorted, matter-filled channel

but from a pure one

that rarest one

your options are reduced to one

there’s only one way to ‘make’ it

you can’t affirm your way there

or externally work your way there

or visualize or pray or trade your way there

you can only be there

at the zero point

where all that remains

is truth

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