
Stuck Together (An Essay)

if the only thing keeping you together is your unnatural attachment to one another

(and all attachment is unnatural)

made possible only through the sticky and accumulated shit you both have brought to the relationship table

things like your respective and shared pasts

your so-called traumas

your personal needs and desires

your ongoing focus on yourself and the other

then you’re not yet truly together

because of all that shit in the way

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Using Every Bit (An Essay)

Doing ‘the work’ doesn’t automatically or even fundamentally change the externals of your life (and it can).

But it absolutely changes your experience of the externals, of yourself, and of the moment, as you continue to lift every veil that’s been clouding your vision for so long.

Doing ‘the work’ leaves you with a seamless inner experience that remains untainted by whatever comes up.

Because stuff will always come up.

In you and in life.

And eventually you can’t even tell one thing from another because all things are made equal in the face of that inner stillness.

And every bit is used as the portal that it is.

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Sanna On Not Helping Others (A Transcript)

From one of Sanna’s lives:

How do you turn down a person that clearly needs help just because it’s not a turn on for you to work with them?

How do you justify the lack of the turn on?

How do you say No someone that needs help?

I don’t know if you see how twisted that idea is.

How morphed it actually is.

How backwards the thinking is.

Because when you say No to someone that’s not a turn on, you’re actually helping them.

Saying yes to someone that is not a huge turn on is you taking on someone that doesn’t need your help, doesn’t need you, doesn’t need your art.

It is not the thing that they require in that moment.

And in that decision to surrender, you end up creating a container for something that was never supposed to happen.

Something that is a manufactured, artificial thing that is not an actual experience for anyone.

That is, in fact, wasting your time and their time, all because you don’t trust your turn on and you don’t trust your No.

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Cheating (An Essay)

Cheating isn’t a mistake.

It’s a choice.

It’s a decision to hide and to deceive.


It’s a weak and powerless move.

Because it’s ‘easier’ to sneak around than to muster the strength to be fully transparent with the one you claim you love(d) and ‘risk’ whatever comes from that.

And of course you have your reasons (excuses) not to live in truth.

Everyone does.

To not demonstrate your love for yourself and another by being honest about what already is.

You’re scared.

You have something to ‘lose’.

You don’t want to hurt them.

Whatever the fuck.

Still weak.

Still powerless.

Still not taking full responsibility for yourself and your choices and doing what needs to be done.

Being with others isn’t an issue.

Hiding that you are, is.

And even that isn’t the real ‘issue’.

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The Next Isn't Better (An Essay)

I’d rather do the work within the current dynamic than to swap it out for another (supposedly ‘better’) ride.

The next one won’t be ’better’.

The same work will meet me there, too.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

So I do it from exactly where I am and what I find myself in.

The ‘next’ I actually want and crave, arises directly and naturally from that.

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Good Morning (An Essay)

It’s about going to bed and waking up empty.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

Completely at peace.

Detached from all of it.

Having done whatever was required that day to untangle yourself from whatever web you got yourself into.

It’s about dealing with the inner mess / movement / turmoil until you’re still and empty once again.

Until you stop caring at all.

Not in a heartless way.

In the purest way.

The way you already are underneath all that you are not.

It’s the detachment from caring about what does or doesn’t happen.

What is or isn’t happening.

The sweetest and most natural place to be.

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Sanna On Divorce (A Transcript)

From one of Sanna’s lives:

In most cases, people end up divorcing their partner and saying No to the entire relationship, completely unnecessarily.

Instead of making the relationship and everything that matters - not matter, they end up just walking away from the entire thing.

And that does not collapse anything. It does not disrupt anything, because the matter is still there.

And then they will carry that matter to the next relationship.

So they end up saying No to something that IS actually a turn on - when it’s clean.

It’s not the physical thing that’s not a turn on.

It’s the matter that’s in it that prevents it from being a turn on.

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Sanna On The Swampy Feminine (A Transcript)

From one of Sanna’s lives:

The swampy feminine, which is in every single one of us, is not personal, although most people take it personally.

It’s an energy programming that we program ourselves with from a very young age to keep the world safe from ourselves.

It is a surge protector between the world and our true potency.

It is the part of us that we literally create to make ourselves fit in to the world because without that programming, without the illusion, and without us believing in the illusion that we create, we would be too powerful for the world right from the start.

We would be rejected.

We would be cast out.

We would be abandoned.

People would collapse in our presence.

And we create our own swampy feminine to feel safe for others, to feel approachable for others, to create the illusion that we fit in.

It’s a mask.

It’s the ultimate mask.

And everybody creates it in some form or another.

The thing with the people who have a very potent High Feminine, is that we have to create more illusion.

It has to be stronger than other people’s.

It has to be more extreme than other people’s.

Because the power is more extreme and more potent.

And then we go out into the world thinking that we are like the rest of the world, believing in the illusion, until we start peeling that mask off.

And then at some point the veil has lifted enough for us to see that actually it’s not who we are.

We’ve never been that way.

From the beginning.

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If You're Looking For A Sign (An Essay)

You don’t need something outside of yourself to access truth.

No decks, no horoscopes, no numbers.

No ‘signs’ of any kind at all.

You already know what you need to know.

But you don’t trust that knowing.

So you seek confirmation,


a sense of direction,

from anywhere but HERE.

Acting as if something external wields more power and wisdom than the god that you are.

And even if you do manage to ‘get’ the answer from these placebos, it’s not because they contained something you didn’t.

The answer was never in those things to begin with.

It was inside of you all along.

You just decided to take the long way around because you weren’t willing to trust what you know.

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Sanna On The Wimpy Fucker (A Transcript)

From one of Sanna’s lives:

Viewer: “What to do when your partner is a wimpy fucker?”

Two ways to go about saying No.

One: You actually physically walk away.

Two: (which was my case because I had the knowing that he was the person that was a huge turn for me, he had the potential to be my unmatch and that I actually wanted to be with him; I just didn’t want to be around the energy that he was in) You stay in your own High Feminine in that relationship, no matter what.

You do not surrender to anything.

You do not hold space for him and his wimpy fucker or his swampy feminine.

You do not do anything that is not a turn on.

You play your own game within that relationship, which ends up breaking / collapsing the container, at which point one of two things will happen.

One: He’s going to collapse and physically walk away.

Two: Your High Feminine disrupting his swampy feminine will actually activate his High Masculine and he will rise up to be your unmatch.

But it has to not matter which one it is.

You have to get to the point where you would rather be without him than surrender to the energy, and it has to not matter if he walks away.

So you have to kill the attachment to wanting him to stay.

Otherwise, you will always limit your actions, your expressions, and yourself to match him so that he will not leave, and that creates a container because there’s a limit to how far you’re willing to go, what you’re willing to say, what you’re willing to do.

Viewer: “That’s what I’ve been trying to do and he’s been getting so angry.” 

Let him get angry.

Do not hold space or go into the emotion with him.

That’s his swampy feminine getting emotional and collapsing. 

You have to see what’s happening in the energetics behind what’s happening in the physical because that is how you will be able to stay unattached to what’s appearing to happen in the physical. 

And all that is happening when he’s getting angry is that his swampy feminine is collapsing because his swampy feminine cannot relate to you in that moment because there’s nothing in the High Feminine to relate to.

Which means that he actually has to stand on his own, and the swampy feminine cannot do that.

It’s not possible for her to stand on her own.

She needs a container.

And you’re refusing to provide that container for him and his swampy feminine.

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Touché, Bitch (An Essay)

Talking with a friend in a relationship that’s been the biggest NO forfuckingever…

Her: “But I love his family.”

Me: “More than you love yourself?”

Her: “Touché, bitch.”

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P.S. If you’ve never referred to me as ‘bitch’ (not ‘a bitch’ - although that would still be a compliment), do you even love me?

And if I haven’t called you ‘bitch’ while hyped up in a private convo / message / work call, either celebrating you or calling you out, do I even love you?

Of course.

But it’s still fun to ponder.

Sanna On Anger (A Transcript)

From one of Sanna’s lives:

I don’t get angry.

But that’s because I actually trust my No.

An emotion like anger, like frustration, comes because you’ve overextended your No.

You’ve surrendered even though you’ve known that the thing is a No.

And the longer you surrender after sensing that something is a No, the more unstable your energy becomes, and eventually you get angry or frustrated.

But for me it doesn’t come to that.

Because as soon as something is a No, I say No.

watch the full video (57:43)

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Trust No One (An Essay)


I don’t trust anybody.

I don’t need to.

I trust my knowing.

I trust myself.

And therefore, every move by proxy.

Which is why…

I don’t require another to be ‘trustworthy’.

I know when truth is present and when it’s not.

Which has nothing to do with the person.

And everything to do with the now.

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A Collection of Sanna Quotes

  1. They have to go through fire and hell to get to you.

  2. I’m not compassionate towards illusion.

  3. It goes from a hurricane to a surgical knife. 

  4. The thrill you’re seeking isn’t a physical one. It’s energetic. 

  5. It is impossible to submit, to descend all the way, and not receive the unimaginable. 

  6. Surrender is settling for what you can’t submit to. 

  7. You’re either in a container regurgitating content, or you’re in a frame creating art.

  8. Nothing that is truly in integrity, can be contained, managed, or maintained.

  9. A leader's only ‘duty’ is to create at the edge of their own consciousness. 

  10. The more powerful the frame is, the less you have to do in the physical. 

  11. If something is true, there is no risk of it falling apart.

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