Human Dynamics

The Hot Window Awaits (An Essay)

There are dynamics that flatline and die, and ones that remain clean and alive even when they’re not currently activated.

The ‘hot window’ is when the activation is boomin’.

The turn on is palpable.

Sparkles are everywhere.

And you just know the purest magic is right here, right now.

Then when the turn on shifts (as it’s meant to), that particular ‘hot window’ closes and reopens elsewhere, creating a string of hot window moments that make up your whole life.

The key is to keep moving as each window closes.

To not stay where things just shut down in the hopes that they’ll open back up again.

Maybe they will.

Maybe they won’t.

But the ‘next’ (current) hot window awaits.

And when the dynamic is clean and alive, the illusory gaps between ‘hot window’ moments in that particular dynamic can be spaced out over weeks, months and years, and never be diluted.

Shit’s still hot and bangin’ when your respective systems choose to play again.

Because time has no impact on a clean vibe.

It’s always just now.

Only in the world of matter do we measure time and personalize or try to ‘fix’ the ephemeral nature of those sparkles.

We point the finger at the other as if it was their system that botched up the vibe.


Nothing got botched up.

What’s true is what’s true.

And truth is never personal.

If shit’s no longer activated between you and another, it’s because you both got exactly what was available to you through that particular hot window.

Your being extracted all the gold it could from that experience while it was alive.


No need to make you or the other wrong (or less),

or to make the whole thing a problem just because the scene is done.

The masterpiece is complete.

On to the next one.

And the next.

And the next.

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You're Killing The Vibe (An Essay)

All the thinking about it and talking about it kills the vibe.

Chokeholds the magic.

Loops bullshit on repeat.

And inevitably goes nowhere.

All the analysis.

The comparing.

The measuring.

The regulating.

All the layers you add to what’s meant to be bare.

All the ways you jam your system just because you intervene.

A system that naturally runs as it’s meant to, without you doing a thing.

All the intellectualizing.




All of it does nothing.

Except fill what you misperceive needs filling.

Tainting what was already pristine.

Because the ‘space’ is just too much to take.

So you exhaust yourself creating a bunch of new shit,

to make sure you’re never free of said shit.

And also never full of what’s true.

All the ways you run from this moment.

From truth.

From the gorgeous depths of YOU.

And for what?

To keep seeking what you already are.

And never finding what’s already here.

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Seeing Through The Public Persona (An Essay)

You can swap the coach, the paradigm, the partner.

You can change the business, the lingo, and make big money.

You can lose the weight and hit a new personal record.

And STILL not shift energetically.

Just because you switched the box and the externals look different, it doesn’t mean a damn thing changed.

And just because others paint a superficial and strategically crafted picture of themselves publicly, doesn’t mean it’s the real thing, as you already know.

These days, when I read certain posts from those I once looked up to who are still selling the same flat experience (but now in a sparkly new package), those I thought had ‘made it’ and knew something I didn’t because I didn’t yet trust myself fully and I was reading their content (which sold me) instead of their energy (which speaks the actual truth),

I can now feel where they’re really at, regardless of what they’re saying.

And in all this time, nothing got cleaned up.

They never actually moved.

They simply added new words, new offers, and new price points from that same exact place.

Pretending something new has taken place, and maybe it has circumstantially, but energetically it’s stagnant as hell and wasn’t truly alive to begin with.

But back then I was sold on the external narrative.

My ravenous desire to find answers to my perceived dilemmas and relief from what ailed me, clouded my ability to discern between what was being presented in the physical and what was actually loud as fuck in the non-physical.

The cleaner I got, the easier it was for me to read between those lines.

To feel the truth beyond the words.

To know where someone’s actually at instead of where they’ve positioned themselves to be.

So I came to understand that some of the most celebrated and followed ‘teachers’ are the ones drowning in the most bullshit.

They’re energetic hot messes.

Which captivates and motivates those who are also drenched in matter.

They love the resonance.

The feeling of ‘same’.

I love the void.

The feeling of clean.

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Managing The Bottomless Pit (An Essay)

If you’re managing your thoughts,

you’re managing matter.

If you’re managing your emotional state,

you’re managing matter.

If you’re managing your health,

your finances,

your relationships

or any other part of your life,

you’re managing matter.

Seems like a lotta fucking work.

Exhausting, never-ending, bottomless pit work.

Because there will always be thoughts and emotions.

There will always be the body, other people and the bank account.

There will always be the woes of the world and this strange little thing called life.

But those things on their own are never the ‘issue’,

no matter what they are or aren’t comprised of.

It’s all the matter surrounding them that causes you grief.

Clear that and there’s nothing left to ‘manage’.

Every (illusory) problem solved.

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Don't Touch Their Shit (An Essay)

People don’t shit on my posts.

But I see people shitting on other people’s posts.

And then people responding to said shit.

Engaging with said shit.

Thereby creating even more shit.

But here’s the thing.

You don’t have to touch another person’s shit.


You can actually just let the person sit in their shit.

You can refuse to partake in their self-created shit show.

And when their thrown-about shit has nowhere to stick,

it lands exactly where it belongs.

With the shit disturber themself.

Who is now being confronted with their shit that wouldn’t stick.

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You Don't Need Closure (An Essay)

When you let a situation ‘bleed out’ (come to its natural and inevitable conclusion), you choose not to touch it because it doesn’t require an intervention.

It’s not avoidance.

It’s knowing through discernment.

It’s staying where it’s true.

Not remaining where it’s flat.


It’s not true that you need ‘closure’.

To wrap things up.

To contrive an end point, just so you can say it’s done.

It’s done the moment it flatlines.

Anything beyond that is just more of that.

No need to state the obvious.

Or bring it back to life.

Just stay where it’s most alive,

as everything dead falls away.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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