The work is to do what’s required of you,
regardless of anything else.
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The work is to do what’s required of you,
regardless of anything else.
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Don’t look to me for how to be.
You already know what to do.
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You need to be willing to say NO without having something to say YES to.
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I now laugh at the fact that I ever looked outside of myself for anything.
I understand why I chose to self-abandon as a youngin (and beyond) in the first place.
The same reason any of us do.
That is, until we don’t.
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Random guy in a 9-5 he hates after asking me about what I do…
Him: “I guess I’m not your ideal client then because I don’t need someone to fuck my shit up.”
Me: “You’re not my ideal client because you’re still content working in a 9-5 you hate.”
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More content and information isn’t what you need.
The thing itself isn’t even what you need.
You’re here to experience a perpetual free fall into the more you know you’re here for.
To dance in the depths that are far beyond words, paradigms, containers and all the things.
The ‘Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ Masterclass happens today at 2pm EST and it’s $300 for the ride.
If you want a thing from it, you don’t belong in it.
You won’t get a thing from me.
But if you want to touch and taste the ethereal,
where all the most beautiful things reside,
then come on this adventure.
DM to reserve your seat.
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“What a fucking RIDE. Playing with you is unlike anything out there. Potent. Immediate. Not for the faint of heart.”
Last night’s treat in my inbox.
My spot always gets hit when I’m playing with a fellow rider.
Because fellow riders are the only ones who viscerally get what I’m throwin’ down.
I am of no use to those who want safety, time, solutions, support.
Those who are still looking to me or to others for more content to consume.
For something or someone else to attach to, to believe in, to become a superfan of.
My types are the ones who simply want to play with what’s alive right now, regardless of what does or doesn’t happen.
When you’re ready for THAT thrill,
let’s ride.
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If you need to be pushed / convinced / taught / supported / or ‘time’ to ride your own edge,
I’m not the bitch you play with.
But if you’re here for the absolute thrill and truth of it,
I’m that bitch you wanna fuck with.
‘The Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ Masterclass happens Thursday (tomorrow) at 7pm-8:30ish EST and Sunday at 2pm-3:30ish EST.
You don’t need this (or any) Masterclass.
But if your being wants to really fucking play,
and touch the depths where stillness lies,
hit the point where nothing’s left,
you’re gonna wanna be part of this.
$300 for one or $500 for both.
Click here to pay and message for the Zoom link.
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Let’s pierce the illusion and remove the weight.
Let’s see money (and every other thing) for what it actually is (and isn’t).
‘The Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ Masterclass happens Thursday (tomorrow) at 7pm-8:30ish EST.
And again this Sunday at 2pm-3:30ish EST.
$300 for one or $500 for both.
Click here to pay and message for the Zoom link.
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The masterclass is called ‘The Zero Point of Money (And All Things)’ because all things are the same.
It happens this Thursday, June 30th at 7pm-8:30ish EST and this Sunday, July 3rd at 2pm-3:30ish EST.
We’ll have a conversation about no-thing, which is everything, and dance until nothing remains.
$300 per masterclass
$500 for the set
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if it doesn’t feel as natural as breathing
if you don’t live for this and only this
if it feels separate from who you are
instead of integral to
and an extension of
the core of your very being
if it feels impossible to do
instead of impossible not to do
then you still have deeper to go
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In a call the other day, the fellow was talking about not having a purpose aka a made-up concept to attach himself to.
You know, to give himself / his life some direction, some meaning, some much needed motivation.
Something he can create an identity around.
Something to make him feel more ‘like a man’.
Because being exactly who he is and following his natural movements on the daily isn’t enough.
There needs to be an add on.
Something quantifiable.
Something more / other than this.
I told him I don’t have a purpose.
He said it’s different for men.
I found that amusing.
Mostly because he just put us both in a separate category based solely on physicality (ignoring the energy aka the truth which would completely disprove his point if we really were talking about the masculine and feminine) to explain why I’m fine not having a purpose and he’s not.
It’s not because I’m a woman.
It’s because I’m not attached to bullshit.
Regardless of gender, regardless of conditioning based on gender, an illusion is still an illusion.
Purpose (or lack of), like self-worth (or lack of), like value (or lack of), like countless other things that aren’t actually real, is just a human-made concept to attach to and create a story around.
Something to hold on to, to point to as the reason you feel the way you do, or do the things you do you think you should do.
Something to avoid being the living truth.
Which comes with no labels.
No terms.
No concepts.
No thing.
Your ‘purpose’ is to BE yourself,
if there had to be a thing.
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It's not: "How do I get the clients / make the money / overcome the addiction / heal the pain / resolve this health and / or relationship 'issue'?"
It's: "When will I stop saying YES to a NO? When will I stop supressing what's true? When will I make being the living truth my full-time job regardless of who or what is in front of me?"
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working with me is like being bathed in sunshine, sparkles and rainbows
while riding a unicorn in a parade of flying kitties
and simultaneously getting an upper cut, throat punch and / or kick to the gut
and if you’re really ready to rock and roll (on the very cusp of IT)
you’re also getting thrown off the unicorn
being submerged in water
and getting kissed on the forehead
when you decide to pop back up
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Last year a hottie made a comment to me about the low caliber of client that comes with charging low prices.
And she was really sold on this bullshit narrative because she was being charged, and was charging, a wild amount for ‘high-end’ coaching at the time.
Which in and of itself isn’t an issue.
I’m pointing to the idea that a certain price point yields a certain quality of person.
It doesn’t.
Energy leads.
Not money.
I worked with Sanna for a year and didn’t pay a dollar for it.
As if I was a low calibre client.
As if she wasn’t the best ‘mentor’ on the fucking planet despite not charging me a penny.
Nothing was reduced just because a dollar amount wasn’t attached and a dollar wasn’t exchanged.
But I digress.
A couple of weeks ago, the said hottie took me up on my $50 for 30 minute deal (a rare deal since I currently charge $750 USD for a 30 minute call).
I was delighted.
Obviously her narrative had changed, and we had a beautiful call unrelated to money.
Then last week, she asked to book a second call to talk specifically about money.
Because despite investing in and offering ‘high-end’ coaching, it hadn’t really panned out, her money was almost gone, and she was starting to freak the fuck out.
I asked how much remained.
The number was hella low.
And that number turned me on because of how low it was.
Because crunch time means truth time so let’s fucking GO.
Let’s get to the guts of what was avoided when she spent and made those big dollars while by-passing the absolute truth.
Because if the investment and the sales were sourced from that (meaning there was no matter whatsoever), she wouldn’t be freaked out by this low number and she wouldn’t fear what may or may not come from this point on.
She’d also see that the anxiety isn’t from a dwindling bank account at all.
It was always there.
Reliant on, and in response to, illusory external security (and lack thereof) since the internal still lacks the stability required to feel secure regardless of externals.
Now it’s just being highlighted.
Damn, I love the crunch.
Because despite appearances, the crunch doesn’t create anything that wasn’t already there.
It just just shows you exactly where you’re at.
What you’re REALLY working with.
And how easily you can be moved.
And that you still have work to do.
Because if you’ve been using money or another as the buffer between you and YOU, you’re gonna come face to face with that in the absence of the money or the other.
Now we’re actually getting somewhere.
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In a call yesterday, the fella was talking about high ticket coaches and the idea that he needed to invest in them to make those big dollars himself.
I said there’s no A to B connection.
If you’re investing in someone to make money or to ‘get’ anything, it’s not a clean move.
Sure it can ‘work’ for a while.
You might land some big ass sales.
But as long as there’s an ulterior motive, those dollars are counterfeit aka not pure which means you’ll still end up exactly where you were until you’re ready to strip everything that led you to chasing the money in the first place.
The idea of paying someone for a future something you think you don’t already have, has got to go.
Pay someone because it feels hot as fuck to play with them.
That’s it.
Not for the thing.
Not for some illusory outcome you’re banking on to get your money’s worth.
Only for the experience you can’t get anywhere else with anyone else because your being just told you so.
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There is no last piece.
No final frontier.
No specific area(s) you need to work out once and for all and then you’ll be good to go for the rest of your life.
The game has no end.
You’ll never be done.
And the work remains the same.
You’re just playing with matter and its inevitable dissolution.
Regardless of the content or density.
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You can swap the coach, the paradigm, the partner.
You can change the business, the lingo, and make big money.
You can lose the weight and hit a new personal record.
And STILL not shift energetically.
Just because you switched the box and the externals look different, it doesn’t mean a damn thing changed.
And just because others paint a superficial and strategically crafted picture of themselves publicly, doesn’t mean it’s the real thing, as you already know.
These days, when I read certain posts from those I once looked up to who are still selling the same flat experience (but now in a sparkly new package), those I thought had ‘made it’ and knew something I didn’t because I didn’t yet trust myself fully and I was reading their content (which sold me) instead of their energy (which speaks the actual truth),
I can now feel where they’re really at, regardless of what they’re saying.
And in all this time, nothing got cleaned up.
They never actually moved.
They simply added new words, new offers, and new price points from that same exact place.
Pretending something new has taken place, and maybe it has circumstantially, but energetically it’s stagnant as hell and wasn’t truly alive to begin with.
But back then I was sold on the external narrative.
My ravenous desire to find answers to my perceived dilemmas and relief from what ailed me, clouded my ability to discern between what was being presented in the physical and what was actually loud as fuck in the non-physical.
The cleaner I got, the easier it was for me to read between those lines.
To feel the truth beyond the words.
To know where someone’s actually at instead of where they’ve positioned themselves to be.
So I came to understand that some of the most celebrated and followed ‘teachers’ are the ones drowning in the most bullshit.
They’re energetic hot messes.
Which captivates and motivates those who are also drenched in matter.
They love the resonance.
The feeling of ‘same’.
I love the void.
The feeling of clean.
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I don’t ‘support’ anyone.
They’re powerful.
They’re grown.
And wired to live from truth.
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