Breaking Boundaries

Bringing A Piece To Life (An Essay)

If it was alive in its creation,

that energy carries through the perception of time.

There is no expiration date on a work of art that pulses with the essence of its creator in their most raw and potent state.

Juxtapose this to a piece that’s created for anything other than the impulse and necessity of being true.

The piece falls flat.

It’s energetically dead.

And no amount of ‘time’ will bring that piece to life.

Because the energy it’s created with is the energy that remains with it (until it’s infused with something new, something true).

Which is why a piece from long ago can touch each new generation with the same intensity as the one before.

It isn’t just the sounds.

The visuals.

The words.

The hype.

It’s the energy it was sourced from, that carries it along, as if no time had passed at all.

When something is alive, you feel it.

And when it’s not, you don’t.

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The Source of Energetic Instability (An Essay)

Energetic instability (which shows up in countless ways) is the result of an inner deviation.

And the more frequently you do it, the more unstable your system becomes.

The accumulation of your unwillingness to be the living truth of YOU (which often spans years, even decades), creates matter (in your system, in your relationships, in your life) that would otherwise not exist had you remained in energetic integrity.

The great news is, all of that matter dissolves back into the nothingness from whence it came - in an instant - once you stop doing that wonky thing you do, and just start being YOU - full out.

You’re already YOU anyway.

Whether you deny who that is or not.

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When Your System Says NAH But You Do It Anyway (An Essay)

When I post incessantly, it’s true.

When I barely post, it’s true.

When I go to the party, it’s true.

When I leave halfway through, it’s true.

When I talk to a friend daily, it’s true.

When we don’t talk for months, it’s true.

No matter how inconsistent it looks in the physical,

it remains consistent in the non-physical.

The moves I make or don’t make, are true.

The only reason a person refrains from expressing what they want to as often as they want to (publicly or not),

or posts when they’d rather be offline,

or stays when they’d rather leave,

or calls / picks up despite not wanting to talk at all,

or anything else that makes their system go NAH (while they ignore the cue and carry on anyway),

is because something or someone matters more to them,

than being the living truth.

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I Call Bullshit (An Essay)

Her: “I have to master this level first.”

Before she can make the kind of money and moves she wants to make.

Me: “Did you really just say that to me?”

We both laugh.

“Once I…” is the perfect illusion / justification / delay tactic for not making the move that your system is turned on to make / take RIGHT NOW.

Not later.

It’s basically saying “I know that’s for me but let me ‘work on’ something else instead because I couldn’t possibly trust myself or my ability to create what I know I’m here for and keep saying that I want. I couldn’t possibly do something THAT crazy because of X but I’m sure that future me will trust me more than this me and then I’ll create what I’m here to create because by then X will no longer exist.”

Nah, bruh.

When you get the hit, you do it.

That’s how you collapse the illusion of X.

Because it never existed in the first place.

X is what you created to avoid the true move.

When you make the true move,

X ‘disappears’.

(Peep the Mandy Bite)

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You Don't Need Boundaries (An Essay)

Standards, boundaries and thresholds are what you create / enforce / adhere to / require when your energy doesn’t speak for itself, when you don’t actually trust yourself, and your choices aren’t sourced from the truth of each moment.

Trying to regulate / control your environment by making sure that others know you’re not available / only available for X, Y, Z, and then monitoring and dealing with any ‘transgressions’,

and being rigid on a particular stance that was conditioned or intellectually chosen in the past (which has no bearing on what’s actually true for you in the present without that contrived overlay),

is an attempt to do in the physical what you’re unable to do in the non-physical.

When your energy is intact, you don’t need to ‘manage’ who or what’s around you.

At all.

(Peep the Mandy Bite)

Built into your complete trust in, and devotion to, yourself and the truth of each moment - is your true standard - which is energetic; not condition-based, and THAT is what’s actually applied to all people and circumstances.

Not with words.

With your energy.

Without even trying because it’s integral to who you are.

From that place, you’re only available for something very specific.

Something you never have to name or explain or even think about.

It just is.

And those who don’t meet that very specific standard in that particular moment, don’t even make it through.

Not because you created a threshold or checked them at the door.

But because there actually IS a threshold.

And those who can’t withstand it,

just turn and walk away.

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Creating Beyond The Need For Money (An Essay)

I didn’t have the required amount of money to invest long term (and at times not even for single calls) with any of the incredible mentors I’ve worked with over the years.

And yet, I worked with the very best of the best.

Because who I am is beyond the illusion of money and the need to have it in order to bring absolutely everything that’s for me, at the very highest level, directly into my field without missing a beat.

I’ve always had this ‘ability’ (which isn’t an ability at all - it’s natural to one’s being) to draw to me what I most love and truly desire at the deepest level - in spades - in excess of what I thought possible - with plenty of cherries on top - in every season of life.

Regardless of my bank account.

Because what’s for me is delivered to me by me and the illusory externals never obstruct what shows up.


So I exist quite naturally in a world that’s catered to me specifically.

(The same is true for you)

The most extraordinary offers land at my feet.

And it’s always a feeling of, ‘Of course.’

Of course when I couldn’t ‘afford’ X, Y, Z, something even richer, even more delicious, even more me, came right to my door.

There’s much to be said about all that can be created without a dollar exchange.

And just as much to be said about what’s created with one.

On either side of the this illusory coin,

it’s all just about the energy.

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Dancing Around The Fire of You (An Essay)

I had a call with a hottie who was on fire until she started talking about her work.

As she spoke about it, the energy went flat.

I remained silent.

Then she stopped talking.

She asked what just happened.

She felt the shift as well.

It wasn’t what she said about her work.

It was that nothing true was coming through.

Which is why the energy of our very alive conversation died once she started speaking about it.

Moments later, she confessed that the thing she actually wants to write about publicly and express as part of her work and full being-ness, is the exact thing she feels she can’t write publicly about because of A, B, C.

The reasons don’t matter.

The fact that she’s denying herself and betraying her system of what it naturally wants to do more than anything else right now…

and the fact that she’s been withholding that expression for quite some time…

despite already knowing exactly what the first line of that extraordinary introductory piece is going to be and all that it will contain…

for fear of ‘exposing’ the truthiest truth she has ever experienced…

for fear of how others might react to said truth…

for fear of being THAT real…

and owning the full power of that truth and that level of self-expression…

is exactly why her work is flat and nothing within it is moving.


Not because she was sad.

But because she knew that her being and her work now requires her to ‘expose’ (her word; not mine) that perfect and beautiful truth she’s been trying to avoid speaking about.

The one thing she always writes and talks around.

Expressing everything but THAT.

That one thing that’s more potent and powerful than all the other things combined.

That one thing that will break open all the rest that lays dormant as she hides behind the words that say everything but THAT.

Dancing around the fire of truth for fear of getting burned.

And now, a new choice.

If she so dares.

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It's You Choosing; Not Them (An Essay)

If I waited for other people to want to go out when I want to go out and to want to do the kinds of things I love to do, I’d never go out and do those things and my life would be boring as fuck.

If I cared what anyone thought about what I post / think / do, I’d never share myself as freely as I do online.

If I believed that after a ‘certain age’ I should or shouldn’t (fill in the blank), I wouldn’t live as I’m meant to live.

So fuck all that made up bullshit.

My life can only ever be lived and experienced by me.

I’m fully in charge of every single moment and part of it.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else.


Same is true for you.

The people in your world can’t live your life or make your decisions and they certainly aren’t the least bit responsible for whatever the fuck you choose and experience.

That’s all on you.

You might use others to justify not living as fully and freely as you’d like,

to surrender to a sedated half-life,

but it’s you choosing that; not them.

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The Mandatory Crucible (An Essay)

If you sacrifice yourself for another,

it is not love.

If another sacrifices themselves for you,

it is not love.

But sacrificing all that is not you,

all that is not true,

is the mandatory crucible you must perpetually face

if you are to experience the purest and deepest love (un)imaginable,

both within and beyond.

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Go And They'll Follow. Or Not. (An Essay)

You can’t convince someone to go where you’ve yet to go yourself.

Plus, if you were there already, you’d have no desire to convince another of a thing in the first place.

The only reason you’re trying to convince them to go there is because you’re using them not being there as the perfect excuse / distraction for you to stay exactly where you are.

You’re literally wanting them to do the very thing you’re not even willing to do for yourself instead of you just doing the damn thing already.

If and when you actually do choose to go there (whatever that edge is for you), they’ll either join you there or they won’t.

Illusory problem solved.

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I Could Never (An Essay)

“Oh, I could never do that.”

'That' being the thing you think others couldn't handle or won't understand.

‘That’ being the thing you actually want to do, but won’t allow yourself to do, so you use the imagined response of said others as the excuse not to do it.

But you can and you must do that thing specifically if you want to ‘break free’ from the make-believe shackles that those supposed others have got you in.

The chains that you so brilliantly created,

and wrapped around yourself.

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You Don't Want Money (An Essay)

You think it’s the money you want.

But it’s not.

You want the experience of completely trusting your innate power and ability to create anything from nothing (including the money).

Regardless of circumstance.

Regardless of another.

Because you know without a shadow of a doubt that everything in your life (including money) is completely sourced from you.

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If You're Worried About Another (An Essay)

When you stop focusing on or worrying about others (your fellow innately powerful and sovereign beings), and instead start to focus on cleaning up your shit, there’s a high fucking chance that those others will also begin to clean up their shit as well, without you even saying a word.

Even if your redirection is disruptive or confusing for them at first, if there’s a part of them that’s ready to rock and roll, they will.

Which is why those closest to you (or anyone else in your field) can experience a reduction, if not the complete dissolution, of addiction, depression, disorders, ailments, anxiety, etc (the things you keep worrying about with regards to them), because you being fully in charge of yourself provides the opportunity (energetic framing) for them to land in that same powerful energy inside themselves.

It seems like magic.

But it’s not.

In one’s purest, most natural, energetic state, none of those unsavoury things actually exist.

It’s impossible.

They’re just how one copes with not being in, and applying, one’s power.

When someone has deviated from the truth and natural movements of their being (a complete betrayal to one’s system), the only way to live with that internal split is to distract one’s self with self-created ‘issues’ that would not exist (and ultimately don’t) had they remained in their power (their natural state) in the first place.

Thus, these ‘issues’ were created and held onto for a reason.

And when that reason dissolves, POOF goes the issue.

That’s how people can ‘cure’ themselves of ABC without years of XYZ.

It’s always and only about the energy.

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