Breaking Boundaries

You Don't Need Closure (An Essay)

When you let a situation ‘bleed out’ (come to its natural and inevitable conclusion), you choose not to touch it because it doesn’t require an intervention.

It’s not avoidance.

It’s knowing through discernment.

It’s staying where it’s true.

Not remaining where it’s flat.


It’s not true that you need ‘closure’.

To wrap things up.

To contrive an end point, just so you can say it’s done.

It’s done the moment it flatlines.

Anything beyond that is just more of that.

No need to state the obvious.

Or bring it back to life.

Just stay where it’s most alive,

as everything dead falls away.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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Stop Blaming A Lack of Money (An Essay)

Lack of money isn’t the reason you aren’t living your fullest and truest life.

You are the reason you aren’t living your fullest and truest life.

And lack of money is a by-product of that self-denial.


It’s not about the money.

You can have nothing in your account and still make your truest move right now.

But you use lack of money as your excuse not to do that.

It’s an easy ‘out’ from riding the edge of life and of yourself.

The perfect excuse to keep saying NO to you.

And how freaking handy to blame your self-created, restricted inner experience on that clearly-more-powerful-than-you money.

That completely-outside-of-you money.

But here’s what’s true:

That ‘restriction’ you experience financially is simply the energetic restriction you’re living in constantly, projected onto, and out-pictured through, money.

Your system is jammed.

And so are your finances.

Because money doesn’t move before you do.

It’s already there.

Where are you?

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Fabian D'Amore (A Private Call)

Recorded in 2022.

A 7-ish minute audio clip.

Watch the 1 minute visual / captioned clip.

Purchase the full call.

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Three Trillion Layers Deep (An Essay)

if someone has travelled three layers deep

and you have travelled three trillion on route to a bazillion

you’re swimming in a vastness they’ve yet to taste

but can sense

in you

and in themselves

this will terrify and / or intrigue them

or feel so far from where they are that they insist it doesn’t exist

(because they don’t yet have the eyes to see what’s invisible to the eye)

they’d rather stick to what is seen and known

(like most do)

and so…

at three layers deep

with three trillion more layers beneath

and a bazillion more layers to go

they’re content with those three layers

believing that what they see is all there is

so for them, nothing feels like it’s missing

even though much has yet to be explored

they simply aren’t yet pulled to touch

the underworld of themselves

and who can blame them, really?

those depths aren’t for the masses

they’re for those

who can’t survive

let alone thrive

unless / until they freefall

into the darkness

into the abyss

into the stillness

where nothing exists

and when one comes across another

three trillion layers deep

there’s a mutual

and oh so beautiful

recognition of what it took

to arrive at those depths

where most won’t dare to swim

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The Truth About Money (An Essay)


when experienced from a pure channel

has no meaning

no value

no substance

no weight

you don’t ‘earn it’ (and you do)

you don’t work for it (and you do)

it’s not an A = B equation

“If I do this, I’ll get that” (nope)

you don’t ‘deserve’ it

you’re not ‘worthy’ of it

and if you try to make it, you can’t

but most don’t play through a pure channel

they overwork in a heavily distorted one

where money really matters

it really means something

about them

about their work

about their / its supposed value or worth

so they’ll do whatever they can to make it

and for many, of course it works

because you can make all sorts of money

in all sorts of ways

from a distorted, matter-filled channel

but from a pure one

that rarest one

your options are reduced to one

there’s only one way to ‘make’ it

you can’t affirm your way there

or externally work your way there

or visualize or pray or trade your way there

you can only be there

at the zero point

where all that remains

is truth

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You See Right Through It (An Essay)

if you look at yourself

your life


and the world

through the lens of the energetics

you see what’s really going on

how accurate it is

and how inevitable things are

based on the energy at play

which is why you’re unaffected by what you observe

and why you’re not distracted by the noise and how things seem

and why you’re not surprised by the delusions people maintain

because you know it can’t be another way

and everything that IS

is perfect

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How To Stop Shit From Happening (An Essay)

If you react (energetically move / collapse) when something in the physical doesn’t work out how you want or expect it to,

that’s your work.

To learn how not to do that.

And until you can stay still regardless of what’s happening or not happening,

shit will keep happening or not happening so you can figure that shit out.

And once you’re able to stay still regardless of what’s happening or not happening,

shit will still happen or not happen.

It just won’t affect how you feel or how you move.

And that’s how the game is won.

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You Don't Have Issues (An Essay)

You don’t have a money issue.

A health issue.

A relationship issue.

Any issue at all.

You have whatever is brought to the surface through whatever meaning you’ve projected onto whatever is happening or not happening with your account, your health, your relationships, your whatever.

Not an issue.

An invitation.

It’s not about having or not having a certain amount of money.

It’s not about having or not having a certain measure of health.

It’s not about having or not having the relationship(s) of your supposed dreams.

It’s about facing and transmuting every bit of constriction / density / matter / illusion that shows up as you navigate every single facet of life - including your finances, your health, your relationships and all the rest.

It’s not about the category.

It’s about the congestion.

And the area in which you feel the most congested / restricted / powerless, is where you think there’s an issue (naturally), but ultimately it’s just the spot that’s the ripest to fuck with (look at, challenge, and ultimately see through).

It’s your own self-generated playground to unclog, free up, and own your damn power already.

So let go of the concept of there being an issue.

There’s no such thing.

There’s just energy moving freely or temporarily getting jammed up.

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When Bullshit is Afoot (An Essay)

It’s not like I go around disrupting everyone and everything around me just because there’s bullshit afoot.

I don’t move until I’m moved.

When I can’t help but do it.

When it would be untrue not to whatever I’m called to do.

I never plan to fuck shit up.

I never ‘try’ to fuck shit up.

I just ‘apply pressure’ when it’s required because my being told me so.

And ‘applying pressure’ can look like anything.

It can look like speaking the truth.

It can look like not responding.

It can look like digging in.

It can look like not intervening.

The moment and the energy and the inner directive determines the move.

Not the person or the thing specifically.

Even when people in my life are going through the shit, I don’t pull a ‘Mandy’ on them just because I can.

Because unless it’s true, it does nothing for either of us.

The Mandy move only works when the energy between me and another is activated - the telltale sign that both of us are ready to play together and fuck shit up - without even knowing what’s about to go down.

And until I feel that pull, I don’t make a move.

And when I do, KA-BOOM.

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Victim + Saviour Bullshit (An Essay)

The impulse to ‘save’ someone from their own suffering by ‘helping’, ‘fixing’, ‘holding space’ or filling in the gap - actually affirms and prolongs it.

When you see yourself and others as you and they truly are - innately sovereign, self-governing and free - you wouldn’t dream of interrupting and slowing down the necessary burning that’s unfolding as a result of what they (as innately sovereign, self-governing, free beings) have created for themselves.

But that is precisely what you do when you say or do something from the misperception of ‘poor them’, and buy into the delusion that you have what they need or possess something they don’t.

This is also why you, at your very core, don’t want to be ‘saved’ (impossible anyways) when you’re in the shit.

What you actually want is to be the Master of yourself and the domain that’s housed by you.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

And you can’t experience that if you still believe in victims and saviours.

There are none.

There is just you and what you choose to do or not do in this and every moment with each and every person as the innately sovereign, self-governing and free being that you are.

Dropping saviour mode is not about being a heartless jerk as you watch another suffer.

It’s about seeing them clearly (powerful as fuck) and seeing what’s happening clearly (illusion running the show) and only doing what you genuinely feel pulled to do from that clean / clear spot of knowing; not from an illusory victim / saviour stance.

Because the only reason you’d ever jump into saviour mode in the first place is because you actually believe in victims and you’re arrogant and delusional enough to believe that you can actually save them.


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The Anomaly (An Essay)

In complete stillness, what surrounds you is a vortex that spits out almost everything and everyone.

Matter is destroyed on contact.

Making it nearly impossible for anyone to make it through the tunnel unscathed, if at all.

The level of purity (lack of density) required for another to reach that still point of you, is immense.

And incredibly rare.

Making it that much more potent and extraordinary when an anomaly enters the scene.

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