Breaking Boundaries

Mandy Bites On Addiction

  1. What you’ve yet to own, owns you.

  2. Doing or not doing won’t correct what needs correcting.

  3. It’s the inability to withstand the intense aliveness of being that drives the impulse to dilute or run from it, just as the inability to withstand it drives the impulse to seek that same jolt of aliveness through superficial means.

  4. There is a purity, an innocence, and a very clean desire at the heart of every addiction / compulsion.

  5. If the pain runs deep, the power does, too. Most fear the latter, so they settle on the former.

  6. We each create exactly what we’re inevitably here to dissolve.

  7. The addiction itself is not the issue. What’s sourcing the pattern of addiction IS. And even that is not an issue.

  8. It’s no one’s job to keep you stable. It’s your job to contend with your own instability.

  9. You are the only remedy for your suffering.

  10. You created X when you disowned the truth. When you own the truth, X disappears.

  11. Stop leaving here to go ‘there’ and the ‘problem’ dissolves.

  12. Addiction is what you choose in lieu of owning and applying your power.

  13. It hurts so you can learn how to not do that shit that hurts you.

  14. What's a little more poison when you're already sick?

  15. Every descent reaps more gold.

  16. The only ‘tool’ you actually need is custom-built into each moment.

  17. You don’t actually want to be saved. You want to be the Master of yourself and the domain that’s housed by you.

  18. You ‘struggle’ where you’ve yet to own and apply your power.

  19. Stop buying into your own bullshit and you’ll be just fine.

  20. One must abandon themselves in the attempt to fill through external means what can only be satisfied internally through learning how to not self-abandon in the first place.

  21. Once upon a time, I fed myself to a wolf. I knew he was a wolf. And I wanted to be devoured.

  22. Your willingness and capacity to suffer with and for another, is not love (for yourself or the other).

  23. You only need to ‘cope’ when you choose to leave home.

  24. Regardless of the ‘issue’, it’s about your relationship to power.

  25. You only feel the need to ‘escape’ when you’re existing unnaturally.

  26. Addiction is the perfect way to ineffectively manage the discomfort of your inner deviation.

  27. Your ‘issues’ are adaptations you created yourself, in lieu of being you.

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Cheeky Bitch Mandy Bites

  1. Wakey-wakey, bitch.

  2. The answer is more butter.

  3. The saner you are, the more insane you (and they) appear.

  4. Permission to be cunty.

  5. Being with someone ugly steals your pretty. I’m not talking about looks. But those go, too.

  6. I don't plan. I'm pulled.

  7. Your existence is confronting to those who’ve yet to face themselves.

  8. Hail nothing.

  9. Batshit sane.

  10. Names are not called. They are made known.

  11. Others aren’t distracting you. You’re using others to distract yourself.

  12. If you made your dating choices from your lower self, you may be entitled to compensation.

  13. The cosmos shift when I’m on my shit.

  14. Drop a bomb. Disrupt the grid. Leave the scene. Repeat.

  15. I don’t care how it appears. I know what’s going on.

  16. If you’re not getting hotter by the day, you’re doing it wrong.

  17. She’s only a bitch if you are.


  19. “Hey, I ignored myself. Can you do me a solid and correct it on your end?” What you’re actually saying to someone when you ask or expect them to change.

  20. Why would I be less me for anybody? The more me, the better. For everybody.

  21. The greatest cosmic joke is that we take any of this shit seriously.

  22. “I’m just following orders. Take it up with the Lord.” How to respond when people question your moves.

  23. If your shit can be fucked with by another making moves, your shit clearly needs a good fucking.

  24. Since when does a god have to try?

  25. You’re an absolute genius. Fucking act like it.

  26. The glow up is infinite when you keep current with yourself.

  27. Full self-ownership is my kink.

  28. I joined a cult and I’m on drugs now.

  29. #erectionsforeveryone

  30. Stop buying into your own bullshit and you’ll be just fine.

  31. Anything you rely on will be stripped from you. You may as well strip yourself.

  32. If you’re not being transported, then what’s the fucking point?

  33. It’s either me or your shit. Never both. It’s always up to you.

  34. Why would you put the mentally ill (human) in charge of your life?

  35. “It’s their loss.” No, it’s not.

  36. If you hold space for your shit, you're gonna have a handful of shit. And that shit multiplies.

  37. Your insistence on sticking to what you said you would do, instead of making the new, true move, is why your experience fucking blows.

  38. Is my genius taking over your timeline? Boofuckinghoo. And you’re welcome.

  39. The world doesn’t need saving. Nor do you or anyone else. #sorrynotsorryjesus

  40. You’re not at the mercy of the planets.

  41. I’m here to fuck shit up.

  42. If there’s a box, I’m gonna smash it. Sounds sexual but I don’t swing that way.

  43. You do what you’re told by them. I do what I’m told by me.

  44. Why block? Let them see you be great.

  45. Until they say, “Who IS this bitch?”, my mission is not complete.

  46. You gotta ride your own dick.

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Mandy Bites On Death

  1. Death is nothing more than dropping form and remaining formless.

  2. Every being chooses when it enters and leaves this world. As well as what it enters into.

  3. Everything makes you more. Regardless of what you’ve ‘lost’.

  4. I’m here to destroy and be destroyed.

  5. Every descent reaps more gold.

  6. I don’t care how I’m remembered. I care how deeply I’m known.

  7. The longing for death, at the deepest level, is the desire to live unbound.

  8. If you’re not ready to off yourself, I’m of no use to you.

  9. My pieces are not inclusive. I speak to the bold. The brave. The hungry (for death).

  10. All I want is to destroy you. Strip you bare and leave you for dead.

  11. He has to die to be with me. As does anyone else.

  12. I like a man who grunts and groans while feasting on his kill.

  13. He is where I go to die.

  14. Once upon a time, I fed myself to a wolf. I knew he was a wolf. And I wanted to be devoured.

  15. You haven’t lost anything. But if you’re ballsy enough, and you’re doing it right, you’ll lose EVERY. SINGLE. THING.

  16. Stay where it's most alive, as everything dead falls away.

  17. You’re not truly living if you’re not perpetually dying.

  18. You think it’s too risky to be wild. So you’d rather play dead to stay ‘safe’.

  19. We’re all on our way out.

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Mandy Bites On The Devil

  1. I use the Devil to get closer to God.

  2. The devil will never announce his arrival. Your system always will.

  3. The war, the hell was (already) within. Perfectly out-pictured through ‘abuse’.

  4. No one has the power to pull you into the lower, let alone keep you there.

  5. The nightmare grants you access to the dream that was always there.

  6. The ‘narcissist’ isn’t the villain. They simply exposed you to you.

  7. Hell is mistaking illusion for truth.

  8. Hell / sin / evil / the devil is just a deviation from truth.

  9. You demonize another to justify your perpetually ignored NO.

  10. He’s caught in the delusion that he’s at the mercy of his beast.

  11. I don’t play games with those who play dirty.

  12. The devil gets in through the cracks.

  13. He is where I go to die.

  14. Ignoring yourself is expensive as hell.

  15. Once upon a time, I fed myself to a wolf. I knew he was a wolf. And I wanted to be devoured.

  16. it’s the darker things / that lure me in / forbidden pleasures / and beautiful sins

  17. i shall tie you to a pillar / as an offering to the gods / and then i shall consume you / make a drink of your sweet blood

  18. the devil keeps on knocking / but i won’t go out to play / i’ve been burned over a million times / right here is where i’ll stay

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Mandy Bites On The Beast

  1. Too many people have tamed their beast. An animal isn’t meant to be caged.

  2. ‘Facing the Beast' aka enduring yourself at the hands of yourself.

  3. Enter the belly of the imagined beast.

  4. Your wild isn’t meant to be tamed.

  5. You think it’s too risky to be wild. So you’d rather play dead to stay ‘safe’.

  6. He’s caught in the delusion that he’s at the mercy of his beast.

  7. The alpha wants to lead. The beta wants to be led. The Beast wants neither thing. He leads by being himself.

  8. The alpha overcompensates. The Beast is in his natural state.

  9. She erects The Beast by not accepting less than his best.

  10. She’s most aroused while in the void. Only The Beast can meet her there.

  11. Once upon a time, I fed myself to a wolf. I knew he was a wolf. And I wanted to be devoured.

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Mandy Bites On Waking Up

  1. Wakey-wakey, bitch.

  2. It’s not your job to wake people up. It’s your job to be, and remain, awake. Regardless of who’s sleeping.

  3. Life will force the expansion you’re not willing to take on your own.

  4. The saner you are, the more insane you (and they) appear.

  5. Waking up shatters every fantasy.

  6. You don't need something to wake you up when you're already awake.

  7. Existing wide awake IS the happening.

  8. Go to bed empty. Wake up empty.

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Mandy Bites On Speaking

  1. Actions speak louder than words? Energy speaks louder than both.

  2. Don’t honour your word. Honour yourself. The truth in THIS moment. Regardless of what you’ve said.

  3. What IS speaks for itself.

  4. It’s not polite if it isn’t true.

  5. What’s false is justified. What’s true needs no defence.

  6. Don’t announce it. Just do it. They’ll get the message loud and clear.

  7. Withholding the truth is still untrue. It’s just another form of deceit.

  8. You need to be willing to say NO without having something to say YES to.

  9. Speak the truth or walk away. It’s the loving thing to do.

  10. You can't access the MORE while saying yes to less.

  11. Avoidance is passive. Non-engagement is active.

  12. The human makes excuses. The being just says NO.

  13. There are times when silence is the absolute truth. And times when it’s used to avoid it.

  14. Saying nothing says everything that needs to be said.

  15. Words can’t override the truth of where you are (or aren’t) and make what’s not true, true.

  16. You wouldn’t need to draw a line in the sand with words if the line was energetically there to begin with.

  17. Your existence teaches more than any words or teachings will.

  18. A ‘king of the people’ speaks directly to the codependent hearts of the (m)asses.

  19. My pieces are not inclusive. I speak to the bold. The brave. The hungry (for death).

  20. Energy can’t be hidden. And words can’t hide what IS.

  21. You get what you say yes to. And all the shit that brings.

  22. Ignore the words. Feel what’s true.

  23. If the words are right but the energy is wrong, trust the energy.

  24. The Dom commands without a word. The directive is known. Felt. Obeyed.

  25. If you’re creating a system to counter the system… Need I say more?

  26. I use my words to carry me home.

  27. Until they say, “Who IS this bitch?”, my mission is not complete.

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Mandy Bites On Disorders

  1. We each create exactly what we’re inevitably here to dissolve.

  2. The saner you are, the more insane you (and they) appear.

  3. Swallowing truth makes you sick.

  4. You are the only remedy for your suffering.

  5. A ‘disorder’ is just the dirty version of a clean (and rejected) desire.

  6. A 'disorder' is a defence against reality.

  7. The ‘disorder’ dissolves when you do for yourself what you’re trying to do through the other.

  8. ‘Personality Disorder’: Seeing self / life / others through a temporarily distorted lens.

  9. Personality Disorder < Personal Reality Disorder < Personal Reality Distortion

  10. Why would you put the mentally ill (human) in charge of your life?

  11. You can’t reason with insanity.

  12. The 'narcissist' and his so-called 'prey' are equally sick and addicted.

  13. The ‘narcissist’ is only the symptom. The actual problem is you.

    (Peep The Narcissist Collection)

  14. The more you focus on symptoms, the further you stray from truth.

  15. The more you self-abandon, the more symptomatic you become.

  16. Every 'symptom' has the same origin.

  17. Every 'symptom' has the same 'solution'.

  18. What's a little more poison when you're already sick?

  19. Regardless of the ‘issue’, it’s about your relationship to power.

  20. You can’t ‘heal’ your way out of the illusion that ‘healing’ is required.

  21. You don’t ‘heal’. You see straight. That’s it.

  22. That never-ending ‘healing’ journey creates more problems than it solves. Kidding. It solves nothing.

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Mandy Bites On Art

  1. Every piece is a portal.

  2. Your life is art unfolding.

  3. The actual art is just you being you, regardless of the piece.

  4. Art is never about the audience.

  5. You create your art. People enter it as they wish. They take what they need. But the creation was for you.

  6. The mess is part of the art.

  7. Who cares if no one likes it. Who cares if no one gets it. Is it true? Is it you? That’s enough.

  8. If you care about the outcome, you can’t create real art.

  9. Art is made in the moment. SEX is a dance in the NOW.

  10. I am an artist before his lover. I am mine before I am his.

  11. I always do what I’m told to do. That’s the art I make.

  12. he is my creation / like every other thing / a gift i give myself / as i fall deeper into me

  13. my being writes ahead of my life / love letters from me to me

  14. create / extract / curate

  15. Turning my life into art since way back when.

Peep the full Art Collection (including essays) right here.

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Mandy Bites On Consciousness

  1. There is no new consciousness.

  2. No one can take you where no one has gone before.

  3. The more you see through, the less interest you have in what you see.

  4. Nothing can bridge the (illusory) consciousness gap. Only no thing can.

  5. The cosmos shift when I’m on my shit.

  6. When you see through and exist beyond space and time, it’s a pretty fucking epic ride.

  7. When you’re attached to form, you suffer. When you’re devoted to truth, you fly.

  8. When you know the game is to become more conscious, you use everything in front of you towards that end.

  9. Pure consciousness. That’s what you are. Why would you need time?

  10. It takes consciousness. Not time.

  11. consciousness > time

  12. The less conscious you are, the more you're turned on by externals.

  13. I love working out the kinks in my consciousness.

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Mandy Bites On Narcissism

  1. Sometimes you’re their karma.

  2. It’s all your own (un)doing.

  3. The real ‘no contact’ is with the abuser in your head.

  4. To blame the ‘narcissist’ for ‘manipulating’ you into ignoring that initial gut feeling and your brilliant inner knowing is absolutely absurd.

  5. True ‘justice’ is reclaiming your power from everything and everyone you gave it to.

  6. You lied to yourself before (and more than) they ever lied to you.

  7. The nightmare grants you access to the dream that was always there.

  8. The war, the hell was (already) within. Perfectly out-pictured through ‘abuse’.

  9. You’re ‘trauma-bonded’ to you; not them.

  10. If you weren’t trying to outsource from another what you can only provide for yourself, you would not have ended up in something that hurts you.

  11. You weren’t deceived. You knew. And chose to believe something else.

  12. You demonize another to justify your perpetually ignored NO.

  13. It was never about them. And what they did or didn’t do was never about you, either.

  14. The 'narcissist' and his so-called 'prey' are equally sick and addicted.

  15. Going ‘no contact’ does nothing if you’re still energetically bound.

  16. Once upon a time, I fed myself to a wolf. I knew he was a wolf. And I wanted to be devoured.

  17. What's a little more poison when you're already sick?

  18. Everything that surfaced through your dance with the ‘narcissist’ was there long before you two met.

  19. No one has the power to pull you into the lower, let alone keep you there.

  20. When someone is free, they appear narcissistic to those still bound by themselves.

  21. Being with someone ugly steals your pretty. I’m not talking about looks. But those go, too.

  22. Why are you mad at them for your choice to betray yourself?

  23. You only point at others when you’ve turned against yourself.

  24. It’s not: “Why are they like that?” It’s: “Why am I with that?”

  25. “WhY iS tHiS pErSoN wHo sHoWeD mE riGhT fRoM tHe sTaRt tHaT tHeY aiN’t riGhT iN tHe hEaD… nOt aCtiNg riGhT?”

  26. Avoiding ‘toxic’ people isn’t the solution (or even possible). Becoming clean yourself is.

  27. The next one won’t be better. The same work will meet you there, too.

  28. It stops when you do.

  29. Waking up shatters every fantasy.

  30. Why manage something you shouldn’t be fucking with at all?

  31. The ‘narcissist’ isn’t the villain. They simply exposed you to you.

  32. The ‘narcissist’ doesn’t need to change. You do.

  33. The ‘narcissist’ is only the symptom. The actual problem is you.

  34. The ‘narcissist’ treats you as poorly as you’ve been treating yourself.

  35. The ‘narcissist’ shows you precisely where you’ve yet to stand your power.

  36. The ‘narcissist’ is the inversion of truth.

  37. The ‘narcissist’ IS the lie. So every deception is a function of that.

  38. The ‘narcissist’ sticks around until you stop blaming another for what you’re doing to yourself.

  39. The ‘narcissist’ doesn’t hold any real power to derail you or your life. You’ve been doing that all by yourself through your choice to yield to them.

  40. The ‘narcissist’ lies to themself more than they ever lie to you.

  41. The ‘narcissist’ is just as surprised as you are that you keep taking it.

  42. The devil will never announce his arrival. Your system always will.

  43. Don’t play games with those who play dirty.

  44. Ignore the words. Feel what’s true.

  45. Hearts don’t break. Attachments do.

  46. Break ups don’t break what needs breaking.

  47. You question it because it’s not IT.

  48. Your willingness and capacity to suffer with and for another is not love (for yourself or the other).

  49. Do the work within the current dynamic.

  50. When you’ve actually had enough of it, you won’t have to try. It will just be done.

  51. Why would you need to forgive? What happened wasn’t wrong. Nor was it about you.

  52. Regardless of the ‘issue’, it’s about your relationship to power.

  53. If you can’t see the absolute perfection behind a ‘bad’ experience, even the ‘worst’ experience of your life, then you haven’t gone deep enough. You haven’t extracted your gold.

  54. Why would you put the mentally ill (human) in charge of your life?

  55. No need to show them the door. They’ll escort themselves out naturally, the closer you stay to you.

  56. The other’s moves are what you point to and use, to justify your inability to harness your power.

  57. If the pain runs deep, the power does, too. Most fear the latter, so they settle on the former.

  58. You get what you say yes to. And all the shit that brings.

  59. If you only have it because you’re holding on, you don’t have it. It has you.

  60. Most would rather have another cater / adapt to their dysfunction(s) and delusion(s) than to do the work necessary to correct it themselves. #fillinthegapsifyouloveme

  61. It hurts so you can learn how to not do that shit that hurts you.

  62. What you’ve yet to own, owns you.

  63. It’s no one’s job to keep you stable. It’s your job to contend with your own instability.

  64. What felt tragic becomes comedic once you actually see through it.

  65. You are the engine that keeps the dysfunctional train going.

  66. Exposure is love (mis)perceived as a threat.

  67. They didn’t (and can’t) hide who they are. It was (and is) in plain view.

  68. Let a ‘thank you’ follow the ‘fuck you’.

  69. Revoke access.

  70. You determine the price of admission.

  71. It’s not ‘victim’ blaming. It’s adult responsibility-taking.

  72. You can’t reason with insanity.

  73. The more you self-abandon, the more symptomatic you become.

  74. “They need to be held accountable.” Actually, they don’t.

  75. Once you hold yourself accountable, you won’t demand that of another.

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Mandy Bites On Choices

  1. Every being chooses when it enters and leaves this world. As well as what it enters into.

  2. If you choose something or someone over yourself, you're gonna have a hard time.

  3. You want to be chosen without choosing yourself.

  4. Even when you choose poorly, you still choose perfectly.

  5. If you made your dating choices from your lower self, you may be entitled to compensation.

  6. You only need to 'cope' when you choose to leave home.

  7. Addiction is what you choose in lieu of owning and applying your power.

  8. Why are you mad at them for your choice to betray yourself?

  9. The ‘narcissist’ doesn’t hold any real power to derail you or your life. You’ve been doing that by yourself through your choice to yield to them.

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Don't Get Tricked By The Flashing Lights (An Essay)

“We’ve only just begun.”

“Now more than ever…”

“In these challenging times…”


The same shit has been going on and will continue to go on for eons.

There is nothing new or groundbreaking or ‘worse than before’ happening.

Except to you / your mind / that mission-based and externals-believing self.

The ‘new’ that you perceive is your own increased awareness.

The lens getting clearer.

You’re seeing through more and more and it feels revolutionary (and you position it as such),

but it’s not.

It just is.

And it was before you and it will be after you.

The truth has been here this whole time.

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Everything Makes Sense (An Essay)

When you deliberately play at the energetic level,

when you see beyond the veil and make your moves from there,

you have the ability to look at all things / situations / dynamics retroactively - before you caught on to what you always knew - and you understand exactly what was going on.

You can pinpoint exactly when and why you or another deviated from truth and the natural / inevitable consequences of that choice.

Everything makes sense.

And when you ‘get’ the ‘energetics of dysfunction’ as it were,

that generate and and keep any toxic / twisted system / dynamic in place (which at the most fundamental level is just the deviation from truth),

you can no longer be surprised by anything that happens in the world / between humans / at an individual level.

Because it’s all the same.

And it’s a given that things would unfold as they did and do based on the black and whiteness of energetic truth.

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Clean + Dirty Narc (An Essay)

The ‘narcissist’ is the inversion of truth.

They are a void.

But not a clean one.

The void is compensatory.

They don’t care about you.

But not in a clean way.

The lack of care is compensatory.

They are selfish.

But not in a clean way.

The selfishness is compensatory.

They use things and others.

But not in a clean way.

Their using is compensatory.


when someone IS a clean void

when someone truly doesn’t care (about illusions / matter / appearances / the false and self-victimized you)

when someone IS ‘selfish’ (self-sourced / in energetic integrity / unwavering / true move making regardless of others)

when someone uses ALL things and people (to sharpen, to erect, to deepen and purify themselves)

they appear narcissistic

to those still bound by themselves

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The Beautiful Thing About Narcissistic Abuse (An Essay)

The beautiful thing about ‘narcissistic abuse’…

(hear me out - and quotation marks because on the deepest level it’s not abuse of any kind - it’s a self-generated invitation to MORE)

is that it fundamentally changes you.

In that it propels you even more deeply and fully into YOU.

Into your power.

Into actual truth.

If that’s what you choose.

Stripping you of all the illusions / delusions that once brought and kept you dancing with the devil at the expense of yourself -

a choice you actively made.

The ‘narcissist’ wasn’t your kryptonite.

They didn’t hold any real power to derail you or your life.

It was everything that surfaced through your dance with them that was truly holding you back.

* that part *

And it was there looooooong before you two ever met.

The ‘narcissist’ was just the vehicle through which you could see your blind spots more clearly and if you were up for it - correct them accordingly.

This so-called monster was nothing more than an interchangeable player in your game because let’s face it…

If it wasn’t THAT narc it would be another narc until you learned what you needed to learn.

Until YOU changed.

Not them.

Because it was never about them.

And what they did or didn’t do was never about you either.

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Welcome The Narc (An Essay)

You’d be much better off viewing the presence of a ‘narcissist’ in your life as a good thing.

A great thing, in fact.

Especially if they’re still ruffling your feathers.

They are here to show you yourself.

To show you precisely where you’ve veered from who you are and where you’ve yet to stand in your power.

(Your pretty feathers couldn’t get ruffled by an energetic toddler otherwise)

They are the messenger - and a powerful one at that - brought into your life (by YOU, my friend) to bring all of your shit to the surface - to be trampled on even more - until you’re forced and ready to do your work.

They aren’t the villain.

They simply exposed you - to you.

They electrified you.

Crucified you.

Which then erected you to your natural state.

So let a ‘thank you’ follow the ‘fuck you.’

If it weren’t for them,

these devilish friends,

you’d still be (energetically) weak.

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A Mighty Fine Loss (An Essay)

If you weren’t trying to outsource from another what you can only provide for yourself,

you would not have ended up in something that hurts you.

You would not feel betrayed.

Or believe yourself to be a victim.

The good news is that the part that hurts isn’t the real you anyways.

The pain is from your illusion(s) / attachments being shattered (as they should be / needed to be).

And facing the reality that only you can ‘save’ yourself (come into full power) - instead of depending on someone or something else to enable and feed your (perceived) powerlessness.

Losing the delusion that someone else is responsible for how you feel, for where you are, for what you chose / choose, for what comes next…

is a mighty fine ‘loss’ and the greatest gift of all.

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The Internal Holocaust (An Essay)

What was brought to the surface through the internal holocaust that is ‘narcissistic abuse’…

was already buried deep inside of you before this creature appeared.

That vacuous energy,

that disordered little ghost,

the one that had you spinning out of control…

held no real power or ability to generate a thing inside of you;

let alone something brand new.

Its existence in your field simply provided the exact configuration to rattle the cage you were already in.

And its mission was to do that until you finally let yourself out.

The ‘narcissist’ didn’t put or keep you there.

You were being shown precisely where you were already.

In a cage you had built yourself.

You were being faced with a level of density you’d been contending with all your life; albeit unconsciously, through the one(s) you chose to dance with as you died to each (illusory) piece.

If anything, you had entered a house of mirrors.

Waging a war with what you thought was ‘out there’.

But in reality,

the war,

and the hell,

was (already) within.

Perfectly out-pictured through ‘abuse’.

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