Human Dynamics

Sanna On Divorce (A Transcript)

From one of Sanna’s lives:

In most cases, people end up divorcing their partner and saying No to the entire relationship, completely unnecessarily.

Instead of making the relationship and everything that matters - not matter, they end up just walking away from the entire thing.

And that does not collapse anything. It does not disrupt anything, because the matter is still there.

And then they will carry that matter to the next relationship.

So they end up saying No to something that IS actually a turn on - when it’s clean.

It’s not the physical thing that’s not a turn on.

It’s the matter that’s in it that prevents it from being a turn on.

watch the full video (57:43)

Peep The Sanna Collection

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Sanna On The Wimpy Fucker (A Transcript)

From one of Sanna’s lives:

Viewer: “What to do when your partner is a wimpy fucker?”

Two ways to go about saying No.

One: You actually physically walk away.

Two: (which was my case because I had the knowing that he was the person that was a huge turn for me, he had the potential to be my unmatch and that I actually wanted to be with him; I just didn’t want to be around the energy that he was in) You stay in your own High Feminine in that relationship, no matter what.

You do not surrender to anything.

You do not hold space for him and his wimpy fucker or his swampy feminine.

You do not do anything that is not a turn on.

You play your own game within that relationship, which ends up breaking / collapsing the container, at which point one of two things will happen.

One: He’s going to collapse and physically walk away.

Two: Your High Feminine disrupting his swampy feminine will actually activate his High Masculine and he will rise up to be your unmatch.

But it has to not matter which one it is.

You have to get to the point where you would rather be without him than surrender to the energy, and it has to not matter if he walks away.

So you have to kill the attachment to wanting him to stay.

Otherwise, you will always limit your actions, your expressions, and yourself to match him so that he will not leave, and that creates a container because there’s a limit to how far you’re willing to go, what you’re willing to say, what you’re willing to do.

Viewer: “That’s what I’ve been trying to do and he’s been getting so angry.” 

Let him get angry.

Do not hold space or go into the emotion with him.

That’s his swampy feminine getting emotional and collapsing. 

You have to see what’s happening in the energetics behind what’s happening in the physical because that is how you will be able to stay unattached to what’s appearing to happen in the physical. 

And all that is happening when he’s getting angry is that his swampy feminine is collapsing because his swampy feminine cannot relate to you in that moment because there’s nothing in the High Feminine to relate to.

Which means that he actually has to stand on his own, and the swampy feminine cannot do that.

It’s not possible for her to stand on her own.

She needs a container.

And you’re refusing to provide that container for him and his swampy feminine.

watch the full video (57:43)

Peep The Sanna Collection

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Touché, Bitch (An Essay)

Talking with a friend in a relationship that’s been the biggest NO forfuckingever…

Her: “But I love his family.”

Me: “More than you love yourself?”

Her: “Touché, bitch.”

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P.S. If you’ve never referred to me as ‘bitch’ (not ‘a bitch’ - although that would still be a compliment), do you even love me?

And if I haven’t called you ‘bitch’ while hyped up in a private convo / message / work call, either celebrating you or calling you out, do I even love you?

Of course.

But it’s still fun to ponder.