People see me when they’re ready to see themselves.
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People see me when they’re ready to see themselves.
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when someone writes something ‘off’ on a post
or says something ‘off’ on a call
(‘off’ meaning energetically inaccurate)
i use that glitch in a piece of my own
to address and ‘correct’ what was ‘off’
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It’s like people come to me with all these crutches and I just keep doing swift kicks to every fucking one of them.
And then they’re like, “WHOA. I never knew I could walk without those.”
And I’m like, “Bitch, I know. And you’re welcome.”
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I made thousands in one week letting others pick the price themselves for a 30 minute call with me.
That didn’t happen because of my ‘price point’.
There wasn’t one.
Still ‘worked’.
Because nothing was in the way.
I was just playing because it was fun.
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It’s never about the words themselves.
It’s about the energy sourcing them.
Which is why someone can speak or write the most beautiful piece, but you still can’t feel a thing.
It’s flat.
It’s dead.
It’s from the mind.
Not the being.
From a concept.
Not lived truth.
It’s overcompensating with words,
for what has yet to be touched.
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Recorded in 2022.
A 7-ish minute audio clip.
Watch the 1 minute visual / captioned clip.
Mandyland Radio is on Spotify, SoundCloud, iTunes, iHeartRadio, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube and most other streaming platforms.
Purchase select full interviews / private calls that have been featured on the show.
Book a private call to be fully exposed and beautifully destroyed.
Explore the Mandyland Radio Archives (from 2010 to now).
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if someone has travelled three layers deep
and you have travelled three trillion on route to a bazillion
you’re swimming in a vastness they’ve yet to taste
but can sense
in you
and in themselves
this will terrify and / or intrigue them
or feel so far from where they are that they insist it doesn’t exist
(because they don’t yet have the eyes to see what’s invisible to the eye)
they’d rather stick to what is seen and known
(like most do)
and so…
at three layers deep
with three trillion more layers beneath
and a bazillion more layers to go
they’re content with those three layers
believing that what they see is all there is
so for them, nothing feels like it’s missing
even though much has yet to be explored
they simply aren’t yet pulled to touch
the underworld of themselves
and who can blame them, really?
those depths aren’t for the masses
they’re for those
who can’t survive
let alone thrive
unless / until they freefall
into the darkness
into the abyss
into the stillness
where nothing exists
and when one comes across another
three trillion layers deep
there’s a mutual
and oh so beautiful
recognition of what it took
to arrive at those depths
where most won’t dare to swim
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There was a period of time when I found it invigorating, even fascinating, to read the ideas and witness the evolutions of others on social media.
Eventually, that ceased to be the case.
Not because the others had changed.
But I had.
I fell even deeper into myself and the rest just felt like noise.
So I stopped observing said noise and got quieter within.
More still, more sure, more pure, more me.
The other is not my business.
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It’s not like I go around disrupting everyone and everything around me just because there’s bullshit afoot.
I don’t move until I’m moved.
When I can’t help but do it.
When it would be untrue not to whatever I’m called to do.
I never plan to fuck shit up.
I never ‘try’ to fuck shit up.
I just ‘apply pressure’ when it’s required because my being told me so.
And ‘applying pressure’ can look like anything.
It can look like speaking the truth.
It can look like not responding.
It can look like digging in.
It can look like not intervening.
The moment and the energy and the inner directive determines the move.
Not the person or the thing specifically.
Even when people in my life are going through the shit, I don’t pull a ‘Mandy’ on them just because I can.
Because unless it’s true, it does nothing for either of us.
The Mandy move only works when the energy between me and another is activated - the telltale sign that both of us are ready to play together and fuck shit up - without even knowing what’s about to go down.
And until I feel that pull, I don’t make a move.
And when I do, KA-BOOM.
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The price people pay to play with me isn’t just financial.
It costs what’s about to be sacrificed
at the beloved altar of truth.
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Your existence is confronting to those who’ve yet to face themselves.
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Her: “I have to master this level first.”
Before she can make the kind of money and moves she wants to make.
Me: “Did you really just say that to me?”
We both laugh.
“Once I…” is the perfect illusion / justification / delay tactic for not making the move that your system is turned on to make / take RIGHT NOW.
Not later.
It’s basically saying “I know that’s for me but let me ‘work on’ something else instead because I couldn’t possibly trust myself or my ability to create what I know I’m here for and keep saying that I want. I couldn’t possibly do something THAT crazy because of X but I’m sure that future me will trust me more than this me and then I’ll create what I’m here to create because by then X will no longer exist.”
Nah, bruh.
When you get the hit, you do it.
That’s how you collapse the illusion of X.
Because it never existed in the first place.
X is what you created to avoid the true move.
When you make the true move,
X ‘disappears’.
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I didn’t have the required amount of money to invest long term (and at times not even for single calls) with any of the incredible mentors I’ve worked with over the years.
And yet, I worked with the very best of the best.
Because who I am is beyond the illusion of money and the need to have it in order to bring absolutely everything that’s for me, at the very highest level, directly into my field without missing a beat.
I’ve always had this ‘ability’ (which isn’t an ability at all - it’s natural to one’s being) to draw to me what I most love and truly desire at the deepest level - in spades - in excess of what I thought possible - with plenty of cherries on top - in every season of life.
Regardless of my bank account.
Because what’s for me is delivered to me by me and the illusory externals never obstruct what shows up.
So I exist quite naturally in a world that’s catered to me specifically.
(The same is true for you)
The most extraordinary offers land at my feet.
And it’s always a feeling of, ‘Of course.’
Of course when I couldn’t ‘afford’ X, Y, Z, something even richer, even more delicious, even more me, came right to my door.
There’s much to be said about all that can be created without a dollar exchange.
And just as much to be said about what’s created with one.
On either side of the this illusory coin,
it’s all just about the energy.
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Friend: “I don’t know why things aren’t working.”
Me: “I know exactly why.”
Friend: “I don’t want to hear it.”
Laughter on both ends.
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I had a call with a hottie who was on fire until she started talking about her work.
As she spoke about it, the energy went flat.
I remained silent.
Then she stopped talking.
She asked what just happened.
She felt the shift as well.
It wasn’t what she said about her work.
It was that nothing true was coming through.
Which is why the energy of our very alive conversation died once she started speaking about it.
Moments later, she confessed that the thing she actually wants to write about publicly and express as part of her work and full being-ness, is the exact thing she feels she can’t write publicly about because of A, B, C.
The reasons don’t matter.
The fact that she’s denying herself and betraying her system of what it naturally wants to do more than anything else right now…
and the fact that she’s been withholding that expression for quite some time…
despite already knowing exactly what the first line of that extraordinary introductory piece is going to be and all that it will contain…
for fear of ‘exposing’ the truthiest truth she has ever experienced…
for fear of how others might react to said truth…
for fear of being THAT real…
and owning the full power of that truth and that level of self-expression…
is exactly why her work is flat and nothing within it is moving.
Not because she was sad.
But because she knew that her being and her work now requires her to ‘expose’ (her word; not mine) that perfect and beautiful truth she’s been trying to avoid speaking about.
The one thing she always writes and talks around.
Expressing everything but THAT.
That one thing that’s more potent and powerful than all the other things combined.
That one thing that will break open all the rest that lays dormant as she hides behind the words that say everything but THAT.
Dancing around the fire of truth for fear of getting burned.
And now, a new choice.
If she so dares.
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Even if they never talk about it publicly or directly, there is not one (great) coach / mentor / human who doesn’t regularly come up against their ‘shit’ aka their perfectly customized conditioning and does what it takes to remain free of it.
Where do you think all of that brilliance and wisdom comes from in the first place?
It comes from the same shit that everyone else faces.
They’re speaking directly (albeit seemingly indirectly through their posts) from having lived through exactly what’s being spoken about.
And the only difference between them (if they’re truly walking their talk) and everyone else (the majority of people who’d rather avoid actively looking at said shit), is that they genuinely want to play this game of facing and seeing through each illusion instead of allowing that mirage to lead their life.
Therefore, they do whatever it takes to become a master of themselves instead of a slave to their illusions, because for these kinds of people, there is simply no other option.
They’re here for the depth and breadth of living from the core of who they are, and built into that beautifully uncompromising desire is the requirement to face and learn how to play with all that arises; regardless of how it appears or what must be sacrificed in order to keep playing the game at a level befitting of these rare birds who are wholly unable to settle for anything less.
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You don’t actually want to be saved.
You want to be the Master of yourself and the domain that’s housed by YOU.
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A beautifully raw reckoning.
A potent life recalibration.
A pivotal unleashing of one’s innate power.
This is what happens through a call with me.
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“Thank you for giving me a Mandy slap. It had to blow up. It had to collapse.”
I received this feedback yesterday from a hottie who had been spinning in circles forfuckingever.
Attempting to control what felt out of control for fear of what might happen if she just let go.
She said she had been doing this her whole life.
Talk about exhausting.
And talk about how much power she possesses if that much effort is required to suppress it.
When we chatted I didn’t mince my words.
Even though she was experiencing the rawest edge and pain.
A spot that most seek to soften for another.
Because it makes them uncomfortable.
Because they want to ‘help’.
Because they can’t see what’s really going on.
Because they actually believe the pain is real.
But the true being doesn’t experience pain.
The person who is out of touch with their true being, does.
(There’s more to this - for another time)
So I went right in.
To the eye of her storm.
Because I knew she was at her tipping point.
The hottest place to be.
Energetically, her system was BEGGING me to destroy that which appeared to be destroying her.
So I did.
By speaking directly to HER.
Not her.
And she collapsed on the spot.
Of course.
Then SHE began to erect.
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