
Touché, Bitch (An Essay)

Talking with a friend in a relationship that’s been the biggest NO forfuckingever…

Her: “But I love his family.”

Me: “More than you love yourself?”

Her: “Touché, bitch.”

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P.S. If you’ve never referred to me as ‘bitch’ (not ‘a bitch’ - although that would still be a compliment), do you even love me?

And if I haven’t called you ‘bitch’ while hyped up in a private convo / message / work call, either celebrating you or calling you out, do I even love you?

Of course.

But it’s still fun to ponder.

You've Got A Winner (One Minute Clip)

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Are You Naked Yet? (One Minute Clip)

Watch the captioned video above or listen to the downloadable link below.

Mandyland Radio is on Spotify, SoundCloud, iTunes, iHeartRadio, TikTok, Pinterest, YouTube and most other streaming platforms.

Purchase select full interviews / private calls that have been featured on the show.

Book a private call to be fully exposed and beautifully destroyed.

Explore the Mandyland Radio Archives (from 2010 to now).

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Raw Dogging Life (An Essay)

No matter what anyone is selling you,

it ain’t IT.

Others can point to IT,

be a demonstration of IT (at best),

but the IT you seek comes from one thing only:

daring to be present enough in your own experience (no matter what it contains) to do the actual work of facing, feeling and seeing right through whatever shit is in the way of your heaven.

Raw-dogging life.

No buffer.

It’s as simple and as hard as that.

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The Unwritten Tagline (An Essay)

The unwritten tagline of most coaches:

“I’ll take you to a place I haven’t even dared to go myself and I’ll use a bunch of words and embellishments and contrived positioning to convince you that I’ve got whatchu need and you’ll buy it because you can’t yet discern between what I’m saying and how I’m actually living / being which is precisely why you’re captivated by my bullshit in the first place. Thank you for your payment.”

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The Confusing + Captivating Type (An Essay)

Those who are living in integrity with themselves are confusing and / or captivating (at times, even terrifying) to those who are not.

But it’s not because they know something those others don’t.

They’re just doing what most are not yet willing to do.

And until you’re in integrity with yourself, it’s not possible for you to touch what you misperceive those others have access to but you don’t.

So do the fucking work.

The work of actually listening to and honouring yourself.

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Accelerate The Inevitable (An Essay)





When we join forces,

I won’t offer tools or processes.

We won’t work on mindset or strategy.

We won’t scour your past for a link to the present.

And you won’t learn how to manage a thing.

Truth requires absolutely no-thing.

It’s time to play a new kind of game.

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The Language That Speaks (An Essay)

Numbers aren’t the indicator.

Followers aren’t the indicator.

Engagement isn’t the indicator.

Energy is the language that speaks.

There are plenty of people saying plenty of things while their energy outs them every time.

And there are plenty of people making and paying plenty of dollars for those words (and other energetically limp creations) because they cannot yet sense the truth (energy).

Your energy is felt and known whether you speak or remain silent.

It is felt and known regardless of what you say or what you avoid saying.

Energy can’t be hidden.

And words can’t hide what IS.

(Peep this Mandy Bite)

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Walkie Talkie (An Essay)

“You’re the only person I know who walks their talk. Completely.”

The loveliest thing to hear.

And the result of doing the work.

Not just sometimes.

All the time.

With everything and everyone.

I’m relentless when it comes to my game and those I choose to play with.

No one gets a free pass.

Exceptions aren’t made.

Least of all for those I’m closest to.

Because doing the work and living in truth is the most loving thing I can do.

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Diving In Unobstructed (An Essay)

The thing about being energetically erect and intact (one’s natural state), and not playing (making moves) unless and until it’s still, is that it perfectly fucks with whatever matter I’m currently holding on to.

The exact shit that’s here to be burned by the fire of ME.

It also perfectly fucks with the shit of whoever I’m playing with.

If there are any strings of attachment (hoping / waiting / needing / trying / expecting / victimizing / or whatever other bullshit that needs to go), I don’t touch it.

Because it’s an energetic turn off.

But if I feel turned on despite and because of the matter, it means that the shit is ready to get fucked up and I’m the bitch to do it.

Ultimately though, I play where it’s clear.

Where I sense no limits, no restrictions, no actual end in sight.

Just a wide open space to dive into unobstructed.

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