Shit Stack

Beyond Coping (One Minute Clip)

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Deviating From What's Natural (An Essay)

When you’ve deviated from the truth and natural movements of your being (a complete betrayal to your system), the only way to live with that internal split is to distract yourself with self-created 'issues’ that would not exist (and ultimately don't) had you remained in your power (your natural state) in the first place.

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We're All Fucked Up (An Essay)

We’re all fucked up.

Who cares?

The human condition(ing) makes it so.


We’re all perfectly intact despite the fuckedupness.

It’s both.

Human + being.

I don’t know one human who actually has all their shit together (whatever that means).

Not one.

But I know that every being exists perfectly and beautifully beyond the human shit.

And that every human touches and experiences even more of their brilliant being, both through and because of it.

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Twisted Sticky Shit (An Essay)

You can’t have an expectation / demand / condition for how or when another person should behave for or in response to you…

and call that love.

You can’t point to what you’ve done for them (gross) in comparison to what you think they’ve yet to reciprocate (eww) as a way to justify why they should now perform / abandon / contort themselves for you like you clearly did for them (why else would you be keeping score)…

and call that love.

That’s manipulation.


Twisted, sticky, icky shit.

If it’s not given freely,




why would you even want it?

You’d rather a performance than the real deal?

You’d rather have it the way your ego scripted it than the way it actually is?

You’d rather another do for you what you’re not willing to do for yourself?


People can move and exist as they wish.

You’re free to do the same.

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Human vs Being (An Essay)

Human: runs from the present / dwells on the non-existent past / fears the illusory future / perpetually resists what IS (and suffers because of it) / consistently holds back truth / avoids making the true move / believes things, others, and life need(s) to be a certain way in order to feel okay / creates and then lives within endless, baseless, utterly insane stories / denies its sovereignty / blames the world and others and pretends to be a victim / takes zero responsibility for the creation and quality of its own experience / looks out instead of in…

Being: “And you wonder why you feel like shit?”

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Diving In Unobstructed (An Essay)

The thing about being energetically erect and intact (one’s natural state), and not playing (making moves) unless and until it’s still, is that it perfectly fucks with whatever matter I’m currently holding on to.

The exact shit that’s here to be burned by the fire of ME.

It also perfectly fucks with the shit of whoever I’m playing with.

If there are any strings of attachment (hoping / waiting / needing / trying / expecting / victimizing / or whatever other bullshit that needs to go), I don’t touch it.

Because it’s an energetic turn off.

But if I feel turned on despite and because of the matter, it means that the shit is ready to get fucked up and I’m the bitch to do it.

Ultimately though, I play where it’s clear.

Where I sense no limits, no restrictions, no actual end in sight.

Just a wide open space to dive into unobstructed.

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“How Do I?” is Sourced From A Lie (An Essay)

“How do I?” is sourced from a lie.

It implies that something is wrong / lacking and clearly needs fixing.

You think you need to lose the weight / make the money / get the partner / overcome the condition (whatever the fuck) to feel / be / do / have A, B, C.

But you don’t.


Right NOW.

And do whatever you’re being called to do in each moment.

Illusory problem(s) solved.

But because you can’t handle the beauty and simplicity of being present in the moment,

or the responsibility of both listening to and honouring your innate brilliance,

or the potency of the fire that comes from being THAT close and devoted to YOU regardless of externals,

and you’re hell bent on fighting against what IS because of your idea of, and preference for, how it ‘should’ be,

you take the long and completely ineffective way around the truth and power of who you are.

Any attempt to ‘fix’ what’s inherently not a ‘problem’ in the first place, cannot be sustained because it’s both sourced from, and being overlayed with, a fallacy.

Creating an endless loop of shit that never does the trick.

You think it’s about the food / the money / the body / the babe.

But it’s only ever about you vs YOU, which shows up in all the things.


When you begin to see through it,

when you get to the place where you KNOW you’re good regardless of your size / your bank account / a relationship / your health (whatever the fuck),

and you know that YOU are bigger than (and the creator of) ALL those things,

(because THAT is the absolute fucking truth)

THEN you’re free from the energetic gridlock that’s been keeping all that shit stuck like a mutherfucker.

THEN you get to experience what’s always been on the other side of that illusory jail you’ve kept yourself in this whole time.

But until you figure that out and get to that place,

your perfectly orchestrated externals are gonna do their brilliant magic to show you that what you seek (and already are) cannot be found within any of them.

Every door ‘out there’ is gonna close until you finally open the only door that matters with the key you’ve always had.

Man, I just love how that works.

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