Human Dynamics

Dancing Around The Fire of You (An Essay)

I had a call with a hottie who was on fire until she started talking about her work.

As she spoke about it, the energy went flat.

I remained silent.

Then she stopped talking.

She asked what just happened.

She felt the shift as well.

It wasn’t what she said about her work.

It was that nothing true was coming through.

Which is why the energy of our very alive conversation died once she started speaking about it.

Moments later, she confessed that the thing she actually wants to write about publicly and express as part of her work and full being-ness, is the exact thing she feels she can’t write publicly about because of A, B, C.

The reasons don’t matter.

The fact that she’s denying herself and betraying her system of what it naturally wants to do more than anything else right now…

and the fact that she’s been withholding that expression for quite some time…

despite already knowing exactly what the first line of that extraordinary introductory piece is going to be and all that it will contain…

for fear of ‘exposing’ the truthiest truth she has ever experienced…

for fear of how others might react to said truth…

for fear of being THAT real…

and owning the full power of that truth and that level of self-expression…

is exactly why her work is flat and nothing within it is moving.


Not because she was sad.

But because she knew that her being and her work now requires her to ‘expose’ (her word; not mine) that perfect and beautiful truth she’s been trying to avoid speaking about.

The one thing she always writes and talks around.

Expressing everything but THAT.

That one thing that’s more potent and powerful than all the other things combined.

That one thing that will break open all the rest that lays dormant as she hides behind the words that say everything but THAT.

Dancing around the fire of truth for fear of getting burned.

And now, a new choice.

If she so dares.

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How To Fuck Your Shit Up (An Essay)

When you think you have a money issue, you’ll naturally focus exclusively on that.

You want to get to the ‘root’ of it.

You want to take action or steps towards ‘solving’ / ‘fixing’ what you misperceive is the problem.

A lack of money.

When in fact, the area that you actually need to play with is the spot in your life where there’s the most amount of density / matter, which might not be money at all.

It could be your health, your relationships, whatever it is for you right now.

Because energy is energy and it doesn’t distinguish between areas.

Only you do.

You think it’s about money but the matter is in your marriage, for example.

Clean that up and voila!

Illusory money issues dissolve.

Because getting unjammed where it has been the most jammed, unjams you everywhere else.

So playing with the densest matter in your own life is the illusory ticket to those perceived pesky issues you’ve got going on.

Similarly, you could be obsessively focused on losing weight (to no avail) when what you actually need to do is leave that job you’ve hated for years.

Say sayonara to your boss and the weight comes off effortlessly.

Because you fucked with the shit (matter) that’s been weighing you down the most.

The shit that’s been jamming your system forfuckingever.

And just like magic, those other spots in your life that you couldn’t quite get a handle on, just start to flow like melted butter.

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It's You Choosing; Not Them (An Essay)

If I waited for other people to want to go out when I want to go out and to want to do the kinds of things I love to do, I’d never go out and do those things and my life would be boring as fuck.

If I cared what anyone thought about what I post / think / do, I’d never share myself as freely as I do online.

If I believed that after a ‘certain age’ I should or shouldn’t (fill in the blank), I wouldn’t live as I’m meant to live.

So fuck all that made up bullshit.

My life can only ever be lived and experienced by me.

I’m fully in charge of every single moment and part of it.

Which has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else.


Same is true for you.

The people in your world can’t live your life or make your decisions and they certainly aren’t the least bit responsible for whatever the fuck you choose and experience.

That’s all on you.

You might use others to justify not living as fully and freely as you’d like,

to surrender to a sedated half-life,

but it’s you choosing that; not them.

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The Mandatory Crucible (An Essay)

If you sacrifice yourself for another,

it is not love.

If another sacrifices themselves for you,

it is not love.

But sacrificing all that is not you,

all that is not true,

is the mandatory crucible you must perpetually face

if you are to experience the purest and deepest love (un)imaginable,

both within and beyond.

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Go And They'll Follow. Or Not. (An Essay)

You can’t convince someone to go where you’ve yet to go yourself.

Plus, if you were there already, you’d have no desire to convince another of a thing in the first place.

The only reason you’re trying to convince them to go there is because you’re using them not being there as the perfect excuse / distraction for you to stay exactly where you are.

You’re literally wanting them to do the very thing you’re not even willing to do for yourself instead of you just doing the damn thing already.

If and when you actually do choose to go there (whatever that edge is for you), they’ll either join you there or they won’t.

Illusory problem solved.

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I Could Never (An Essay)

“Oh, I could never do that.”

'That' being the thing you think others couldn't handle or won't understand.

‘That’ being the thing you actually want to do, but won’t allow yourself to do, so you use the imagined response of said others as the excuse not to do it.

But you can and you must do that thing specifically if you want to ‘break free’ from the make-believe shackles that those supposed others have got you in.

The chains that you so brilliantly created,

and wrapped around yourself.

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If You're Worried About Another (An Essay)

When you stop focusing on or worrying about others (your fellow innately powerful and sovereign beings), and instead start to focus on cleaning up your shit, there’s a high fucking chance that those others will also begin to clean up their shit as well, without you even saying a word.

Even if your redirection is disruptive or confusing for them at first, if there’s a part of them that’s ready to rock and roll, they will.

Which is why those closest to you (or anyone else in your field) can experience a reduction, if not the complete dissolution, of addiction, depression, disorders, ailments, anxiety, etc (the things you keep worrying about with regards to them), because you being fully in charge of yourself provides the opportunity (energetic framing) for them to land in that same powerful energy inside themselves.

It seems like magic.

But it’s not.

In one’s purest, most natural, energetic state, none of those unsavoury things actually exist.

It’s impossible.

They’re just how one copes with not being in, and applying, one’s power.

When someone has deviated from the truth and natural movements of their being (a complete betrayal to one’s system), the only way to live with that internal split is to distract one’s self with self-created ‘issues’ that would not exist (and ultimately don’t) had they remained in their power (their natural state) in the first place.

Thus, these ‘issues’ were created and held onto for a reason.

And when that reason dissolves, POOF goes the issue.

That’s how people can ‘cure’ themselves of ABC without years of XYZ.

It’s always and only about the energy.

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The Mandy Slap (An Essay)

“Thank you for giving me a Mandy slap. It had to blow up. It had to collapse.”

I received this feedback yesterday from a hottie who had been spinning in circles forfuckingever.

Attempting to control what felt out of control for fear of what might happen if she just let go.

She said she had been doing this her whole life.

Talk about exhausting.

And talk about how much power she possesses if that much effort is required to suppress it.

When we chatted I didn’t mince my words.

Even though she was experiencing the rawest edge and pain.

A spot that most seek to soften for another.

Because it makes them uncomfortable.

Because they want to ‘help’.

Because they can’t see what’s really going on.

Because they actually believe the pain is real.

But the true being doesn’t experience pain.

The person who is out of touch with their true being, does.

(There’s more to this - for another time)

So I went right in.

To the eye of her storm.

Because I knew she was at her tipping point.

The hottest place to be.

Energetically, her system was BEGGING me to destroy that which appeared to be destroying her.

So I did.

By speaking directly to HER.

Not her.

And she collapsed on the spot.

Of course.

Then SHE began to erect.


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They Don’t Speak Your Language (An Essay)

No matter how high-quality or high-end the container is or appears to be, its very structure prevents you from accessing your own knowing.

And guaranfuckingteed the container holder hasn’t fully accessed theirs either (or they’d be done with containers themselves), so how on earth can they take you to where they haven’t dared to go themselves?

It’s impossible.

They don’t even speak that language.

The language you speak but have yet to have spoken to you.

You’ll never access the full depths of yourself while being coddled away from who that is.

There’s another way.

An easier way.

And it’s a helluva lot more fun.

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Adept At Sourcing From Within (An Essay)

It’s amusing to me now to think of who and what I used to go to for answers.

Plenty of people.

Plenty of books.

Plenty of tools that left me out of my own equation.

People and things who couldn’t possibly take me to where I actually needed to go (to the edge and depths of myself), yet their inevitable inability to do so was perfect.

Because I eventually got tired of outsourcing.

And became adept at sourcing from within.

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This Is Why You Suffer (An Essay)

When you surrender (hand your power over to something or someone else / settle for less than the absolute truth of you), you create suffering for yourself in some way, shape or form.

You’re not here to hand over even an ounce of yourself.

To any person.

To any thing.

At any time.

You’re not here to say YES to a NO.

To compromise.

To over-reach.

To shrink.

You’re here to be YOU,


With all the magic that this brings.

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